LIES - Chapter 27

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(Jack Gilinsky POV)

It's been two weeks.

Two weeks sense I've seen my blue eyed baby boy.

Two weeks sense I've been able to hold him. To kiss him. To touch him.

We've tryed everything. It was all over the news. In newspapers. On social media.

All over twitter and instagram and vine.

No one has seen anything to even hint towards where he could be at.

No one's gotten any phone calls, or texts.

All the guys have tryed helping. 

Nate and Sam are out here with me at me and Jacks house along with Gaven.

Gaven has been helping me when ever I lash out or have a break down. He's just one of those friends.

Nate and Sam have been doing the same thing.

My phone ringing takes me out of my thoughts.


"Hi Jack, It's mom." I hear my mom say into the phone.

I've even had her and my dad help to see if mabye he went back to Omaha.

"I was just calling you to see how your doing. Are you well?" She asks. I love her she worry's about my well being even though everything around us is hectic.

I smile slighlty and respond, "Yes mom I'm fine, just *sighs* stressed."

"Well relax a little, sit down, make yourself some tea. Somethig to relax your nerves for a minute or two okay? " She says.

"Yes mom, I love you."

"I love you too hunny."

She then hangs up and I put down my phone.

I let out a shaky breathe and go in the kitchen getting a bottle of water.

Then go and sit next to  Gaven on the couhc. Nate and Sam where out with a group of our friends searching around.

I lay my head on his shoulder and he puts his arm around my waist rubbing my side.

It relax's me and I slightly close my eyes, To only be reminded of what's happened. A few tears slip and fall onto his shirt.

"Shh Jack it'll be alright." He says rubbbing my side again.

"B-but what if they don't find him or what if he-he's de-dea-"

He instantly breaks me off, " Don't think like that. We'll find him." He says in a soft tone.

I just sob into his chestas he wraps both of his arms around me.

I calm down a little, but that thought is still in the back of my head. I don't think It'll ever disapear.


[Jack Johnson POV]

I can't see anything and it's really qiuet. I can hear the wind stirring around leaves.

I think I might be in the woods. I can't tell. But I'm not strapped down to anything, But I think it might be a cabin. I stand and walk over to the window.

I look out and see tree's lots of them, being lit up by the moonlight.

The cabbin is small, soon enough my eyes adjust to the darkness and I can somewhat see around.

It's only got a twin sized bed and it looks really old and worn in here.

I feel along the walls and find a door nob. I twist it and It opens. I instantly close it.

Now that I know that I can get out I need to waite until there's daylight because who knows what outs there that could kill me.

I go back over to the bed and lay down on the bed and blankly stare up at the ceiling. My mind wondering to thoughts of Jack.

He must be worried sick. And just waite untill he finds out that Gaven was behind it all.

He probably wont beleive me. 

He must be worried sick. I hope so. It'd be pretty cold hearted of him not to right? hahahha cold hearted get it? Like our song. haha.

gosh, I can't focus can I?

Soon I see sunlight peer thru the window and I jump up and look around the now lit room.

There's nothing really important in here that I would need. I glance down on the ground and theres a knife Gaven must have left here. I grab it and run.

-skips two weeks to present time-

It's been two weeks. In the middle of the woods.

I've drank water from streams and Killed small animals to eat for food. I make tiny shelters from branches and little fires to cook on.

I have not stopped. I only stop to camp out for the night.

Other then that I keep going and going and going.

I'm currently still stuck in there.

My clothes look horrible. just very dirty and kind of worn.

I walk thru the forrest and almost trip over a log.

I continue walking and see a hill. I run towards it and climb up it.

there's a street and I start crying. It's been so long sense I've seen anything even connected to outside life.

The thing that's been keeping me going is the thought of Jack.

I climb over this railing  to keep cars from going of the side of the road and walk down the tiny road.

I've been walking for two hours now. This 'street' has little to no traffic on it.

I come around a corner and there's a sign that says- ' Welcome to Oregon.'

and then I go to the other side of it and it says - 'Welcome to Whashinton'

At least he left me somewhat close to California. And not in like Mexico or something.


Heeeeey, This might be kind of a sucky chapter. I'm sorry there should be better ones soon because Now I'm finally on spring break.

Love ya, 


LIES // JolinskyWhere stories live. Discover now