LIES - Chapter 19

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Jack Johnson POV

I read the tweet over and over and over again. Tears falling down my cheecks as I whisper ' Why?'.

Jack takes my phone and I put my face in my hands. And continue crying. 

He gasps and slams his head on the wheel in frustration.

"Why the fuck would she do something like that? I thought she was our friend." 

He says his voice cracking , looking down at my phone once again. 

"She was NEVER my friend Jack. She was always trying to take you away from me. she's not a friend she's an enemie." I whisper the last part , not wanting him to hear because I know how they where friends.

"I'm sorry baby, I never realised." He said handing my phone back to me.

" Can we go home? Please?"  I ask with tear filled eyes.

"Of course babe." He says kissing my forehead and starting the car. 

Once we get home I look at the tweet and it has over 8k retweets.

Now is a better time then ever to come out to the fans. I mean she kind of messed it up for us.

Once we get to the house , I run up to our room and grab the camera and Tri-pod.

I set it up infront of the end of the bed and get out the new filming lights we got from Nash.

"Jack?" I call for him from upstairs.

"Yeah babe?" He asks coming up the stairs and into our room.

"Ready to do this?" I ask smiling at him.

"Yes." He says letting out a breathe.

We sit down in front of the camera and I press 'record' button on the camera. 

"Hello everyone-" I introduce. 

"it is Jack and Jack" He finishes my sentance and smiles.

"I'm sorry for my puffy and red eyes. I've been very upset today. And you guys may know why." I say my voice cracking at the end.

"Earlyer today , A girl named Madison Beer snapped a picture of me and JJ kissing." Jack says looking at me.

"And it may come to a shock to many of you that , for one we are gay. And that's not something I want to be afraid of. And if we lose fans because of this, then oh well. Because if you where really our fans, then you would stick around. even if we like the same gender. It  shouldn't be a big problem."

I say letting out a shaky breathe. 

"So all we're asking of you guys is that , You love us no matter what. And support our sexuality and relationship." Jack says grabbing my hand in his.

i look up at him and smile.

" And obviously , Jolinsky is real!" I shout giggling.

"Hehe yeah it is." Jack says in a soft voice and leaning down and pecking my lips.

"We love you guys , And hope that you understand. "

"Goodbye!!" We shout and I turn of the camera.

"Well , now I have to edit it." I say grabbing the SD card from the camera and putting it in my laptop.

I edit the video and finish in about a hour and a half.

I pick the Thumbnail and put the Title as - Coming out.

LIES // JolinskyWhere stories live. Discover now