LIES - Chapter 21

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Jack johnson POV

I look up when I notice headlights in my eyes. And see Cameron running over to me. I stand up and hug him tight not letting go for one second. He does the same back and we just stand there as he lets me sob into his jacket. He pulls away and asks me if Im ready to go. 

"You can explain what happened when you're ready alright?" He asks looking me in the eye.

I nod in agreement and he leads me to the car. 

The car ride only lasts about 10 minutes and We arrive at the apartment complex. I get out getting my duffle bag and walking with Cam up to the apartment.

He opens the door walking in me close behind.

I see Nash pacing around the kitchen and when he sees that I'm inside he runs up to me and hugs me. 

"Are you alright Jack? Cam just bolted out of the door after telling me he had to go get you." He explains to me as he pulls away from the hug.

"I-I geuss so." Oh who am I kidding? The love of my life has been lieing to me for 3 months now. god damn , No I'm not alright.

"Okay , well go put your stuff away then come back in the living room and tell us what happened okay?" Nash tells me as we walk towards the hallway.

I nod and go to the geust room and unpack  my stuff into the dresser. I plug my phone in and set it down on the bedside table. 

I walk into the living room and sit on the couch inbetween Nash and Cam.

I let out a breathe and start explaining.

"So Jack told me that he was out going to get us smoothies. He left and it was getting late and I was wondering what was taking so long, So to pass time I go on twitter and I-I see J-Jack And M-Madison!" I start crying and put my head in my hands. Cam puts his arm around me and tells me to go on.

"S-so after that he comes home and tells me she wanted to apologise. she did to him and she wanted to do it to me too. Good so far right? No. After she apologises and Jack is about to take her home she says she wants to talk to me for a second"

I pause to take a breathe and I continue. 

"She says that this whole time Jack has been lieing to me and that I'm pathetic and Jack just feels bad for me. A-and honestly? I believe it. I am pathetic." I say getting mad at myself for ever believing that prick actually loved me.

"You're not pathetic Jack. He doesn't deserve someone as great and beautifull as you are." Nash says rubbing the small of my back.

"It's gonna be alright, don't worry Jacky." Cam trys to calm me down.

"O-okay" I try to regulate my breathing again and it's working.

After us catching up and watching T.v , I go to my room.

I change into some basketball shorts and take off my shirt. I plop down on my bed and stare at the ceilling.

Why would he do something like this? He loved me and I loved him. Or so I thought. 

I wish I could have known. Save my self from all the pain. I just don't understand what goes thru his mind sometimes. I used to know him. He was always so caring and passionate. That's what I loved about him. 

I turn on my side and go on my phone. I see a text from Jack.

'From: Mr.eyebrows : I'm not sorry.'

Wow. Heartless much? 

I sit there thinking and replaying all that's been happening over and over and over and over again.

You're worthless Jack. Just accept it.

No. I''m not stop saying that!

Yes you are. Stop denying it. You're so ugly. Why are you even here?

ya I know I'm ugly. I don't know why I'm here. I have no purpose.

You're correct.

Jack Gilisnky POV 

I love Jack. I always will.But I can't. She won't let me.

When I got to her house I walked her to the door and hugged her before I got back to the car she yelled.

"Jack!"I turned around walking  back to the door.

"Yeah?" I ask smiling.

"Don't talk to him ever again hehe. Got it?"

I was taken aback at first.

"W-what do you mean?" I ask her tears forming in my eyes.

"Jack. Never talk to him again. He's not good enough for you. And if you disobey me....." She gets this evil little fucking smirk and I cringe at the sight.

"Your precious little "Blue eyed baby boy" is gonna get it. Got it?"

She asks putting air quotes around 'blue eyed baby boy'.

"I-I geuss so." I start walking away then she grabs my arm.

"Oh, one morething. We're dating now."

"WHAT!?" I scream at her.

"Yep. From now on we're girlfriend and boyfriend. " 

I pull away and run to my Jeep and get in speeding back to me and JJ house. 

I run throught the door and search high and low. 

"JJ WHERE ARE YOU!?" I scream tears streaming down my face.

(A/N Omfg I'm having major feels right now this is sad)

I go through the living room the bathrooms our room. the geust room and I find nothing.

I go into the dining room and see a note.

I read it over like fifty million times.

Why? Where is he? I know I can't talk to him but I just want some reassurance.

So I call Nash and ask him if he's seen him or heard from him.

"Nash!" I exclaim into the phone.


"Have you seen JJ- I mean Jack?"

"Yes he's over here. Why the fuck do you care? He doesn't want to hear from you. " He says and the line goes dead.

I scream out different profanitys.

I go up to our room and take a shower. When I get out I put on some sweats and lay down in bed. It feels different. There's something missing. My baby boy is missing.

I wish I could hold him. I want to craddle him in my arms. I want to kiss his head and everywhere else for that matter.

I fall asleep nightmares of what could hapen to my blue eyed baby boy fallowing close behind.

Madison Beer POV ( Eww)

Yeah , I know I'm a selfish bitch. But you have to do what you gotta do.

I'm doing this for publicity. And I like Jack to. But more for the publicity. I need my music to get out there. So to help I get a internet sensation to date me. Problem solved.


Eww Madison.

I hope you liked it. My mom grounded me from all social media for a week. Which sucks booty. But I'll get over it I geuss.

I hope you liked it If you did then give it a vote. And tell me what you think in the comments.

I love y'all!

(P.s You should buy never be alone on itunes. It's really fuckin good.)

LIES // JolinskyWhere stories live. Discover now