LIES - Chapter 30

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[ Jack Johndon POV ]

My legs feel numb. I can't move. I can't believe he would do something like this.

Cheating on me, again.

I thought he changed.

My brain refuses to work. My mouth will move but no words would come out.

My stomach twists up in knots and I feel like I cant' breathe. My mind feels fuzzy and I might pass out.

He's staring at me with his mouth wide open, and so is Gaven.

I am as well.

"J-Jack." He stutters out a tear streaming down his face.

[Jack Gilinsky POV]

I can't fathom what's even happening. My baby is back.

I never thought I would ever see him again.

"J-Jack" I stutter tears streaming down my face.

I can't believe he's alive.

I slowly stand up, no-one dare saying a word.

But before I can get to him he runs out the door.

"Jack!" I scream running outside and chasing him dowb the street.

We run down my street then he tyrns me following him.

"Jack baby please!" I yell at him running down the middle of the street.

He just keep's going and I feel like my legs are about to give out.

"Jack baby please!" I scream to him. 

He still doesn't give up.

I'm praying he'll just stop so I can talk to him.

"Jack!" I yell as he try's to cross a street and nearly get's hit by a car making my heart sink.

I run up to him because he had stumbled ack.

"Jack?" I say almost inaudible.

He turns around and see's me, and glares at me with a disgusted face.

"Baby?" He looks like he's gonna vomit.

I reach my hand up and try to touch his hand but he flinches away, " No." HE croaks out as a tear come's down his face.

"W-what?" I askh him.

"I s-said no." He mumbles, I can feel my heart breaking at every word.

"Baby, I-I thought you where dead." I whisper.

He chuckles darkly, "You know, today I realised that I don't matter to you-"

"Baby you do matter to me I-"

"And it hurts."

He looks up at me with those big blue eye's that I haven't seen in so long and their beautifull.

And filled with tears falling down his pale skin.

"I try to speak and nothing comes out making me feel weak.

He then steps close to me leaning up and kissing a tear , and then lays a soft and gentle kiss on my lips.

He then puts his arms around my neck and hugs me I hug back hesitatnly. He pulls away and I whimper the slightest.

"You know, your little 'boyfriend' was the cause of all of this." He look's up at me smirking.

"He-he" I stutter and he say's somehthing taking me off gaurd, " I'm gonna go home." He says with a slight smile.

"What?" I ask in disbeleif.

"Yes. I'm going home, come one." He says smiling and intertwining our fingers.

We walk back home and it's silent the whole time.

We get there and I open the door to see Gaven pacing around the room.

"Gaven?" I ask.

"Jack!" He yells and runs up to me and right before he get's to me Jack come's from behind me and slugs him in the nose.

"What in the fuck!?" Jack screeches.

"YOU THINK YOU CAN DO SOMETHING LIKE THIS AND GET AWAY WITH IT?" He yells and kicks him in the side, I cringe slightly that's definetly gonna hurt.

"Jack stop." I say walking over to him and he pushes me away.

"No! you know what he put me through? He kidnaps me and takes me to Washington and then leaves me there! I walked alll the way back Jack! The whole fricken way!" He yells kicking Gaven in the face.

Gaven stumbles up and stands holding his nose which might be broken.

He then lunges at Jack taking him offf gaurs. Before I get the chance I see Gaven pull out a pocket knife and before I can do anything He stabs him.

I look at Jack and it feels like it happened in slow motion how Jack fell to the ground and blood stainging his filthy shirt.

I scream and call 911 GAven try's to run but before he can get anywhere the cops and an ambulance show up.

They get Jack and put him on a strecher. and put him in the back of an ambulance.

I get in as well and sit next to him and hold his hand sqiusing it ever so often as paramedics take care of him until we get to the hospital.

They run inside with him me trying to keep up. And once they go through this door a women stops me and tells me I have to wait.

I go to the waitng room and call Cam and Nash and text our familys and friends.

I hope my baby boy is okay.


This might not be to good cause It's not edited. Sorry.

wanna hear a joke though?

Me: Hey Madison wanna hear a joke?

Madison: Sure..

Me: Hayes dick.

Madison: I don't get it...

Me: And you never will!


anyways, comment what you think so far,

Love ya, 


LIES // JolinskyWhere stories live. Discover now