LIES - chapter 13

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Jack Johnson POV

About three hours later the doctor told me I could see him. And sense his parents weren't there He told me what happened.

He said he was in a coma. I couldn't hold back the tears. With every word the doctor said a tear fell down my face.

They had no idea when he would wake up. So now , I've been here It's only been 4 days. but I'm still in shock . 

I sat there beside his bed holding his hand in mine. The flash backs of what happened keep flashing in my head and it's the worst pain I've ever felt. Seeing my love , beeing beaten to a pulp practically was the worst thing that could hapen. 

I look at his hair. It's not even styled. I giggle as  I could see him complaining if his hair didn't look ok.

I try and be strong for him. I really do. But I just can't it's so hard.


It's been 3 weeks you know. I never thought I would miss seeing your eyes so much but I do. I really do. 

I've stayed here. Almost every single day you've been in the hospital. Frequantlly the guys would come over and bring you flowers and check to see if anything has happened yet. Nothing. That's all that happens. Nothing. 

I whish there was something. I love you jack. I love you so much it's literally tearing me appart. 

I look at you and all I can remember is when we had those good times. when we where kids how we would play all the time. or when we where 15 and it was the first time we snuck out and got grounded for 2 months.

They might give up. The doctors don't see alot of improveing. But I still have hope. I will as long as your alive.

You're parents visit a couple times a week. 

They tell me I can come home whenever I want but I never do. 

The fans have become worried. They love you. And some love me too. But they need you to.

We all love you.

~ Jack Edward Johnson

I sign the note and put it on his bed side table. I have never  wrote anyone a note like this so it's probably not good.

I look up at him and I start crying. I don't like to see him like this. No one does.

I was laying on his bed with him and my head was on his chest.

I could see my tears on his chest. I look up once more and almost pee my self.

"JACK!?" I scream and jump off the bed. He looked really confused and started looking around the room.

His eyes were open. HIS.EYES.WHERE. OPEN.

"Nurse! Nurse!" I yell down the hallway and someone comes running towards the room. She looks in and sees him awake and runs to get the doctor.

The doctor runs in and gasps.

"Jack! How are you? can you speak.

The doctor says and walks over and sits next to him.

"Y-yes." he says looking nervous.

"we're going to run a memory test on you alright?" The doctor asks. "Ye-yeah sure."

"now can you tell me who this is?" The doctor asks pointing to me making me go red in the cheeks.

"I-I'm sorry. I don't remember you." 


A/N So what do ya think? Good? No? k.

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~ Meghan<3

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