LIES - Chapter 24

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( 's POV)

I love him. I have for a couple years now.I've known him sense the Magcon days. Even before that. Well knew of him. Never really met him before. Just a normal fan behind my computer screen. Like the most of you. But I am more skilled then most.

Who am I you may ask? Oh, You'll find out soon. 

I'm Jack Gilinskys biggest fan. Not Johnsons. Johnson is just gross. Revolting. He should just be dead by now. No one would care anyways.

Except for JackG. I only care about Gilinsky. I've been trying to get to him. I've failed, but that didn't stop me from trying. I've always tryed.

I'm going to try to seerate them. How? That's for me to know and for you to find out. I won't do anything horrible. 

It's quite simple really.

All you have to do is eliminate the problem.

Which is exactly what I'm planning to do. And no one can get in my way. 

No matter what.....


( Jack Gilinsy POV)

I left our house this morning to go get JJ something for our 6 month anniversary. We were going out tonight. I want to get him something speacial, but I don't know what exactly.

So I'm getting him a new watch. I know he loves watches.

I drive into the city and go to the mall.

I pull into a parking spot and get out. As I walk into the mall I emidiatly smeel the food court.

Okay Jack, stay focused. 

I head to the elevator and press the up button. The mall has like 5 floors so I had to take a elevator to get to the jewelary store on the top floor

I notice someone else in there as well and I smile at him and he smiles back saying, " Hi, Are ou uh, Jack? Jack Gilinsky" He asks kind of sheepishly.

"Why yes I am."

"I'm sorry it's just I'm such a big fan of you and Johnson. I love you guys." He says putting his hand out to shake my hand. I oblige and shake it.

"Well thank you for being a fan. And supporting us. "

"It's not a big deal really. I love y'all so much." He says smiling He's actually kind of cute.

He has this layed back and chill vibe to him and he has qiuffed hair wearing black skinnys and navy blue sweater. 

But no one can be better then my JJ. No one at all.

"Whats your name again?" I ask. very curious.

"I'm Gaven.Gaven smith." 

Then I hear/feel the elevator come to a jerking halt.

"Oh shit!" I mutter under my breath looking around.

"What happened?" He asks panicing. 

"The elevator stoped it's okay." I say putting a hand on his shoulder.

" I-I can't br-breathe." He says holding onto his heart and taking i shar breathes.

"Shh it's okay. Everything will be okay." I say as he slides down the side of the elevator walls and sits on the ground. I sit with him and rub his back soothingly. trying to get him to calm down.

"I-I can't stand sm-small sa-spaces." He says trying to get his breathing under control.

"I know. I know. Everything will be alright." I say embracing him in a hug.

LIES // JolinskyWhere stories live. Discover now