17- Mistakes

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When you awoke, the first thing you noticed was the pounding in your head and the queasy feeling in your stomach. The second was that somebody else was in your bed. You forced your heavy eyelids open and rolled over to see who it was. A mess of black hair half-hid their face, their bulky, large form was holding yours, one arm wrapped around your middle and holding you to them. You registered almost at once who it was and froze, not wanting to wake them. Kylo Ren was in your bed snuggled up to you like a common lover. You held his arm with both of your hands, feeling how warm his skin was to the touch. As you tried to lift the arm off of you so you could escape, you heard him grumble something in his sleep. Your heart was racing, and the temporary adrenaline was enough to drag your attention away from your hangover for just long enough to escape his tight hold. You slipped out of bed and into the shower, trying to not to throw up under the spray. 

What was Kylo Ren doing in your bed? You remembered most of the night, even the walk home to the hotel, but everything after that was too foggy to make out. Your exhaustion must be making it hard to remember, you thought, scrubbing yourself clean. Did you let him in your bed? You must have, otherwise he'd be sleeping on his side of your room. Not that you minded all that much, he did feel warm against you, and his large build made you feel safe in his arms. But this was wrong, you knew that. You weren't on some retreat, this was a mission to find your own people. Kylo should know that as well, what ever was he thinking, holding you like that? Like he cared about you- like he loved you.

Kylo jumped out of bed the second his eyes opened. You weren't in the bed with him, but your scent lingered on the pillows and he could still feel your body heat. The memories came back to him, his desperation to be close to you, even though it pained him. You must've woke up first, which wasn't his plan. He stood in the room, running his hands through his hair and wiping the sleep from his eyes. Hopefully you wouldn't tell anyone about this, about what he had done. He sat on the edge of his own bed, waiting for the running of the shower water to stop. When you came out, he would apologise for his actions. It wasn't right, what he did, and it didn't mean anything. 

"Commander?" You called out, "Commander are you awake?" You emerged from the bathroom wrapped in a towel, not expecting Kylo to be sat there staring at you.
"Y/N, about last night-"
"Did you not hear me? I did say your name"
"Listen to me, what I did last night, it was a mistake. Please don't think I'm always like this, it won't happen again."
"Oh- I see. Thank you." You caught his eyes, they were dark with sleep and there was a sense of longing in them. When Kylo met your gaze, he wasn't looking at you, he was looking at what you could be. "Can I- Can I get my clothes now?"
Kylo look startled, but then nodded, leaving you to take his own shower while you changed. You looked at the dent he left in your bed and wondered if it really was just a mistake. 

The outfit of the day was enough chic, expensive dress. It was red, with a similar low cut and a slit up the legs. But this one was different, it flowed and shimmered when it moved, like water all over your body. When you walked, you felt more like you were floating, the dress carrying you along. Whoever designed the clothes for the First Order was especially talented. Did they make this just for you? You spun around in it, bare foot as you twirled around and around. You felt silly, spinning in a dress, like a child playing dress up. This was your life now, rich, luxurious clothing and a lifestyle to go with it. You laughed to yourself at how silly it was, when you spotted Kylo looking at you from the doorway.
"I thought you would like that one, I personally approved it." He was dressed in the same plain black clothing. 
"Aren't you going to wear something more- I don't know, lavish?"
"I wouldn't want to take any eyes off you, little one, it's you that we want people to notice." It was almost a compliment, but you didn't know whether to thank him or not. Instead you slipped on your shoes and let Kylo lead you by the arm out of the room.

On the streets, it was bright and beautiful. You had only seen Canto Bight during the dark hours, and you had thought that maybe the city was more reserved during the day, but you quickly learned it wasn't. The people never seemed to stop partying, did the not feel rocky like you? You mentioned you headache to Kylo, who took you to a small shop on the corner of one street. It was a chemists, selling everything someone in a city such as this one could need. Kylo found a box of something on one shelf and paid for it, as you marvelled at all the silly cures and remedies the shop sold. There were even pills that prevented the feeling of drunkenness, but Kylo didn't show any intention of purchasing them. The people of Canto Bight had everything, medicines much more evolved than stuff on Earth. When Kylo handed you a pill to swallow, you took it and placed it on your tongue. It tasted like oranges and melted almost instantly before you could even attempt to swallow it whole.
"Don't worry," Kylo said, "It's supposed to do that."

As the slight breeze blew your dress this way and that, you felt the headache start to fade, you thanked Kylo and hurried on ahead, now much more eager to look around. Other people brushed past you, arms full of shopping bags and still dressed in suits and luscious dresses like your own. However, you still caught the eye of many as you investigated every street and alley of the city. In the sun, you could see through the windows of the stores, see the engravings on the walls, you could make out the signs that were planted at every turn, leading you to the best bars, clubs and casinos. You thought at first that it was your dress that caught peoples' eyes, but then you turned around and saw the dangerous glare that Kylo shot at every citizen who even glanced at you. He was extremely protective over you, keeping a short distance away, but still close enough to show that you were his. 

It wasn't like you disliked the idea, in fact you were flattered that Kylo cared this much about you, you even slowed down so he could walk by your side. People started to avoid you when you walked by, not wanting to give the commander the wrong message. If he thought they were trying to do anything to you, he wouldn't hesitate to sort them out right in the middle of a busy street. You looped your arm around his and looked up at him, 
"Where are we going, commander?"
"I thought we might have something to eat, and then we can look around some more." He took the lead, taking you down a less populated street and opening the door to a quiet, almost empty restaurant.

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