10- Room service

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Kylo couldn't help it. Looking at you sleeping on the new bed he had brought for you was just a little too much... It was off, the way he stood there and watched you, still and silent and uncertain. He hated being uncertain, and nothing made him more unsure than you did. You were too complex for him, too much for him to wrap his mind around. You made him feel like he was treading on egg-shells, circling you, too scared to go in and really dig into you psyche.

He spent a few moments trying to understand you until it made his head hurt. He wanted to see you with his own eyes, half-expecting to see something completely different when he took off his helmet and tucked it under his arm. You looked completely the same, but it felt so raw, so natural to be looking at you like this. He muttered to himself, liking the way his voice sounded without his vocoder, imagining that you were listening to him- even if he knew that you weren't.

Eventually, he left your cell and went back to his own quarters, putting his mask back on before removing it again in the safety of his room. Truth be told, he knew he didn't need to wear it, but he felt less like him without it. That mask was his security, without it he felt lost, too much like his former self. He set the mask down on his desk, sitting down and studying the list Hux had written.

Kylo furrowed his brow, things like these were not his speciality and it didn't seem to be Hux's either. He hunched over his desk, brushing his hair out of his face and trying to comprehend what he was supposed to do. The list read as follows,

The plan

- Give the girl a room of her own

-Let her out more

-Take her on trips

-Phasma says that girls like flowers?

Kylo ripped the paper in two, leaving it on his desk and standing up. This had to be a joke. Flowers? Trips? Rubbing his face, Kylo tried to wake up from whatever surreal nightmare he was having. He was not prepared for this, nothing could prepare for this. He decided to at least go along with it, even if he disagreed. He fasten his mask back on his head and left to go arrange your new room, glaring at Hux beneath the mask when they passed each other in the hall.


Your new bed wasn't any comfier than your old one, but that didn't surprise you. You got up and saw General Hux stood there, the door open and two stormtroopers were waiting outside. You groaned,

"Where are you dragging me to now?"

"They're not going to drag you anywhere, come on."

You complied, nervously approaching the troopers and flinching when one got too close.

"Don't touch her, she'll come on her own."

They let you, and you were relieved, following Hux who silently led you deeper into the ship. The doors became less and less frequent, indicating that the rooms were getting bigger. The troopers walked either side of you, ever so gently nudging you when you turned a corner or you happened to wander sideways. It was a silent reminder that you were in fact their prisoner, even if something inside you thought different, hoping, praying that Kylo had seen sense and you were being led to a way off this ship and back home.

That isn't what you saw, however, but you weren't exactly disappointed. You knew better than to believe he would let you go, but that doesn't mean you weren't happy with what you saw.

A room.

Your own room.

You gasped when you stepped through the door, instantly running in and pouring over every surface. It was beautiful, sleek, black with the slightest hints of red in the decor. The First Order was still very much present, in the very atmosphere, looming over you as you left the living area to check out the bedroom and bathroom- which Hux called the 'refresher'. You could almost forget about that, the evil and darkness that almost suffocated you in your cell, because the luxury and glamour of the room smothered it ten-folds.

Taking a final sweep of your new room, you looked back at Hux, half expecting him to laugh darkly and reveal the whole thing as some cruel joke. But he didn't, instead he smiled and nodded to confirm your thoughts,

"It's all yours, courtesy of the commander himself,"

"Kylo did this?" You almost don't believe it, glancing at the brilliant bouquet of red and black lilies on the kitchen counter.

"He thought you would like it." Hux paused, uncertain, "You do like it, don't you?"

"Like it? It's beautiful!" You couldn't contain your excitement, you were never one for expensive things, but after so long in a cell you could've cried. "Tell Kylo I said thank you."

There was silence for a moment before somebody else joined you,

"Why don't you tell me yourself?" Kylo had entered the room, a shadow of menacing black that almost muddied the environment.

You took no notice of that though, and instead you ran up to him and wrapped your arms around his large torso.

Kylo froze, tensed, then relaxed and reciprocated your hug with a few gentle pats on the head.

He felt warm, and comfortable beneath the layers of fabric. So human and alive. You pulled away almost regretfully and looked up at him,

"Thank you."

"Do you like the flowers?" He ignores you, awkwardly shifting his weight from one foot to the other,

"They're lovely,"

"I thought maybe I should start treating you with some dignity- you've earned it."

You nodded, turning around and sitting down on the soft plush sofa, sprawling out into the most comfortable position you could. It was so foreign, this comfort, this softness. The medical room beds were like glass compared to this.

"If you continue to behave, I have another surprise prepared for you," Kylo stepped closer, you could feel the strain in his voice, but you didn't know what he was trying to do- or prevent himself from doing, "You will behave, won't you?"

"Yes Kylo," You looked up at him, for a moment you me this eyes through his visor, but you didn't know that,

"From now on, it's commander to you."

"Yes commander." 

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