01- So many questions

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As you sat on your bed, staring out of the window, you sighed. There was so much out there, stars upon stars, each unique and bursting with life. Your science teacher had once said that we were all formed of stardust, which you believed, but were reluctant to accept. You were not formed of the same thing as the stars, you were not made of light- not really. Perhaps you had the same starting point, but you (and most humans for that matter) had diverted to a different strand of existence long ago.

There was something comforting about being made of stardust though, it made you feel connected to the great wonders out there, a place farther than you could ever go. All unexplored and beautiful- at least you hoped it was beautiful. It had to be, bursting and exploding and imploding with each second you looked upon it; it was constantly changing while you looked on, unmoving.

When you were younger, you had wanted to be an astronaut, but when you discovered you couldn't actually travel much further than the moon, you gave up. The moon had been seen before, you wanted bigger, further, to see each crevice and hidden spot in the universe. The moon was a small grey rock circling the Earth, it was not worth seeing.

You weren't sure if aliens did exist, though you supposed they must. Being the only intelligent life form seemed cruel, and unfair. All this space and you were the only ones to occupy it. There had to be aliens, green and ugly like the films showed them to be. Slimy and slick with extraterrestrial gunk as they emerged from flying saucers to conquer Earth. They were welcome to try, you thought, amused by the idea.


When you slept, dreaming vaguely of space, something unthinkable happened. Not entirely unthinkable, because if it was, then it wouldn't happen because nobody would think of doing it. It was unthinkable in your mind, something you wouldn't believe unless your saw it with your own eyes.

Way above, hovering in space was a ship. Large, menacing and flying just high enough so as not to be spotted. It was called the Finalizer, and it was occupied by the most feared aliens of them all, though nobody on Earth knew of their existence.

Two noteworthy figures on this ship were General Hux and Kylo Ren, the commander of the Finalizer. They were in the viewing deck at the front of the ship, looking down on the planet they had stumbled upon,

"It's occupied sir, by an intelligent species and plenty of animals." One officer spoke.

Kylo Ren placed his two large, gloved hands on the command panel and leaned forward, staring down at the planet,

"It's mostly water?" He asked through the voice modifier in his mask

"Yes sir, but there is life pretty much everywhere."

"What technology do they have?" Asked the General,

"Basic compared to us, sir, from what we know they are yet to visit any of the other planets in their solar system."

This was unheard of for such a well developed planet.

"It's a little out of the way," said the General, "are you sure you want to go there, Ren?"

"I want to see for myself, land somewhere where we won't be spotted." Kylo Ren's command was met with no objections.


You were taking a walk through the woods when you saw it. It was a quiet sort of day, and you were hesitant to do much else but walk. The leaves were the perfect amount of crunchy underfoot, and the morning dew was yet to properly fade, though the fog had risen. You were alone, as you usually were, and yet you were not afraid. You knew the woods well, and you trusted yourself not to get lost as you followed the well-walked path that wound and turned through the maze of trees.

Maybe you had taken something, maybe you were ill, but either way you definitely saw it. Deciding to venture away from the path, you followed a deer-trail through a thicker part of the woods. This way was more difficult to follow, as the tracks would split off of fade as the animals walked through shrubbery you couldn't go through. The ground became less even, and you were too busy watching where you were stepping that you didn't see it, not until it was right in front of you...

...the ship...

When you lifted your eyes from the ground, you gasped, only to cover your mouth to prevent the sound echoing through the trees. It was terrifying, really, and you stumbled backwards, twisting your ankle on a tree-root. Before you could cry out, you stopped yourself and silently hid behind a tree. It  probably wasn't big enough to hide you completely, but you weren't thinking straight. What was that thing?

You watched as figures- people?- wandered out, carrying crates and boxes. They placed them down, talking to each other as they did so. They were all dressed the same, white plates, supposedly armour. You felt your hands tremble as you noticed the guns hanging from their waists. At least, you presumed they were guns. What should you do? You ankle was throbbing in pain and you could barely stand on it without wincing- what if you had to run?

So many questions, but you weren't keen on sticking around to find the answers. Slowly, you started limping away, silently cursing at the pain in your ankle as you did so. A little further and you could go back on the path and pretend you never saw anything. A little further-

"Hey, you! Stop!"

You turned, one of them was pointing at you, their other hand was reaching for their gun. You stopped, holding your hands up in surrender, a part of you wondering how they spoke English so well.

Three of them ran up to you, one keeping  their gun aimed at you as they spoke,

"A local, what should we do with her?" One asked, still speaking English.

"Take her in, I suppose." Another replied, the one with the gun remained silent.

"As a hostage?"

"She might be useful,"

"He'll want to see her."

"Well, let's hurry then, before we get in trouble."

The one with the gun nodded, and the other two suddenly grabbed you. One kept your hands pinned behind your back, the other gripping your shoulder until it hurt. You limped as you were walked towards the ship, the armed one keeping behind you.

You wanted to cry out, to fight back, but you felt powerless compared to the strange masked people. They felt inhuman- and of course they were- but in a sense that you couldn't put into words. Like they were human, just stripped of something inside; something separated you from them, but you didn't know what.

"Hurry up men," One called from inside the ship as you approached the ramp, "What have you got there?"

"A local, found her spying," The one clutching your shoulder replied.

"Very well, take her to Kylo Ren."

Do You Believe In Aliens? [Kylo Ren x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now