28- The humming

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"The Force?" You asked. The bag weighed you down on one side, and the uneven ground made you hesitate with each step.

"I don't teach many, I never was as good as my brother." The General stopped. You looked up from the path you walking along as gasped. In the jungle was a clearing, the bushes stopped and gave way to a small meadow of grass. The air smelt sweet, and lilac flowers wavered in the breeze. Near the outskirts, a stream splashed along, clear water brushing over copper-coloured rocks. You set down the bag and watched as the General stepped into the middle of the clearing. Smiling, she removed her outer layer, letting it pool by her feet.

"Why me?" You asked, "Why show me of all people? I'm not a fighter, I couldn't even learn from the captain back on the Finalizer-"

"Shh, don't worry about that. Listen, do you hear it?"

"Hear what?"

"Listen." She pressed a hand to her heart, "And you'll hear it."

So you did. You closed your eyes and cleared your mind. The air was cool, not humid like it was in the jungle. You could hear a distant birdsong, the water as is went along, even the whistling of a breeze in the trees. But beneath it all, if you ignored all of that, there was something else. A small hum, barely there, but clear as anything. It hummed with the world, and when you put your own hand to your chest, you could feel it. It was there, inside you, humming. And it came up from the ground, through your shoes and up your legs, the same hum. It was in the air, it was everywhere, it surrounded you.

"That's the Force." Said the General. "You've never noticed it, but it's always been there, it always will be."

You nodded, eyes still closed. The Force. Yes, you could feel it now, it was in your veins, pumping through your body. The Force. You mouthed the word and felt it hum on your tongue. You smiled, and opened your eyes at last. The General was watching you, and you felt a bit silly, but she looked delighted with you.

"In the bag is a small ball and a couple lightsabers, get them out."

You crouched down to do just that. The ball, when you took it out, buzzed to life and flew over to the General. You watched, amazed, as she pressed a few buttons on it and it began to hover in place.

"The lightsabers." She repeated.

You took them out, and walked over to her. She took one and you held the other. She showed you how to ignite it, and from your hand sprung forth a yellow flame, like Kylo's, but the heat was not as intense.

"They're for training," The General explained, "If you touch it, it shouldn't hurt as much. Be careful, though, a real lightsaber would cut right through you."

You waved the blade thoughtfully. It was no heavier now it was ignited, and the hilt was rather comfortable to hold in your hand. The metal was cool, just the right weight where it was not impractical, but rather a constant reminder of its presence in your palm. You had seen Kylo use his before, against the Resistance on Canto Bight. He had moved elaborately, and the thing had swung so naturally in his hand. In yours, it still felt rather foreign.

"Jedi and Sith alike grow accustomed to one lightsaber, one that is purely theirs. This one is just for training, it won't be quite the same." The General shifted hers in her grip, even she was not quite used to it.

"Do I use the Force?" You asked, stepping back to give yourself more room to swing it around.

The General laughed, "Not quite, no. Jedi use both their weapon and the Force, I think you should start with just the weapon. Anyone can wield a lightsaber, even Han could, though not very well."

You smiled, adjusting to the way the thing felt, how it ducked and weaved in the air, cutting nothing. It was strange, but rather fun, spinning it round, creating patterns with the yellow glow it emitted. In the growing darkness, the saber was a beacon of light, dancing through the air as you tried to copy what you had seen Kylo do. The General watched, her own burning away in her hand. You imagined an enemy in front of you, trying to block and parry in equal parts, pretending to be up against another blade.

The General stopped you after a few moments, "Let's see how you do in a duel now, you seem to have a natural talent, I'm impressed."

Your chest swelled with the praise, impressing the General made you feel incredibly proud, as did the thought of Kylo congratulating you when you wrote to him again. You got into position in front of the General, and you both raised your weapons. She made the first move, a quick slash, which you just managed to block. The lightsabers flashed when they collided, the small sparks of energy made you jump back, barely missing the General's next swing. You were on the defensive immediately, backing up, knowing there was only so much grass behind you. Determined not to lose without at least a bit of a fight, your next block was accompanied with a counter attack, a short swing the General had not expected, and she took the smallest step backwards.

You had never been much of a fighter, but this friendly duel was exhilarating. You grinned when the General took another step backwards, your attacks became grander, stronger, you swung with more of your strength. It worked, taken aback, the General stumbled and you swung again. She blocked, but barely. Sabers connected, you pushed her own flame towards her, until she had to crane her neck back to avoid it. She stumbled again, and this time could not regain her balance. She fell to the floor, and her lightsaber dropped from her hand and landed beside her in the grass, burning a few strands to a blackened crisp.

You put away the blade and dropped the hilt to the floor, "Are you alright, General?" You outstretched both hands and helped her to her feet. You expected anger, frustration maybe at having lost, but she merely laughed.

"You're very good for a beginner, it's been a while since I've met someone with such raw ability."

You smiled, and felt your cheeks heat up. Your hands were sweaty, as was your forehead. The General retrieved her lightsaber from the floor and turned it off.

"We should be getting back, before anyone notices we're gone."

You nod, and then look to the floating ball, "What was that for then?"

"Oh, that? It shoots things for you to block, but we don't have time for that now." She smiled thoughtfully, "Not that you need it anyway."

She put it in the bag, along with the hilts. You put it on your shoulder again and followed the General out of the jungle.

Exhausted, you collapsed onto your bed. You fell asleep almost instantly, vaguely remembering to write another letter to Kylo in the morning when you awoke. When you slept, you dreamt of the Force and of lightsabers, and of Kylo. Maybe, when you returned to him, you could spar with him too. It was a pleasant dream.

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