09- Where in the world am I?

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You turn to see Hux hurrying towards you, pulling you away from the door,

"What do you think you're doing? You're lucky the door stops working whilst we're flying or you'd be dead by now!"

You didn't have the energy to speak. You felt lost, utterly hopeless as Hux escorted you back to your cell.

"Ren was looking for you, are you alright?"

You nodded, even though you weren't alright. You sighed shakily, trying to compose yourself, not wanting to give away what you were trying to do.

The door to your cell opened and you saw a new bed in place of the old, destroyed one. Under other circumstances, maybe you would've been happy to see that, but it only made you want to cry more. You were stuck now, with no way to get back down to Earth. Hux left you, warning you that Ren would be stopping by any minute, but you didn't listen.

Instead, you curled up on your new bed and cried. Burying your face into your arm to muffle any noise, you let out all that you were feeling. So small, and lost, and desperate to go home. You felt like a lost child or some sort of stray kitten that had wandered into the wrong part of town. 

You wanted to go home. 

The only thing that made you stop crying was the familiar, heavy stomping of Kylo Ren as he approached your cell. You wiped your eyes and tried to steady your breathing, not knowing what Kylo would say if he caught you. 

"Miss L/N, do you feel better?"

"A little," You lied, sniffing,

"You've been crying," Kylo came closer, "Why?"

"It's nothing."

He almost believed you, but when he used a single hand to cup your face, you couldn't help but let more tears fall, melting into his gloved hand as he hummed,

"Poor girl, tell me what's wrong,"

"I saw out of the window, we're-"

"In space? Is that what's bothering you so much? Don't be silly," His tone was hard to register through the voice modifier, almost mocking but not quite.

"I want to home, please."

"You know I can't do that," Kylo let his hand fall, "I can't let you go, little one, you're mine now." 

You turned away, ashamed by your tears, hurriedly swiping them away as a way of composing yourself. Kylo hummed again, 

"My Master thinks your planet is worthless, too out of the way and uninvolved in our affairs, but you- he thinks you are quite remarkable."

"Why?" You were interested again,

"Your balance between the light and dark. There used to be a group of Jedi who were similar to you, but they no longer exist. We could use your balance, a go between us and the Resistance."

"I don't understand, I... I don't-"

You didn't get a chance to ask questions, Kylo was already gone. You were left confused and still upset. You used the long sleeves of your jumpsuit to dry your face properly, readying yourself for whatever came next.


Kylo Ren rarely acted like this. He felt his guard dropping, his heart quivering. You poor thing, helpless and scared. You'd seen what he had done, and where he expected anger, he got sadness. 

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