19- Are you coming back?

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You don't remember falling asleep, but you did wake up. You were in a cell, with bars looking out onto the dingy, dark corridor. You were lying on the floor, and you couldn't see anyone else. You remembered sleeping on the floor before, aboard Kylo's ship. How long ago was that? You never bothered to ask Kylo how long you had been with him, because it didn't matter. It felt like years, but in a glorious way. You felt like a completely different person, even if you knew deep down you hadn't changed that much. Kylo made you feel strong, you were safe as long as you was with him. But now he was gone, and you were scared again.

 You sat up and sat against the wall, looking out into the corridor. The ship groaned and creaked periodically, clearly they didn't have the same money the First Order did. Speaking of which, who were these people? You called out into the darkness, but the only reply was your echo, followed by another groan from deep within the ship.

How long had you been out? Hours? Days? You felt the hard, metal floor beneath you and tried to remember how you got here. One minute you were lying in bed in Kylo's arms, and the next you were being hauled away, crying out to him-

-you told him you loved him.

You covered your mouth to stifle your sobs. The tears came suddenly, almost without warning. You had planned to tell him, but not like this. You imagined it would be more romantic, more sweet. As you lay in bed with him again, whispering it into the sheets, just enough for him to hear and him alone. He's the only person who needed to know, but instead you had screamed it as loud as you could, because right then you were too afraid of him not hearing you to care who else did. He had to know, in that moment, because right now you weren't sure if you would ever have another chance to tell him. If you did, you promised yourself you would never stop saying it, over and over until you had no breath left to say it with. 

As you cried to yourself, you heard footsteps headed your way. You wiped your eyes on the tattered hem of your skirt and rubbed the fabric between your fingers. Kylo had approved this dress personally, and it had been ruined in your struggle. The hem was scratched and large rips decorated the fabric. When the person reached you, you clutched the dress as if they were going to tear it off you. Instead, they wordlessly passed a tray of food through a small slot in the bars. You had to scramble to your feet to take it from them, but you didn't say anything. 

The food was cold and mushy, much like the stuff you had eaten the first time aboard The Finalizer. Over time, you hadn't really noticed it, but the quality of the food had improved. It was like as the days passed, you were working your way up the ranks, from prisoner to what? You had been working for them, to find the other humans, but you didn't really feel like staff. Were you Kylo's friend? That didn't feel right, Kylo didn't seem the type to have friends. Acquaintances maybe, that was probably the best you got with Kylo. 


Kylo finished slicing up the hotel room with a sigh. The room was burning with each slash of his lightsaber. The only thing not damaged was the bed you and him had slept in together. He preserved it, even if the dent you had left in the mattress and pillows was gone now. He sat down on it and his fist slammed into the headboard. He had been stupid, stupid, to let you go it alone in that casino. He had been wrong to even take you on this mission. And even worse, you didn't know why they, the Resistance, had taken you. You thought you were here looking for humans, when really you were human bait. Kylo felt guilty, the pain worming in his stomach as he looked down at his feet. He had vowed to himself, to keep you safe- but he had failed. He had abandoned you and he was too late coming back, leaving you to rot on some Resistance ship.

Then he remembered, the way you had cried as they dragged you away from him. He remembered what you had said to him, your last words before those doors shut and you flew away.

I love you

Kylo looked to where you had laid. Then he stood, and sorted through the clothes. He found the dress you had worn yesterday, black and shining and a perfect fit on you. He held it in his hands, the soft fabric warmed him. It still smelt of you, and he pictured how you looked in it, so gorgeous and delicate and the black fabric shimmered in the moonlight. He dropped the dress and headed out, barely just remembering to grab his mask, out onto streets, and then further. He was running, long strides carried him to his ship, as he fixed the helmet onto his head. Before he could register what he was doing, he was already flying, flying in the direction you had. He was coming to get you, you just had to wait for him. He would be there soon, and this time he wasn't letting you leave him again. 

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