23- It continues

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Kylo destroyed his quarters. Hux had been alerted of the mess, and stood in the doorway watching his meltdown. Several items were thrown past his head, into the hallway where they crashed against the opposite wall. 

"What's this about?" Hux asked, dodging a potted plant. 

"I've ruined it, they hate me." 

"And it bothers you that much?" 

"Yes." Kylo slashed through the wall, "It does."

Hux crossed his arms, "I don't see why it would." He watched a book pass by his head, "I'm sure Snoke will understand."

There was stillness for a moment. Kylo huffed,

"You don't understand it all, do you? This isn't just about work."

"It isn't?" Hux stepped inside, mainly just to give him more room to dodge.

"Maybe if you spoke to people more, you wouldn't be so naive, General."

"I am not naive, Ren, I just focus on my job. You should try doing the same." He slicked back his hair. Ren threw something else at him. 

Kylo finally stopped destroying everything. He heaved, chest rising and falling, lightsabre hanging limp in his hand, still alight. Hux sighs, 

"Are you done?" 

Ren barged past him, out of the door and into the hall. His bed, his desk, his plant and several books lie on the floor. There's a rather noticeable dent in the wall from the force of his throwing, but Kylo ignores it. Someone will clear it up later, he thinks, storming past the wreckage. Hux trots behind, typing something on his tablet. An officer who happened to be passing is ordered to sort out the mess, and they tremble at the sight of such an angry commander. It's not an uncommon sight, but it's one that's impossible to get used to. 

Kylo was furious with himself. Why didn't he tell you? Why did he snap at you like that? You must be so upset, but he didn't know what to do. Was it too late to tell you the truth? Even if he did tell you, what would the First Order think? He kept walking, mostly to wear off the extra energy, heavy, fast paced footsteps, ones that sent anyone unfortunate enough to be in his vicinity running in the opposite direction. Hux glanced from his tablet to Kylo, desperately trying to keep up while also typing as fast as he can. Kylo turns at a junction and Hux nearly walks right into the wall, but looks up just in time. He knows where Kylo is going, but he doesn't mention it, only shoves his tablet under his arm and quickens to a jog, three of his steps only equalling one of Kylo's threatening strides. When he's like this, there's no calming him or sorting him out, all anyone can do is wait for him to tire himself out with all his destruction and yelling. Not even Snoke can talk Kylo out of his tantrums, mainly because when Kylo is angry like this, the last place he wants to be is in that room with Snoke's hologram. 

Now, however, it seems Kylo is purposely heading in that direction, and Hux wonders why. Snoke is alway willing to speak to Ren, but Hux is rarely treated with such kindness. But Snoke would have no choice, Hux was all too desperate to hear what Kylo will say. He jogs just behind the end the Kylo's robe, careful not to step on it and face the wrath of the Commander. 


The room is dark, with those deep growing shadows that seem to ripple and move. Hux knows this room well, even though it's not often he's there. Snoke is waiting, posed like he always was, and Kylo kneels before him. Hux waits by the door, hovering in the darkness. They must know he's there, but nothing is mentioned, so he doesn't say anything, only watches as Kylo removes his helmet and lifts his head to look at Snoke,

"Ren." The voice is hollow, emotionless, and Hux feels like it is whispering in his ear,

"Supreme Leader. It's about the girl."

"The prisoner." Snoke corrects him, "What's happened?"

"I've been unsuccessful in my attempt to... court them. There's been some trouble"

"What about the Resistance? Are they coming to Earth."

Kylo falters. He doesn't know, he never even thought about it. The entire time his mind was on you, not the mission. He lowers his gaze when he next speaks,

"I'm not sure, I don't know what the Resistance were told."

"Find out." Snoke is not impressed, his anger radiates through the hologram, and Kylo is quick to his feet, fitting the mask back over his head and hurrying out of the room. Hux is a couple paces behind, and he follows Ren all the way to your room.

"Leave me alone, General, you can go spy on us through those cameras if you wish."

Kylo steps into your room without bothering to knock. Plates are strewn the countertops and the coffee table. Your lillies are dead, wilting, the petals dropping off as Kylo brushes a gloved hand over them. He'll arrange for new ones to be brought to you, they were beautiful flowers. You aren't in the living area, and Kylo moves to the bedroom. 

Your lying in bed, dark circles hang under your eyes, you look tired and somewhat frail as Kylo stands before you. At first, you don't even seem to recognise him, but then you do and you turn away.

"I don't want to speak to you."

"You have to, the Supreme Leader sent me."

You pull the covers up to your chin, "He may be your Supreme Leader but he isn't mine."

"He is." Kylo sits at the foot of the bed, "It's about the mission."

"Take that helmet off before you speak to me." Kylo does so, it clatters to the floor, "You mean the mission where I was kidnapped and you slaughtered loads of innocents?"

"You were never meant to be taken, and I killed them because they took you. I couldn't believe I had let them have you. I'm- I'm sorry."

"Kylo... Do you really mean that?"

"Of course I do, no more lying Y/N, I should have been truthful from the start."

You finally sit up, and for the first time in a while you look into his eyes, they're still bright and dancing with flame. But you see it now, the flame is controlled, subdued, Kylo must have been really angry if he truly felt he had to kill all those people- just because of you.

"Why did you agree to it in the first place? You must've known it was dangerous."

"You might not believe me, but it was Hux. He has cameras in your living area- he saw us together."

It takes you a moment to fully understand what he saw, after you realise, your stomach turns to butterflies as you replay the memory in your mind. You shake your head,

"I'm sorry about that, so he blackmailed you?"

"Yes, in a way."

"So that wasn't a part of your plan?"

Kylo doesn't answer that, and you're not sure you want the answer. The silence is heavy and there's an unspoken agreement between the two of you that some parts of this were better if you didn't discuss them.

"The problem now," Kylo begins, "Is that it's still not over."

"It isn't?" 

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