34- My sanctuary

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Hux is waiting for your arrival at the dock. Your feet clunk on the ramp as you run down, throwing your arms around his neck, laughing at his confusion as he stumbles backwards.

"What- what's happening? Commander Ren, help!" He pushes you away, and Kylo places a hand on your shoulder,

"I believe it's called affection, general." Kylo is wearing his mask again, but you can hear the beginning of a chuckle through the modifier. 

General Hux smoothes his coat down and huffs, "Well, I- It's undignified, but I'm glad to see you too." 

Kylo escorts you back to his quarters. You're still wearing your rebel clothes, a threadbare shirt and trousers that hang loose on your hips. They feel out of place now, in the darkness of the ship, and you cling to the sleeve of Kylo's robes. 

"I'll get you another jumpsuit, don't worry. Or, perhaps you'd prefer something else?" The door opens and Kylo guides you inside, sitting at the chair by his desk. 

"I don't mind, as long as it fits." You pull at the shirt, and laugh

Kylo removes the mask before you, letting the dark locks of hair spill free, tickling at his neck and face. It's been so long, too long, since he was before you like this. In the solitude of his quarters, no prying eyes to witness your actions. He doesn't have to hide, not here, and you can see him visibly relax. In this room, with only you to see it, he is not Kylo Ren anymore. You approach him, feeling for the skin that you longed to touch for so long. He lets you climb into his lap, and you stroke his hair fondly.

"It's so knotted," You comment, untangling it with your fingers. His body is warm against yours, heat radiating through his robes, and you snuggle in closer.

"It gets like that under the mask, apologies."

"No, it's fine." You place a kiss to his cheek, noting the array of beauty marks decorating his skin. He's so pale and fragile underneath you, you want to hold him, care for him, never let him go again. He's like a statute, you think, crated and sculpted by men who ached to recreate the beauty of gods long dead and forgotten.  And they succeeded , in his eyes burn the fires of darkest desire, and his skin is marble to hold them in, to control the flames that burn from his soul, twisting and thriving in the chambers of his heart. You wrap your arms around his neck, such beauty before you is not to be taken for granted, no, this must be preserved- worshipped.

You worship him. 

Kylo groans, letting go of his struggles and stress. It melts off of his shoulders with just a simple touch, as if they are ice and you are a light, removing his problems with your very being. He places a finger under your chin and guides your lips to his, until finally you connect and time simply


There is nothing left, just Kylo, his heat, his lips, the feeling of him and the sound of breath. He mumbles your name and whines, high and desperate in your mouth.

"It's been so long since- well this is the first time that I've..."

"It's ok, let go for me, just focus on me."

Kylo's hands are greedy, gripping at your waist and hips, feeling the flesh underneath your clothes. He abandons all concern, all remorse and doubt, pulling you in until you're flush against his chest. Your hearts are connected, souls intwined as he keeps kissing and kissing, licking against your bottom lip and biting at it until you bruise. 

"I've missed you," He says, finally pulling away, panting like some rabid dog, "I've missed you so much, I'm never leaving you again." 

"I'm not going anywhere, I'll never leave this room if you don't want me to."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 07, 2022 ⏰

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