03- Use the force

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Kylo Ren made himself scarce for the rest of the day. Between commanding the Finalizer, scrutinising Hux and being scrutinised by Snoke, it was quite easy to avoid seeing you again.

Something about you bothered him, he loathed you, despised you, you were nothing to him and yet? You were intriguing, you seemed so similar and so different at the same time; utterly worthless, yes, but not as much as everyone else. For some reason or another, he couldn't bring himself to kill you, so instead...

"My young apprentice."

"Yes, my master?" He had removed his helmet, holding it under his arm,

"The girl must be dealt with, she'll have people looking for her soon."

"What do you want me to do with her, Master?"

"Kill her, dispose of the body in the woods- away from the ship." His hologram flickered with his frustration, towering over Ren who hesitated,

"But she could be useful-"

"How so?" Snoke's voice was daring,

"We know nothing about these people, she could inform us." Ren was confident, unusually so, he believed he could make you bend to his will.

"Very well, do not disappoint me, my apprentice."

"I won't Master."


He waited until the next day to see you again, knowing Hux had stopped by several times to check on you. He would make sure you didn't escape or die before he truly had a chance to pry into your mind. The interrogation before had been fun, playing around to see what you would do. He smiled beneath the mask, opening the door to see you lying there, helpless.

"Kylo Ren," Your voice shook even now, staring up at him.

"Miss L/N, how did you sleep?" His voice was thick with sarcasm,

"What do you want?"

He ignored you, instead turning to the stormtroopers standing guard, "Take her and follow me."

"Yes commander." They grabbed you, hauling you to your feet and holding you tight.

Kylo led the way, down more and more halls that grew increasingly more dark and terrifying the further they took you. You could say you recognised some of them, but you would be lying. Every corridor looked the same, Kylo could be walking you in circles and you'd be none the wiser.

His presence was more than enough incentive not to try and escape the stormtroopers grip. You did try to wriggle out, just a little, when Kylo stopped suddenly and turned to glare at you through the mask. He knew.

You stopped trying, letting the stormtroopers continue their ruthless dragging as you stumbled to keep up with their fast pace. Your heart was pounding, and you fought to slow it, not wanting to show weakness before the commander. He could sense it, but you didn't know that, and you thought you were being clever.

When you reached the desired room, you stopped. This was certainly familiar, and when the door opened your entire body froze. The troopers pulled you in, and you remained unmoving, allowing them to fasten you down.

Kylo Ren was quick to start talking, the door slamming shut behind the troopers and leaving you alone with him,

"I've been instructed to find out as much as I can about your people," He began, hand trailing along the table, toying with the cuff around your wrist, "Start talking."

"Earth is peaceful," You hissed at him, "And I have people who will look for me."

"That's why you have a choice," Kylo Ren wasn't phased, "Tell me what I want to hear, or I will make your death look like an accident."

You didn't reply, stunned by the realisation that he would kill you if he needed- or wanted- to.


"What do you want to hear?"


Kylo Ren was not an easy person to talk to. His mask intimidated you as you tried to hold some respect for yourself. Your voice wavered as you stared into the blank abyss of where his eyes supposedly were; quivering when he moved closer; falling silent when he dared to reach out and touch you.

His touches were gentle, questioning, as he stroked your hair or ran a single finger along your jawline. He was studying you, testing to see how alike you were. His hands were large as he grabbed your chin and pulled you as close to him as your restraints would allow. He watched your mouth as you talk, before letting go of your face and humming when you winced, head hitting the table sharply. His mask tilted down and he surveyed your body, laid out and vulnerable before him. You tried to turn away, suddenly self-conscious as you could almost feel his eyes on you, sure and stern as he took in every inch.

"That's all very good," He commented once you'd finish talking, spilling every secret of your planet, "But I want to hear about you."


"Tell me about your life, your friends, family, lovers."

"But-but why?"

You knew why, deep down. Leverage, blackmail, pressure points for him to exploit. When Kylo Ren remained silent, you did the same.

"Tell me."

You refused to respond, gaining confidence with each moment. He was taken aback by your refusal, but the momentary shock soon dissipated into frustration,

"I will take it from you. If you don't give it to me, I will take it."

"And how would you do that?" You questioned, not buying it, but maybe you should've.

Kylo Ren stepped back, coming before you, poised like a predator stalking its prey. He raised a hand, fingers curled slightly. You weren't sure what he was doing, until a sudden pain shook you. It exploded in your head, swelling and growing as you thrashed. You lost control, crying out as something seemed to be rifling through your thoughts. Memories emerged of your family, you saw your friends behind your eyes. It was torture as these thoughts were ripped from you and planted into the palm of Kylo Ren's hand.

"I can take whatever I want from you," He said lowly, as if it were a secret. The words echoed and you groaned.

The searing pain left, and a throbbing in your head took its place. Your breathes were shallow as the restraints opened seemingly on their own. You fell to the floor- landing sharply on your injured ankle- curling up in surrender as Kylo approached,

"You will learn to listen to me, then I won't have take things."

You scrambled away from him, frightened,
forcing yourself into a corner, hugging your knees to your chest. The pain in your ankle had returned, worse than ever. Kylo Ren knelt down,

"You're injured,"

He lifted the injured foot, turning it so he could see it under the small amount of light in the room,

"I'll take you to the medical room, I trust you'll follow me."

He outstretched a hand, which you took cautiously, trembling as he lifted you to your feet. You stood, somewhat lop-sidedly, and Kylo opened the door, watching you limp back out into the corridor.

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