05- Supreme leader

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Time wasn't an easy thing to gage on the ship. You often used meals to guess what time it was or how many days had passed, but the meals were often the same thing so you still couldn't be certain. Also, there wasn't much else to do but sleep so you couldn't use that as a way to count the days either.

When the stormtrooper gave you the first meal since your visit to the medical room, you decided not to ask, it would only make you worry about how long you had been gone. You felt as if it had been months, when in reality it definitely wasn't, but your perception of reality had been warped since you first laid eyes on that ship.

You knew what would happen next, Ren would collect you soon for a meeting with his 'master' and you were readying yourself for what you might see. Whoever controlled Kylo Ren would have to be powerful, you figured, not just anybody to have influence over that man.

Hux stopped by a little while after you had finished eating,

"You'll be meeting the Supreme Leader soon," He said, stood in the doorway, "Don't upset him, Snoke isn't someone to be messed with."

"Snoke? Is that his name?" You wondered why the General was telling you this,

"Yes, and try not to upset Ren either, he's always angrier after a meeting with him."

You sat up properly, watching the way Hux's eyes danced across the room instead of settling on one thing. He was almost skittish with the way he addressed you, but you couldn't place why.

"General, is something wrong?"

"Ren told me I looked like you... a human..."


"The...the thought of that... it..."

"It bothers you?" You thought about it for a moment, "General, what species are you?"

"That doesn't matter." he snapped, "I just can't think of myself as one of you."

"Being human isn't a bad thing!" You couldn't believe you were having this conversation, he had to be joking.

"Well I'm not human, so it doesn't matter anyway. But I would prefer it if you didn't call me that again."

"Oh, sorry..."

He turned sharply and left, his entire body seemed to bristle with frustration, and you wanted to laugh. You did feel guilty, but you had no idea that someone could find something so offensive. You weren't getting off to the best start when it came to the whole 'not upsetting people thing' so you decided to start afresh. Today was a new day, you thought to yourself, it wasn't like you could prove otherwise.


Kylo Ren entered your cell silently, the door slamming shut behind him with an invisible wind. You shuddered and looked up at him, noting his strong arms that you were sure had carried you. He crossed those arms and the tilting of his helmet suggested he was also looking you up and down.

"Y/N, come on."

"Snoke won't hurt me, will he?"

"You know his name?"

You nodded, "General Hux told me."

"Don't address him as Snoke, it's Supreme Leader to you."

You nodded again,

"I sense your nerves, but don't worry, my Master won't hurt you without good reason."

"Ok." You went to stand, but Kylo stopped you, placing a hand flat on your chest,



He pushed you to sit back down, and you did. The hand that had pushed you was instead placed on your forehead and you knew what happened next.

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