21- Don't hurt me

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You were escorted back to your cell, seething with anger. How dare she talk about Kylo like that? Kylo was not a bad person, the First Order weren't evil! They couldn't be, could they? You knew Kylo had killed people, but surely he had good reason? The First Order- there was no way they were as bad as General Organa made them out to be. You clenched your fists as you walked, trying not to lash out. Kylo would collect you soon, and you would be able to go home.

Home. It was funny, you didn't know what home was to you anymore. Before, your home was on Earth, but now... Home was the place where the people you loved lived, and you were sure you loved Kylo. Maybe, one day, he would come down to Earth again and stay there. You could live together, in some quiet village so he wouldn't be around many people. You would probably travel a lot, because you were sure that no matter where you were, if Kylo was there then it was home. You smiled, despite your anger- you would be home soon.

But for now, you were locked back inside your cell. You didn't kick up a fight, but you weren't exactly cooperative. General Organa kept trying to speak to you, tell you about what the First Order did. 

"The First Order are pure evil. The Resistance have to stop them." She says through the door, "They hunt us like animals, they kill innocent people, you have to believe me."

You didn't have any of it, blocking it out and turning your face away from her. Every time she came to the door, your face fell into a look of disgust. How dare she, talking about her own son like this. You had thought he was a monster before, honestly, but you had come to learn he wasn't. Kylo hid behind a mask, but not to hide his evil- it was to hide his kindness. The role of commander came with the expectation of being terrifying, and Kylo had to pretend. That's all he was doing, pretending. That had to be it. Kylo was good. You believed that in your heart of hearts- Kylo wasn't really capable of hurting somebody. 


It had been a long journey, but Kylo was sure he was getting close. He could sense you strongly, like you were really just sat beside him. Damn those Resistance scum! He'd kill them all, if they even dared to touch a hair on your head, he'd obliterate them and then some. They had no right, stealing you from under his nose. You were his. His to have and to hold, his to care for. You were under his protection.

His, and his alone. 

He tightened his grip on the steering as he came across a planet. It was small, and covered in greenery, but from above the clouds he could spot a clearing. There, a base sat in the woods. He landed a little while away, hoping those scum weren't advanced enough to have long distance scanners. Not that he cared that much, he would easily kill anyone living on this planet without breaking a sweat. 

He stormed up to the base, searching his mind for your location. You were close, he could almost hear your breathing, feel your heartbeat, think what you were thinking. He would be with you soon, as he entered the building. Somebody soon spotted him, and alarm bells were raised. People began shooting from every direction, but Kylo didn't even really notice. He was slaughtering them without even consciously deciding to do so, barely registering their screams as they crumbled before him. Pathetic, he thought, he doesn't even have to think about killing them and still they fall like nothing. 

Eventually, he found the row of cells. He sliced through the doors, not bothering with the buttons. Most were empty- except for one. And there you were, sitting there confused. The alarm had probably startled you, but once you saw him your eyes lit up.

"Kylo!" You ran up to him, he barely had time to put away his sabre before you were hugging him tight, "Kylo you're here!"

"I said I would come back for you, didn't I?" He outstretched a gloved hand towards you, "Now come on, we have to go."

You ran along the corridors with him. He was gripping your hand tight, like he was afraid of letting go and losing you again. As you tried to keep up with his long strides, you saw the bodies scattered around. Many were burned and badly cut up. They were brutal, angry kills, and there was only one person responsible.

"Kylo, did you do this?"

"I had to, they were keeping me from you."

You tried not to think about it, instead focused on getting back, back to where it was safe and the Resistance couldn't follow you. Your legs grew tired, but you kept running, letting Kylo guide you. Your chest burned, your throat was dry, but all you could worry about was Kylo. He had rescued you, you couldn't give up now.

As you fought your way through the thick green plants, Kylo finally stopped holding your hand. He was slicing a clearer path through, it seems like he hadn't bothered to when he was on his own. Now, though, he was worried about you. You couldn't push through brambles without a second thought, leap over fallen trees like it was nothing. Kylo normally thought someone like you as lesser, but watching as you desperately tried to push through the thicket, he smiled behind the mask. He didn't want you to grow stronger, he wanted to protect you. 

When you finally reached the ship, Kylo dragged you on board, closing the ramp and hurrying to the cockpit. You sat on the floor near the entrance. You were breathing roughly, trying to calm down and collect yourself. As you wiped the sweat from your face, you remembered what you had promised to do when you next saw Kylo again. Grinning, you got to your feet and tiredly made your way to where Kylo was flying you up into the air. 

However, when you looked out of the window, you saw something you would rather have not seen. Kylo was shooting at the base, at the unarmed people simply watching you fly away. They weren't shooting back, they weren't even angry. If anything they looked terrified.

"Kylo, wait, they aren't hurting us-" You leant over the controls to get a better look. They weren't even attempting to fight back. 

"I know." Kylo says. His voice is different, and not just because of the modifier. It's dark, and unfamiliar. It's scary.

"Then why are you shooting them?"

"Because they took you away." He shoots another unarmed bystander. Then another.

"But I'm fine now, see? You can stop."

More blasts ring out. You swallow the lump growing in your throat.

"Kylo you can stop now." He doesn't reply. "Kylo, stop!"

"Why should I?!" He snaps, "They took you away- they took you away from me!"

You stand there, unable to move. Your voice loses it's commanding tone, "Kylo they're unarmed. They aren't trying to hurt us."

"They deserve it." He growls, his voice is thick and you feel uneasy as yet more people are shot. You feel dizzy, the world is almost spinning.

General Organa was right.

The realisation hits you and you can't help it- you fall to your knees in surrender. There's nothing else you can do. Kylo finally stops shooting, and you leave the carnage behind. You feel sick in the very pit of your stomach and your throat is tight to the point where you're struggling to breathe

General Organa was right.

The thought hurts, it stings, but you can't tear your mind away from it. Kylo isn't who you thought he was. He isn't some sweetheart putting up a front. You look at the mask and wonder what it's really hiding- his kindness? Or his true monstrosity? You try to imagine his face beneath it. Beautiful and pale, but the beauty is tainted by his sins. Blackness grows around his features, dark shadows of his past are clawing at him. You shudder, and hang your head. You can't bear to look at him.

General Organa was right. 

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