14- Could it get any worse?

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Waking early, you took breakfast as usual and waited rather impatiently for Kylo Ren to collect you. Your eyes glanced from the door to the wall several times, desperate for him to take you away. Not that you were eager to go, exactly, you just couldn't wait much longer. Your mind was playing games with you, leading you to believe that wherever you were headed, that it would be terrible, potentially dangerous even. Maybe this was a trap, and he was leading you to your death.

He wouldn't- would he? Not now he'd deemed you 'useful'. You were being used as a way to lead out other humans, not that you were convinced there were humans on Canto Bight. There couldn't be, they must be mistaken.

Not that you'd ever tell Kylo Ren that he was wrong.

If it weren't for the knowledge that you would soon feel a fresh breeze on your skin again, maybe you would refuse to go altogether. You were motivated by the change in scenery, waiting impatiently to see something other than metal for once. 

Eventually, the door opened and Kylo Ren approached,

"Are you ready?" He asks

"As ready as I'll ever be," You bounced your leg nervously, 

"Come then," He turned swiftly on his heel and you followed. 

Your hands were sweating as you silently climbed into the ship. You had been in the landing bay a couple of times, but not for very long. Watching the passing ships made you queasy, as did the frosty rush of air that came and went whenever the door opened. 

The ship wasn't very big, maybe large enough for ten people at most. You overheard Kylo calling it his 'command shuttle', which made this trip feel much less like a holiday than you were trying to make it seem. Nobody else joined you, however, and you thought maybe you could find some lone seat at the back, away from the cockpit, but Kylo gripped you by the wrist and brought you up front with him.

"Can you even fly?" You asked, eyes gazing over the hundreds of buttons, switches and levers.

"Yes." He answered, "Strap yourself in."

You didn't feel very safe, but Kylo seemed to know what he was doing. Quickly, his hands moved over the panels, and the ship started to hover. You clung to the sides of your seat and closed your eyes, not wanting to watch as you left the hangar and entered the black abyss of space. Kylo hummed, and the ship jolted forward, accelerating quickly in one direction for several moments before you dared to open your eyes again. 

The view was much more magnificent than the one from the window, especially as you floated through space, dancing in the void. Alone. Peaceful. You relaxed your grip and turned to Kylo, he was still holding onto the steering, but not forcefully. He seemed relax, perfectly calm in what, to you, was a mind-blowing experience.

"Take it all in, we'll be heading going into hyperspeed soon." He looked down at you through his mask, but you could hear the softness in his voice through the vocoder.

"You don't have to wear that thing around me," You ignored what he said, "I've already seen you."

He nodded curtly and his hands reached up to remove the mask with a hiss and a click. His hair spilled out and for a moment you felt like you had forgotten how to breathe. The stark contrast between his facade and his face was undeniably beautiful and yet horrifying. You blinked and realised that he was rather close to you. Kylo Ren took up a lot of space, and with his legs slightly spread, he was almost touching you. You turned away and forced yourself over in your seat, subtly as you could, not wanting to touch him and end up like before. He wouldn't get to play anymore games with you.

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