07- Give it all you got

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The cup hit the floor with a resounding noise. You were too high on your anger to flinch or worry about what was happening, even when Kylo stepped forward and the door shut behind him.

"What do you think you're doing?" He asked, turning to look at the mess you had made on the door.

You ignored him, "Where are my clothes?"

"Burned, you don't need them anymore. I sorted everything with the Supreme Leader."

"No! I want them back!"

"I provided you with new clothes, what is the issue?"

"I don't want to wear this! I'm not becoming like you!"

"Like me?" He dared to approach closer, "What's wrong with you?"

"Hux told me everything I need to know about you! You're evil!"

He chuckled, low and guttural. You finally came to your senses, flinching away from him, still seething with anger but fear fronting in your mind. Kylo Ren was a monster, and you had angered him, how stupid could you be?

"I'm evil?" He asked, "How so?"

"You're a monster! A murderer!"

He tried grabbing your wrists, but you kicked out, feet planting in his chest. His solid form stumbled back for a few moments before he was lunging for you again, much more powerful than before. You didn't have time to react, and he swiftly pulled you to your feet, dragging you up so you stood in front of him.

"You know nothing."

"I know you're real name- Ben Solo."

He roared something too savagely to even make out and you felt an invisible force hurl you into the door. Your face landed in the same mush you had thrown only minutes before and you groaned. Pain throbbed in your head and chest, and you realised then and there that you were probably going to die if you didn't do something soon. You could hear the creature behind you, muttering something, and a new sound you didn't recognise; low and humming and burning. You felt the temperature rise and cried out in fear,

"Help! Help me! He's going to hurt me- He's going to kill me!"

You weren't sure who would come to your aid, maybe Hux or an officer. The stormtroopers would still be stationed outside, but the quiet, complicit nature gave you the feeling they wouldn't dare oppose the monster that was still very much behind you. You dared to turn around, facing the heat and the creature simultaneously, shocked by your own bravery.

Swallowing thickly, you looked upon him. He was panting, hunched over slightly like a beast, his mask staring at you with the same blank expression. In his hand was fire, controlled fire in the shape of a blade. You looked from it to him, the image of the flame in his hand etched into your mind, this would be the last thing you see before you die. The monster and his sword, ready to strike you down for disobedience. At least you died free, not tainted by him, not under his mercy. You were still human.

"I can sense your fear, you think I am going to kill you." His voice was unnaturally calm for the situation.

You nodded, you weren't sure you could even speak.

"I won't, but I don't tolerate misbehaviour. You will learn to respect me."

"You had to laugh, even if your mind knew better than to provoke him, "Respect you? You? Never."

"Snoke has agreed to keep you alive, that is a priviledhge many are not granted."

"They're the lucky ones. I will not work for you, I will not become like you."

"You don't have a choice, join me."

"So you can change me like how you changed, corrupt me until I'm nothing but a monster, a creature so hideous that they have to hind behind a mask."

You felt that invisible force around you again, Kylo lifted his free hand and in turn you were lifted. When he swung his arm you were swung into the wall. Your back crashed into it and you screamed, sliding down the wall and landing in a heap on your 'bed'. You looked up at him, your un-eaten dinner coating your cheeks, blood building in your mouth and dribbling down your chin. You spat, blood spraying, almost far enough to stain his robes, but not quite.

"Give in girl. You were so well-behaved before this."

"Before I knew what you are? What you used to be and what you became?" You refused to give in, "What do you look like under there? Twisted with hatred? Too many eyes? Or are you just ugly, grotesque? You have a face not even your own mother could love-"

He tossed you effortlessly to the floor without even touching you. You were lying by his feet, ready to be stomped on, executed by the glowing blade that was still burning away in his hand. Instead, he ignored you, instead turning to the 'bed' you were just on. He raised his flame, striking it, slicing through it over and over and over as you fought to remain conscious. He kept going, using all his strength and anger, wielding the blade as if it were an extension of his own hand. He was good at this, natural. You heard him talking over the throbbing in your head,

"I gave you too much, too many luxuries- You're too spoilt- A brat- You will respect me- You will serve under me- You will not talk about my parents- Or about Ben Solo- You are mine."

They were the disjointed ramblings of a madman, incoherent with no structure or discernible reasoning. He wasn't even talking to you, but himself, reminding himself of his superiority, his power over you. It didn't matter to him if you heard, because he would still make you bend to his will, whether or not you knew it was happening made no difference to Kylo Ren.

You pushed yourself up with your arms, gritting your teeth at the pain. Your body was aching, and drifting between unconsciousness. Your brain wasn't working properly, it was fuzzy and dazed as you tried to stand. Kylo Ren stopped suddenly, and the flame dissipated, leaving just the hilt he used to hold it.

"You have already had once visit to the medical room, you won't have another."

"I thought I was no use to you injured?" You quoted his previous words, praying he would give in.

"You are no use to me if you do not listen to what I say, you will learn your lesson."

You groaned, turning to see your 'bed' was now nothing more than scraps.

"Sleep on the floor, little one. I'll be back to see if your behaviour has improved."

He was gone without another word. You let your arms collapse, allowing yourself to give in to sleep, despite how embarrassed and frustrated you were. You had not gained from this situation, not how you hoped you would. But you had learned, not to respect the creature, but instead that your previous beliefs were correct- playing up to them was your best chance at escape. 

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