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It was Thursday evening, Grace and I were sitting in the living room watching some random tv show. There was a knock at the door causing Grace to jump.

"I'll see who it is, you just wait here." I told her standing up from the couch and heading to the door.

I pulled the door open to see Ian standing there shivering a bit from the cold. I stepped aside to let him in out of the cold.

"Hey, what are you doing here?" I asked, I hadn't really seen him the past few days since I had been leaving earlier to walk alone.

"I just haven't seen you the past few days, I wanted to check in on you. Also Kev and Vee are getting unofficially married this Saturday and I thought you might want to come along." Ian explained and I raised my eyebrows at him.

"Unofficially married?" I questioned in confusion.

"Yeah well it turns out Kev is already married, it's complicated. All I know is there's going to be a party Saturday, you up for it?"

"Um I'll see, I should be able to go." I hesitated before agreeing, honestly I could do with not seeing Lip for another while.

"Who is it?" Grace peered around the corner from the living and spotted Ian.

"Just Ian, you feel like going to a party with Debs this Saturday?"

"A party? Yes! I can't wait to find something to wear, I'll start now." Grace beamed before racing off down the hallway to her room.

"Want to tell me why I haven't seen you the past couple of days?" Ian wondered with a pointed look.

"I've just been busy with school stuff." I lamely excused walking back into the living room.

"Oh come on even I'm not buying that." Ian shot back taking a seat beside me.

"Okay fine, if you must know it's your stupid brother." I stated and Ian waited for me to go on.

"We had an argument at school a few days ago, he accused me of being jealous of Karen and then he tried to kiss me so I slapped him." I continued and Ian's eyes widened in surprise.

"What the hell? Why would you be jealous of Karen? I swear for a smart guy Lip can be really dumb sometimes." Ian pointed out and I couldn't agree more.

"I don't even know why I slapped him, it was like something just came over me because he was so close and I had tried to get past him but he wouldn't move. I panicked and then he leaned closer to me and I just felt the same way I felt when Jack did what he did." I vented not even sure that I should be telling Ian this.

"He tried to force himself on you? That fucking idiot, I'll kill him." Ian grunted standing up but I grabbed his wrist.

"No I know he didn't mean it, it was my fault. I just I-" I was cut off before I could finish.

"It wasn't your fault, he tried to kiss you and you didn't want to. He didn't let you leave when you wanted to, I'm going to go knock some sense into him." Ian reasoned clenching his fists.

He tore his hand from my hold and stormed out the door, I couldn't just leave Grace alone but I needed to stop Ian from doing something stupid. I ran down the hallway and into Grace's room, she was holding a skirt and top up in front of her mirror.

"Grace, come on quick. We need to go to the Gallagher's." I urged grabbing her hand, she dropped the clothes she had been looking at and I pulled her out of her room.

"Beth, what's going on?"

"Everything's okay, I just need to talk to Lip and Ian. I can't leave you here alone so you can wait with Debbie while I go see them." I reassured her although I knew everything was not okay.

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