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"So Fiona didn't leave?" I asked while walking with Ian and Lip back home from school.

"She couldn't do it, she did go to the station but she came back home." Ian replied as we turned the corner onto our street.

"Is that a cop car outside of your house?" Lip questioned gesturing to the blue and red flashing lights down the street.

"Shit, you don't think something has happened to grandma?"

I ran towards my house followed by Ian and Lip, the door of my house opened and two officers walked down the steps.

"Officers stop, my granddaughter hasn't done anything." Grandma called after them and Grace appeared at the door with a worried look on her face.

I stood at the gate wondering what was going on, the two officers opened the gate and pulled out handcuffs.

"Bethany Carter, we are arresting you on suspicion of the attempted murder of Jack Evans. You do not have to say anything but anything you do say may be taken as evidence for which you may later rely on in court." The officer stated turning me around and cuffing my hands behind my back.

"What? I've already been cleared as a suspect, I have an alibi." I defended trying to jerk away from the officer.

"Let her go, she didn't do it." Lip spoke stepping forward but the other officer stopped him.

"Step away or you will be arrested for the obstruction of justice."

"This doesn't make any sense, I've already been questioned." I pointed out as the cop holding opened the door of the police car.

"Jack Evans has come around from his coma and named you as his attacker." The cop mentioned and I scoffed, Jack really wasn't going to stop at anything.

"Well it couldn't have been Bethany because I did it." Grandma announced and the cop stopped pushing me into the back of the police car.

"Grandma what are you talking-"

"It was me, I hit that boy with my car and left him there. I did it because he tried to rape my granddaughter." Grandma continued in a serious tone, she wasn't lying.

"How did you know about Jack trying to rape me?" I asked as the officer unlocked the cuffs.

"I overheard you and Ian talking in your room one day, I felt that I failed you. I brought you and Grace here, it's all my fault." Grandma explained and I shook my head feeling tears prick at my eyes.

"Rose Carver, you're under arrest for the attempted murder of Jack Evans."

"No, stop. She did it for me, please!" I pleaded trying to get to grandma but Ian and Lip held me back.

"Beth, what's going to happen to grandma?" Grace panicked from inside the gate, I kneeled down and held my arms open towards her.

"Shh, it's going to be okay." I tried to reassure Grace, but I knew it was going to be far from it.

"I'm sorry girls, I really am." Grandma apologised as she was put into the back of the police car.

"We will arrange a social worker to come first thing in the morning, you girls have a place you can stay tonight?" The officer questioned and I looked back at Ian and Lip with tears falling down my cheeks, they nodded their heads.

The police car pulled away and Grace struggled in my arms attempting to run after it.

"What's going to happen to us?" Grace wondered looking back at me, I wiped her tears away and gave her a fake smile.

Wasted Times [LIP GALLAGHER]Where stories live. Discover now