t w e n t y s e v e n

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Ian turned on his heel and left the room leaving me alone with Lip once again. I sighed and sat reaching for my bra at the end of the bed.

"Do you think he's mad?" I asked reaching behind my back to close the clasp.

"I don't think he's mad that we had sex, I think he's just annoyed that we did it in his bed." Lip replied while running a hand through his hair.

I pulled the covers off and stood up, I picked my underwear off the floor and slipped them up over my legs.

"I'll make sure he's alright, can I take your physics book with me to copy those questions from today?"

"Copying my homework? Are you not afraid of getting caught?" Lip teased as he slipped out of Ian's bed and walked over to his bag.

I pulled my leggings on and tugged my sweater over my head brushing my hair behind my back. I slipped my shoes back on and picked up my bag from the floor swinging it over my shoulder.

Lip held the textbook out towards me but pulled it out of my reach just before I could take it.

"Lip, don't fuck around with me." I complained and he stepped closer to me.

"Oh I think it's way too late for that, here." Lip shot back and he gave me his book.

"I'll see you later, I guess." I turned to walk away but Lip caught my wrist with his hand.

I looked back at him and his hands cupped my face, he placed a searing kiss on my lips. I didn't even have time to respond because I was so surprised.

"See you tomorrow." Lip simply replied as if nothing had happened, I left him in his room picking his clothes.

I went downstairs to see Fiona and Vee in the kitchen, they were looking at some dress that Vee held up against herself.

"Hey, any idea where Ian is?" I questioned and both of them turned their heads to look at me.

"Beth, now this would look great on you." Vee pointed out holding the dress up in front of me.

"What's the occasion?"

"Just trying to score extra tips off some old rich dudes at the club tonight." Vee answered as she put the dress back into a bag.

"Ian went out back, he might be in the van but if he's not I'm not sure." Fiona mentioned and I nodded leaving the two of them talking about Kev.

I shivered slightly as I stepped out into the cool air, I walked down the steps and across the yard to the van. I went to the passenger and saw Ian sitting in the other seat.

"Is it okay if I join you?" I asked hoping he wasn't mad at me.

"Go for it." He mumbled and sat into the van and closed the door behind me.

"So you and Lip, huh?" Ian wondered looking towards me and I sighed.

"No, it was just a one time thing. Just happened." I countered with a shrug.

"Did you guys really have to do it in my bed?"

"Sorry, but a bunk isn't exactly practical." I apologised with a laugh, Ian smiled too.

"So how'd you manage to get off this morning?" Ian asked because I hadn't been arrested or anything.

"Seb, he's friends with Mia. I was hanging out with him on the night of the accident, he gave me an alibi but it also turns out he's Jack's twin brother which I didn't find out until this morning." I explained and his eyes widened.

"You fucked Jack's twin brother? Shit now there's something I didn't see coming." Ian responded while putting his feet up on the dash.

"Wait how'd you know I fucked Seb?"

"Oh come on, hanging out? Besides you sound pissed about it so I presume you didn't know." Ian claimed and I suppose he did have a point.

"No I didn't know and that's the thing, I told him about Jack trying to rape me and he still had sex with me. That's why I'm pissed." I revealed feeling my bad mood returning.

"That's messed up, what about your grandma did you tell her and the police about Jack?"

"No, it didn't come to that. They let me go before I had to do and to be perfectly honest I'd rather keep it that way. Now I just have to play it safe around grandma because she's giving me shit about getting in trouble." I admitted while playing with the torn edge of Lip's physics book.

"I'm sure she won't be that hard on you, she was probably just worried about you." Ian reasoned and I knew she did only have my best interests at heart.

"Speaking of which, I should get home. She's probably wondering where I am." I spoke opening the door and stepping out of the van.

"Okay, I'll see you in the morning." Ian returned and I gave him a wave before trudging back across the yard to the pavement, I crossed the street and headed back to my house seeing Grandma's car outside this time.

When I entered the house I smelled lasagna, my stomach growled hungrily. I dropped my bag by the door and walked into the kitchen, Grace was doing homework at the table while grandma had just pulled the lasagna dish out of the oven.

"You're home." Grace beamed, she rushed over to me and wrapped her arms around me.

"Of course I am, why wouldn't I be?"

"Grace come and finish your homework while the lasagna cools down. Where have been Bethany? School finished almost two hours ago." Grandma informed me, so this was how she was going to be for awhile.

"Lip was helping me catch up on some physics I missed." I lied smoothly, I definitely wasn't going to tell her the truth.

"Phillip and Ian are good boys, you could learn a thing or two from them."

If only she knew the half of it, I sat down and helped Grace finish her math homework. A few minutes later, grandma plated up the lasagna and we ate mostly in silence. I was thankful that Grace wasn't asking anymore questions, grandma must have made something up.

"Oh before I forget, I need you to work all weekend at the bakery. We're short staffed, Tina is going to her brother's wedding." Grandma told me and I decided not to argue knowing there was no point, if anything she'd probably get more mad.

"Okay, Friday after school too?"

"Yes, the evening shift." Grandma confirmed, I guess I wouldn't be doing anything fun this weekend.

I went upstairs to my room after dinner and copied Lip's physics homework, I had a shower after that and got into bed. I wasn't sure how to feel about Lip, part of me could see myself possibly dating him but the only problem with that is he doesn't do relationships.

If I was to get involved with him, I'm not sure I could deal with the whole situation he had going on with Karen. It's weird because I know it started off as a tutor thing and then went to friends with benefits but I can tell that Lip is more into than she is. I think that maybe he even likes her so there goes my chance before it's even started.

Besides I don't think a relationship would be the best thing for me right now.

Author's Note;
This is more a filler chapter really just leading on from the last chapter to show Ian's reaction to finding Lip and Beth together.

Why do you think Lip kissed Beth again before she left?

I might update again tomorrow as this wasn't an overly long or exciting chapter.

Anyway I'd appreciate it if you guys voted and feel free to leave a comment. I'll see you soon, thank you.


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