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"Bethany, will you just bring Grace over to the Gallagher's so I know that she'll get to school okay." Grandma mentioned after I finished eating my cereal.

"Yeah they'll be leaving around now anyway, I'll walk her over." I agreed standing and nudging Grace to come with me.

"Why aren't you going to school? Is this something to do with last night? You promised you'd tell me." Grace reminded me and I sighed.

"There's not enough time right now, you'll be late for school." I countered walking out the door after she pulled her coat on.

Debbie and Carl were walking down the steps of their followed by Lip and Ian. Grace went off in a huff with Debbie and Carl, they started to walk ahead down the street.

"Where's your bag? Are you not going to school?" Ian asked and I shook my head.

"I might be in later, I have to go to the police station." I told them feeling sick to my stomach at the thought of grandma finding out what Jack tried to do to me.

"Me and Ian got called in yesterday, but they let us go. Just asked a couple questions about the fight at that party and our association with you." Lip stated and I felt a little bit of relief knowing that they were off the hook.

"Lip, I uh need that phone with the um pictures." I told him, Ian looked at the both of us in confusion.

"Pictures? What are you talking about?" Ian questioned and I looked to Lip for help.

"From the night Jack tried to rape her." Lip answered and I visibly cringed hating hearing the words out loud.

"Well do you have it? Otherwise I'm probably screwed." I panicked while running my hands through my hair.

"Just calm down, I'll find it just wait here." Lip ordered and I could tell from the way Ian was looking at me that he wanted a better explanation than just Lip's one line.

"That night when you and Lip helped me back to my room, that was when Jack tried to r-rape me. I didn't know where to go so I went and sat in the van, Lip showed up thinking I was Frank and when I told him what happened he took pictures on a phone." I explained and Ian frowned but didn't say anything.

It felt like forever when Lip appeared back outside, my chest felt a little less heavy knowing I'd have evidence as back up when I told the cops what happened.

"I'm really sorry, but I can't find it. Carl must have smashed it up or something." Lip announced and I felt my stomach drop.

"No, no Lip I need that phone or there's no point in even telling the cops about Jack." I stressed running my hands through my hair again.

Ian gave Lip and pointed look, I turned away from them wondering what the hell I was going to do now. I was actually on the verge of tears, this was serious if the police were convinced that I had something to do with Jack's accident then I could end up serious trouble that I don't think even grandma could get me out of.

"I'll go check with Carl to see if he saw it, don't worry it'll turn up and Lip can get it to you." Ian reassured, but I didn't feel any better.

Ian took off in the same direction as Debbie, Grace and Carl. I turned around to face Lip and he looked genuinely sorry.

"What about that Seb guy, if you can get him to give you an alibi you'll be fine." Lip suggested, but I don't even know where he lives because I doubt he's going to school.

"He's a practically a dealer, he's not going to want to go near any cops. Look it's fine, I'll just be honest and hope for the best. It's all I can do right now." I spoke feeling hopeless.

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