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"Can you just wait until I put some clothes on?" I questioned walking over to my closet while Ian remained sitting on my bed with his back to me

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"Can you just wait until I put some clothes on?" I questioned walking over to my closet while Ian remained sitting on my bed with his back to me.

I quickly pulled on my underwear, a pair of old leggings and a long sleeved shirt. I let my hair out of the towel, my dark hair pooling around my shoulders. The water droplets made me shiver as I discarded both towels into the hamper beside my bed.

"What happened last night?" Ian asked his gaze switching from the floor to look at me.

I took a deep breath and sat down next to him, I already felt my eyes watering at thought of admitting what had happened out loud again.

"I saw the bruise on your shoulder, how did that happen?" Ian added and I closed my eyes briefly to prepare myself.

I clasped my hands together to stop them from shaking in my lap, I opened my eyes to see Ian awaiting an answer to his questions.

"Yesterday after we walked to school, I went to my locker and Jack came up to me." I started and Ian just remained silent.

"He apologised for what happened at the party and then he offered to go for a coffee after school to make up for everything, at the time I didn't think anything of it so I just agreed." I continued feeling a lump begin to form in my throat.

"What happened?"

My chin wobbled and a tear escaped my eye, Ian reached out to wipe it off my cheek but I flinched scooting away from him. I didn't want anyone to touch me, the thought terrified me.

"Woah relax, you can tell me." Ian reassured and I bit my lip willing the words to leave my mouth.

"J-Jack tried to r-rape me." I croaked looking away from Ian, I didn't want to see a look of pity towards me.

"That sleazy bastard, I'm going to kill him." Ian gritted out through his teeth, he stood up and headed for the door.

"No Ian wait! Don't do anything stupid please!" I called desperately nearly tripping over my own two feet as I tried to stop him.

"I'm not letting him get away with this!" Ian practically growled ignoring my calls for him to stop.

He stormed out through the front door and I pulled on my shoes hastily by the door, grandma appeared in the hallway looking at me concerned.

"Bethany what's wrong? Is Ian okay?"

"I don't know, I need to stop him. I'll be back in awhile." I responded pulling the door open and leaving before she could say anything else.

I spotted Ian's red head near the end of the street, there was no way I could stop him alone. I ran across the street and pushed the Gallagher's gate open, I raced up the steps not even bothering to knock as I entered the house.

Fiona was sat on the couch in the living room with Steve, she stared at me with raised eyebrows.

"Is Lip here? I really need to talk to him right now." I mumbled already looking towards the stairs.

"Yeah he's doing homework in his room." Fiona confirmed and I skipped two steps at a time as I made my way to Lip's room.

I pushed the door open to see him on top of his bunk with a text book perched in his lap.

"I need your help, Ian is going to do something really stupid. I told him what happened last night and he stormed off." I rambled and Lip pulled his legs over the side of the bunk before jumping down to the floor.

"What do you mean? What did he say?" Lip asked while pulling a jacket on over his shoulders.

"I don't know, he just said that he wasn't going to let Jack away with what happened. He can't do this Lip, if Jack gets the police involved Ian will never get to be a marine." I told him as we headed down the stairs.

"Come on we need to get to him fast." Lip urged walking past me towards the stairs.

"Lip what the hell is going on?" Fiona questioned with her hands on her hips.

"No time to explain, Ian's about to do something stupid." Lip slammed the door behind us and we went out in the cold street.

"He went that way to the end of the street." I pointed down to the end of the street where I'd last seen him.

"He can't be gone far, let's go."

We didn't talk much as we searched for Ian, but I was pretty sure that I was going to have a cold by the time I got home. My hair was still soaking wet and I didn't have time to grab a jacket, I followed behind Lip since he probably had a better inclination as to where Ian was.

It wasn't until we neared the L that we saw Ian sitting on an old couch under the train overpass, I wrapped my arms around myself to stop shivering. Lip noticed what I was trying to do and I watched as he pulled the jacket off his shoulders and handed it to me.
I took it gratefully because I was freezing, Ian didn't see us approach him because he had his head in his hands.

"Ian, tell me you didn't go to Jack's house." Lip started and Ian lifted his head to look at both of us.

"You told Lip before you told me? That really makes me feel a whole lot better." Ian pointed out completely ignoring Lip's previous words.

"I didn't mean to, he was just there and I got so angry at him, it just came out." I didn't miss the slight look of hurt that crossed over Lip's face.

"Ian just please tell me that you didn't do anything, I can't have you messing up your chance at being a marine." I added sitting on the arm of the couch.

Lip just remained standing where he was, his hands stuffed into the pockets of his jeans.

"I didn't do anything, I just went and got Kash's gun back from Mickey." Ian replied keeping his gaze on the ground.

"You went to the Milkovich's especially after they wanted to kill you, are you crazy?" Lip questioned as he ran his hands through his hair.

"I uh I told Mandy that I'm gay. It was the only way it was ever going to stop." Ian revealed and I wanted to give his hand a reassuring squeeze but I couldn't.

"It's fucking freezing out here, we should head home." Lip states as he looked up at the train tracks.

"So we're just going to let Jack away with what he did?" Ian asked looking between me and Lip.

"When did I ever give up something that easy?" Lip shot back with a smirk.

"No I don't want you guys putting your futures at risk for me." I protested and Lip shook his head slightly before speaking again.

"It's the South side, not too many of us have a future anyway."

Author's Note;
I've been meaning to update for ages and I'm really sorry it's taken this long. I'm just trying to juggle between books so it's not ideal.

Please just vote if you enjoyed this chapter and also don't be afraid to leave comment, thank you!


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