t w e n t y

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I turned off the hair straighteners and brushed my hair again. I didn't straighten my hair often, but I wanted to make an effort for the day that was in it.

I wore a simple black dress with a plunging neckline, I made sure to pick a dress with sleeves because it was freezing outside. I pulled on the only pair of strapped black heels I owned, Grace appeared in a floral dress with a denim jacket. I could tell that she was excited to leave, I swear it's all she had been talking about since the other night.

"Grandma is waiting in the car, she already has the cake with her." Grace told me and I stood up from my bed praying that I wouldn't fall flat on my face today.

"I'm ready to go, you look very pretty by the way." I pointed out and she blushed.

"Thank you Beth, you do too." Grace replied before we headed downstairs and to the Alibi where the party was being held.

Grandma wasn't sticking around for long because she had to be at the diner. She just wanted to congratulate Kev and Vee, she also made them a cake too. I sat in the passenger and Grace got into the backseat, she was in charge of making sure the cake didn't fall off the seat.

"Look at my two beautiful granddaughters." Grandma gushed as she pulled out onto the street.

All of the Gallagher's, Vee and Kev left a while ago for the Alibi because Grace had planned to go along with Debbie but she wasn't ready in time. We weren't going to be that late but I could still tell that Grace just wanted to get there from her excessive foot tapping in the back. It wasn't a very long drive from our house to the Alibi about ten minutes max, I felt a bit nervous once we had pulled up outside.

"I bet Veronica is a stunning bride." Grandma spoke, she had a good relationship with the Gallagher's, Vee and Kev but she hadn't mentioned them a lot when we lived in Washington.

"I'll carry the cake, I don't want you falling or hurting yourself." I offered picking the cake up from the back seat.

"Thank you, Bethany. Let's head inside." Grandma took Grace's hand and they headed for the door.

Grace held the door to the bar open while I walked in with the cake, there was music blaring and for the most part it just seemed to be the Gallagher's and the bars usuals, even Frank was there.

Grace immediately headed over to a table where Debbie and Carl sat. I followed grandma not bothering to look out for Ian or Lip yet. Vee was talking with a woman who looked exactly like her so I presumed it was her mom, Kev stood next to her laughing at something she said before kissing her cheek.

"Veronica and Kevin, congratulations! I can't stay, but I made you a cake for your big day." Grandma greeted earning smiles from Vee and Kev.

"Misses Carver, you didn't need to do that. Thank you so much." Vee hugged grandma and Kev took the box from me.

"Congrats guys!" I gave both Kev and Vee a hug too.

I walked with grandma to the door just incase she wanted to tell me to be home by a certain time or to bring Grace home early.

"Enjoy yourself sweetheart, just keep an eye on Grace. I'll see you tonight or if you're staying at the Gallagher's, I'll see you in the morning." Grandma urged giving me a hug.

"Yeah I will keep an eye on Grace, don't worry. Drive safe." I replied and she left through the door.

I turned around and spotted Ian by the bar, he waved me over and held a beer out for me.

"Hey, who are you trying to impress tonight?" Ian asked looking me up and down.

"Nobody special, did you and Lip sort things out? I shouldn't have came between the two of you." I stated, but somehow I was beginning to realize that Lip and Ian falling out wasn't an unusual occurrence.

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