t h i r t y s i x

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"Hey Debs, is Lip or Ian around?" I asked as she left her house, she had a doll tucked under her arm.

"They're gone to see grandma in prison, something about trying to find Ian's real dad." Debbie told me before walking away, that was weird they didn't mention anything about that.

I headed back to my house and saw grandma rolling out dough with a rolling pin on the kitchen counter.

"Bethany, do you think you could cover Tina's shift? She called in sick." Grandma called making me stop walking upstairs.

"Sure, did you talk to Fiona after?"

"Yeah she's actually working a shift for me today, it's only her second shift so she's still getting used to everything. Maybe you could help her, you'll be finished the same time as her anyway." Grandma answered while sprinkling some flour over the dough.

"I'll go get ready." I muttered before heading upstairs, I changed into my uniform and threw my hair up into a bun.

I grabbed a jacket and slipped my shoes on before heading downstairs again, grandma was waiting for me in the doorway of the kitchen.

"Be safe, I'll see you later." Grandma mumbled giving me a quick hug.


I spotted Kev across the street headed for his truck, maybe he could give me a ride to work?

"Kev!" I shouted getting his attention just as he opened his driver's door, I jogged towards his truck being careful not to slip.

"Hey Beth, can I help you with something?" Kev questioned pulling a hat on over his hair.

"Yeah, mind giving me a ride to work? I have to cover for someone and I'm in a bit of a hurry." I wondered in a pleading tone.

"Sure, hop in." Kev agreed and I rounded the truck to get in the passenger side.

Kev started the truck and pulled out onto the street, I looked out the window at first knowing it wasn't going to be a very long car ride.

"Vee was telling me that you and Lip were getting cosy last night, what's going on there?" Kev broke the silence and I felt myself blush.

"Nothing, we just had a few beers that was it." I replied, it wasn't like I could tell Kev that we'd been fucking on and off for a few weeks now.

"I heard there was some hand holding, when are you going to tell him that you like him? You guys would be cute together." Kev pointed out and I scoffed folding my arms over my chest.

"I don't like Lip, he's with Karen." I defended and Kev rolled his eyes at me before turning the corner.

"Oh please, yeah he's with Karen when it's convenient for her and she's not off fucking someone else. Lip is a good dude, he deserves someone better than her." Kev deadpanned giving me a pointed look.

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

"You. You're that someone better." Kev stressed and I laughed at him.

"I'm not so sure about that, but thanks for the ride anyway." I responded as he pulled up outside the diner, I opened the door and stepped out.

"I'm telling you, give it a chance." Kev called after me and I just waved over my shoulder at him before he pulled off.

I walked in during the afternoon rush it seemed to be because nearly all the tables were full, Fiona came out from the back looking stressed. She visibly relaxed when she saw me, I stepped in behind the counter and hung my jacket up.

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