t w e n t y f o u r

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I was walking back to the counter with a tray of dishes and glasses when Lip stormed through the door of the diner.

"Tell me you didn't do it!" Lip demanded drawing the attention of the customers and wait staff.

"Calm down Lip, come with me to the back. Tina can you just cover me for a minute?" I asked the waitress behind the register.

"Sure, but don't be too long."

Lip followed me through the kitchen to the back door, I opened it and leaned against the railing crossing my arms over my chest.

"What is wrong with you?" I questioned, he looked so angry.

"What is wrong with me? More like what is wrong with you? I can't believe you'd do something so stupid." Lip stated and I was annoyed at how he was talking to me.

"You're such a hypocrite, you do the exact same thing with Karen." I fired back and his face held a look of confusion.

"What are you talking about? Last time I checked I've never run down Karen with a fucking car." Lip spat and I had no idea what he was talking about.

"What are you talking about?"

"Jack is in critical condition in the hospital, he was run down last night in a hit and run. You said you had somewhere to be please tell that you didn't do it." Lip pleaded looking worried, my eyes widened at his words.

"Jack got hit by a car? You think I had something to do with it? You fucking asshole." I scoffed at him feeling hurt that he thought I would do something so messed up.

"Well did you?" Lip pressed further and I was about to slap him for accusing me still.

"Of course I didn't, I'm not a fucking murderer. You know what he tried to do to me, but I swear I didn't do it." I swore being totally serious.

"Where were you last night? It's only a matter of time before the cops show up at your door." Lip pointed out and I felt panic rise in my chest.

"Why would the cops come to my house?" I asked pacing back and forward now.

"Come on, everyone in school knows that you and him had tension since that party. Someone is bound to speak." Lip reminded me, but he was just as likely to be in the firing line as I was.

"Did you do it?" I questioned sternly and Lip scoffed at me this time.

"No I didn't, why do you think I came here looking for you?"

"Well the cops will probably be looking for you too, you got into a fight with him at that party too and people know that we're friends. Where were you last night?" I countered knowing that grandma was going to find out about everything.

"I asked you first." Lip quipped and he was really getting on my nerves now.

"Really Lip? How mature of you, I was with Seb last night." I answered and he narrowed his eyebrows.


"The guy from the day we had a fight." I clarified and his face looked hurt for a split second.

"Did you fuck him?" Lip asked holding my stare.

"Why does it matter? You still didn't tell me where you were." I changed the subject back to him, but Lip let out a dry laugh.

"You fucked him, didn't you? Wow. I was with Karen." Lip spoke and he had was being pissy with me.

"You have no right to be annoyed with me, you were fucking with Karen." I shot back knowing I'd have to go back inside soon.

"I didn't fuck her last night, she's going through some shit with her dad." Lip defended but I rolled my eyes.

"I need to get back to work, just check in with Ian for me." I told him as I opened the back door of the kitchen.

"You don't think he did this, do you?" Lip wondered.

"I don't know, try get to him and make sure before the cops do. I'll see you later." I finished and Lip nodded before walking down the steps and out into the street.

I brought the dirty dishes into the back and left them to be cleaned, I headed back out and to see if they were more tables to clear or any orders to take.

My head was all over the place after finding out that Jack was in hospital, who the hell would do something like that? He must have more enemies than just me, but I was dreading going home because grandma was going to find out about what happened and she'll probably want to move us back to Washington.

By the time my shift ended, my brain was frazzled and all I wanted to do was sleep. I was tempted to stop by the Gallagher's to see if Lip or Ian had talked to the police yet. I climbed the steps up the porch and I opened the door immediately feeling the warmth engulf me, I dropped my bag next to the door and entered the living room. Grandma sat with a cup of tea on the table as she busied herself with knitting.

"Bethany, thank god you're home." Grandma stated in relief, she stood up to give me a hug.

"Hi grandma, is everything okay?" I asked, but she probably had an idea that I knew what she was going to say.

"Fiona came by earlier to tell me that Ian and Phillip were taken for questioning by the police, some officers came by earlier but I told them you were working. What is going on? Have you gotten yourself into some kind of trouble?" Grandma worried and I felt bad for putting her on edge.

"No I haven't done anything. It's just because a boy from my school was involved in a hit and run accident last night and he's in hospital." I answered, but her eyes widened at me.

"Bethany, were you involved in this incident?"

"No I wasn't, it's just a bit complicated to explain-" she didn't let me finish.

"Bethany, this is serious and you need to tell me wha-"

"Why are you fighting?" Grace interrupted as she appeared in the doorway of the living room rubbing her eye, we must have woken her up.

"We're not fighting, there was just a problem at the bakery but nothing for you to worry about. Come on, let's get you back to bed." I urged leading Grace down the hallway and back to her room.

"Beth, I'm not stupid just because I'm only ten doesn't mean I won't understand things. You promised we'd tell each other everything when mom and dad died, is this because Lip upset you the other day and Ian got angry?" Grace questioned and my eyes widened, she must've heard me taking to Ian.

"No Lip didn't upset me, Ian picked it up wrong and got angry at Lip. It's nothing to do with that, I'll fill you in on everything in the morning. Now go to sleep, there's school tomorrow." I reminded her and she rolled her eyes making me laugh.

This was all going to be such a big mess.

Author's Note;
I was going to do a longer chapter, but I think I'll just continue it in the next chapter instead. A bit of a bombshell for y'all, hopefully the element of surprise worked in my favour.

Who do you think hit Jack?

Will Bethany have to come clean to the police and her grandma about how Jack tried to rape her?

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