t h i r t e e n

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"There's waffles in the kitchen, you girls will be okay walking to school right? I need to be at the bakery." Grandma announced as she picked up her purse.

"Yeah we'll be fine, now go on don't want you to be late." I urged while tying my hair back into a braid.

Grace whizzed past both of us and into the kitchen, grandma let a laugh while I just shook my head.

I sat down at the table next to Grace and drizzled some honey over my waffles. We ate in silence pretty much until it was time to leave, I quickly cleaned the dishes and put them away while Grace cleared the table off.

I had barely slipped my arm through my jacket when Grace swung the front door open and took off down the pathway to cross the street where Debbie and Carl were waiting with Ian. I locked the door before following behind her, I didn't miss the way Ian's eyes studied me while I crossed the street.

"Hey, are you feeling better today?" Ian asked, Grace, Debbie and Carl had already started walking ahead of us so they were out of earshot.

"I would rather be going anywhere else than school right now." I grumbled back, I don't think it had really hit me yet that Jack was going to be in the same building and nobody except Ian and Lip would know what he tried to do.

"It'll be okay, if he so much as looks at you I will not hesitate to put my fist through his face." Ian reassured, but both him and Lip already knew how I felt about that.

"You're not doing anything stupid for me." I reminded him looking towards the ground.

"Ian I thought I told you to wait for me." Lip mumbled after catching up to us, I really didn't need both of them watching my every move.

"Debbie, Grace and Carl has started walking and we couldn't let them go off by themselves." Ian reasoned as Lip lit a cigarette.

"Oh before I forget, here's your physics notes. Thank you for letting me borrow them." I handed the book to Lip, Ian's eyes flickered between us.

"No problem, Ian are you working after school?" Lip questioned turning his attention to Ian.

"Yeah until closing, I should be home around ten." Ian confirmed and I saw a smirk grow on Lip's face.

"Okay I have two English essays to get paid for so I should have forty by then, think you could lend me some money?" Lip asked, I didn't know that he did homework for other people and charged, that is pretty smart.

"Maybe what is it for?"

"I want to take Karen to a concert, tickets are on sale tomorrow." Lip answered and I held back the urge to roll my eyes.

We turned the corner and I could see the school building right down the street. I felt my hands clench as we neared the entrance.

"I'll see how much I make later and let you know." Ian clarified and I felt both of their eyes on me as we headed through the double doors.

I just kept my head down and made my way to my locker, I dumped the books I didn't need right now and picked up my English book. I turned to see both Ian and Lip still there watching me.

"You guys really don't need to follow me around like this." I told them, they gave each other a look before looking back at me.

"I'll walk you to your first class, English right? It's not far from my first class." Lip stated and I nodded my head to afraid to say no incase I did encounter Jack in the hallway alone.

The bell blared and Ian gave us a quick wave before walking off down the hallway, Lip nodded his head in the other direction and we walked towards the stairs.

"So you're taking Karen to a concert? That should be fun." I pointed out trying to make conversation to distract myself.

"Are you jealous?" Lip asked with a smirk, I scoffed in return.

"Don't flatter yourself Gallagher, I wouldn't go there in a million years." I shot back while hugging my textbook to my chest.

"That's what they all say at first, but I can change their minds." Lip countered with a wink.

"I wouldn't be so sure about that." I headed into my English class after giving Lip a quick wave over my shoulder.

The morning had gone by quickly, but I didn't stop the begrudging feeling in the pit of my stomach when my last class was biology. I hadn't seen Jack yet and I didn't want to, Ian had walked with me to the class before but I needed space from him and Lip. They weren't always going to be there for me, I froze at the end of the hallway just a few doors down from the labs. He was laughing with another tall guy, both of them playfully nudging each other as they neared the door.

I watched his friend walk in first before his eyes drifted down the hallway landing on me instantly, a smirk rose to his lips before he winked disappearing through the door. I felt the bile rise in my throat immediately rushing into the bathroom, I pushed open the nearest stall door emptying the contents of my stomach into the toilet. I flushed the toilet putting the lid down as I sat down, I held my head in my hands feeling tears wet my cheeks.

This is hell and there's not a single thing I can do about it, we just moved here. I can't make grandma move again then she'd find out everything and make me go to the police, I could feel my skin crawling.

I can't keep missing class or I'll fall behind, I wiped my eyes and cheeks with my sleeves before stepping out from the stall.

"A breakup?" I jumped startled at a girl with blonde hair sitting on the counter next to the sink.

"What? Uh...no." I mumbled in return, I ran my hands under the tap and cleaned my face noticing the red rings under my eyes from crying.

"Failed a test? Teen pregnancy? What else is the latest high school craze? Let me think." The girl hummed looking towards the ceiling in thought.

"I have to go-"

"Sorry I get way too invested in high school drama. I'm Mia." She held her hand out towards me for a handshake.

"Beth." I replied shaking her hand, something told me that she skipped class a lot.

"Don't worry, I'm not some weirdo who hangs out in the bathroom. I kinda blew up my chemistry experiment yesterday so I decided to give my partner a break for today. Who knew you could actually blow shit up in the lab?" Mia grinned and she hopped down from the counter.

"That explains the smell along the hallway today." I clarified letting out a small laugh.

"Are you new here or something? I don't recognise you."

"Yeah, I moved here a few weeks ago with my grandma and little sister." I confirmed while leaning against the wall.

"It can be a pretty rough place depending on whether you live on the North or South side. Anyway since you neither of us seem to be going to class how about we go get a hot chocolate or something?" Mia offered and I hesitated at first causing her to give me a pointed look.

"Sure." I agreed and Mia walked towards the door holding it open for me.

Author's Note;
A new update! I've been writing this for a few days now jumping between my updates.

Also I wanted to introduce Mia, I picture her as being played by Chloe Grace Moretz. She will be featuring a bit more as the book goes on, but please vote if you enjoyed and feel free to comment anything. Thank you!


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