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"Wow, great to see you back in the land of the living. I thought for sure the other night you weren't going to pull through." Mia teased as I shut my locker door, I had to work all day Sunday and cover extra because some of the waitresses called in sick.

"Very funny, thank you for getting me back to the Gallagher's." I thanked her after shutting my locker door, Grace was sick so Grandma made her stay at home I left a little earlier than the Gallagher's mainly because I wanted to avoid Lip.

The bell chimed loudly and I groaned, physics was my first period and I had been hoping to avoid Lip for as long as I could.

"You'll be happy to know that I'm actually going to class for once, I'll catch you later." Mia told me and I raised my eyebrows at her.

"I'm proud, try not to leave early." I called over my shoulder as I headed for the stairs up to the physics lab.

I sat down at the bench I shared with Lip and more students were slowly filing into the room, no sign of Lip so maybe I'd get lucky and he wouldn't show up. About twenty minutes into class, a ditsy Karen Jackson came through the door. I'll never know why she takes physics when she uses her fingers to count to ten, Ms. Harris not bothering with hearing the lame excuse she had most likely come up with told her to sit down.

As if on cue, three minutes later the door to the lab opened again and in walked no other than Lip. He muttered a quick apology and kept his head down as he approached our bench, it didn't take a rocket scientist to put two and two together. His messy hair, his crumpled shirt and the fact that his fly was undone caused an irritation in me for some reason. I didn't spare him a glance, I just continued taking notes holding my head in my left hand in an attempt to block him from seeing my face.

"Hey you were already gone this morning before me and Ian left, why'd you leave so early?" Lip questioned leaning over to look at me.

"I had to meet Mia before school, she needed to tell me something." I mumbled in return not particularly wanting to talk to him.

"What did-" I cut him off before he had the chance to finish.

"Look Lip I'm just trying to pay attention so can you please just shut up until class is over." I spat back annoyed, he seemed a bit taken aback but didn't get a chance to respond because Ms. Harris beat him to it.

"Is everything okay down there Miss Carver and Mr Gallagher?"

"Yes, sorry Miss it won't happen again." I apologised and Miss Harris moved onto the next slide.

When the bell rang I didn't waste any time leaving physics because I could feel my blood boiling. Whenever I thought that maybe I could tolerate Lip he always did something to piss me off, it was like a never ending cycle of bullshit. I was nearly at my locker when I felt my elbow being grabbed.

"Don't touch me." I warned jerking my arm out of Lip's hold.

"Will you just stop for a second, what is up your ass?" Lip asked in a more serious tone, for a smart guy he really could be dumb sometimes.

He pulled me into the supply closet full of old cleaning products, I coughed slightly at the amount of dust in the cramped room.

"You want to tell me why you're being a bitch?" Lip questioned and I scoffed at him.

"I'm being a bitch? I haven't done anything." I answered which was true but I knew Lip wouldn't take that.

"I tried to talk to you twice and you quite literally shut me down. What's going on?" Lip held an accusing tone in his voice.

"We've been through this before Lip, I've told you that I'm not like you. I need to pay attention in class to know what's going on." I shot back hoping he would just drop this stupid argument.

"Really? That's the best you can come up with?"

"Lip, you're really starting to piss me off. Just let me get to English before I'm late, don't you have better things to be doing? Like fucking Karen Jackson?" I pointed out trying to push past him to leave but he held his ground firmly.

"That's what this is about, you're jealous of Karen." Lip stated and he had the audacity to smirk at me.

"No it's not, the world does not revolve around you Lip whether you want to believe it or not is up to you. I'm done here, move out of the way so
I can leave." I snapped back hating that he knew exactly why I was so annoyed.

The smirk still hadn't left his face, I wanted to punch him right now for being so arrogant.

"You know if you want to kiss me again all you had to do was ask." Lip spoke and I couldn't believe how much of an asshole he was being right now.

Lip leaned closer to me and dipped his head so he could kiss me, before I knew what was happening I raised my hand and slapped him across the face, the sound echoed in the tiny room.

"Get the fuck out of my way." I growled practically shoving him out of the way, I was already out of the closet when I heard calling after me.

"Wait! Beth, I didn't mean to. That was stupid of me." Lip tried and I turned on my heel to face him, the hallway was empty at this point.

"Stay fuck away from me and don't ever try to talk to me again you sick bastard." I snarled feeling tears prick at my eyes.

"Beth I'm-"

"I think she's made it clear that she wants you to leave her alone." A voice interrupted sternly, I looked over my shoulder to see Seb standing there with his arms crossed.

"Who the fuck are you? This is none of your business." Lip responded but Seb still didn't leave.

"Seb you don't need to do this, I'm fine." I reasoned before a fist fight would kick off between him and Lip.

"You know this guy?" Lip asked with raised eyebrows.

"Does it even matter? Just stay away from me." I finished before walking away, I didn't go to English instead I left the building and stopped after walking down the steps outside.

I rested my back against the wall seeing my breath cloud the air as I tried to control my breathing. I couldn't believe Lip tried something like that, the thought made me want to throw up. I felt my head was going to explode and I could hear the blood rushing through my ears.

"Care to fill me in on what that was all about or would you rather I got Mia?" Seb asked and I jumped slightly not realizing he had followed me outside.

"No it's fine, thank you for back there." I breathed, it felt weird talking to him because he didn't seem as grumpy as the other night.

"Well I know I'm not planning on going back in there anytime soon and I doubt you are either, want to tell me what the hell that was all about?" Seb questioned, I raised my eyebrows not thinking he'd care about what just happened at all.

"It's a long story, got a cigarette?"

Author's Note;
I'm not going to put a big message or anything here because this book genuinely does not have an update schedule so it will literally be the most random times.

What do you think of what Lip did?

What is your opinion of Seb?

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