t h i r t y f o u r

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It was nearly lunch and I felt the nerves in the pit of my stomach, Mia was forcing to talk to Seb and sort things out. I think it was her way of trying to look out for me after not knowing what happened before, I  insisted that there was no way Seb would give me the time of day. Mia seemed to think otherwise however because when I got my locker she was already waiting for me.

"I know you mean well, but he's really not going to go for this." I stated and Mia just rolled her eyes.

"Just try, come on I saw him leave through the back exit a few minutes ago." Mia urged and I reluctantly followed her, she stopped short at the door nearly making me bump into her from behind.

"What are you doing?" I questioned and she turned around to face me.

"This is where I leave you, you're on your own let me know how it goes later." Mia beamed leaving me alone before I could stop her.

I sighed and pushed the exit door open, I spotted him leaning against the same wall where we'd had an argument the last time. He was smoking, his head tilted towards the clouds as blew little ringlets from his lips.

"Seb." I spoke catching his attention, his head snapped towards where I stood and stubbed his cigarette on the ground before walking off.

"Wait Seb, just hear me out for five minutes and then you never have to talk to me again if you don't want to." I claimed jogging ahead of him to stop him, he looked annoyed that I was blocking his path.

"Why should I?" Seb asked looking down at me, I adjusted the strap of my book bag on my shoulder.

"Please, for Mia's sake and because I was wrong." I compromised and he scoffed.

"So Mia put you up to this? At least have the decency to come and talk to me off your own back." Seb spat and I placed my hand on his chest to stop him, he looked down at my hand I dropped it.

"Okay yes Mia might have forced me to talk to you, but I know that I was a complete bitch to you that day and I'm just asking you to let me explain myself and apologize." I pleaded craning my neck to look up at him.

"Fine you've got five minutes." Seb grumbled crossing his arms over his chest.

"Obviously I didn't know you were going to go to the police station and help me out like you did which I am so grateful for even though I may not have acted like it that day. I'm not sure what came over me but when I found out that you were Jack's brother I just felt like I was back there that evening at the diner when he tried to rape me, I got so angry and I felt like you had taken advantage of me but I know you didn't and you never would intend to." I explained brushing my hair away from my face.

"I told you before, I am nothing like my brother even ask Mia." Jack reminded me and I nodded.

"I know you're not but why didn't you tell me?" I questioned, he sighed looking at the ground before looking back at me.

"Because I didn't want you to look at me and think of what he tried to do to you and then you kissed me and I didn't want to ruin the first chance I had with you. I thought that if I had told you then you would stop hanging out with us." Seb defended and in a way I didn't blame him for not telling me.

"You're right I probably would've because of fear, but I'm sorry about the awful things I said to you that day especially after you helped me. Friends?"

"Apology accepted, yeah we can start fresh." Seb agreed and I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding.

"Are you going to report the rape?" Seb asked in a serious tone.

"I can't, I don't want my grandma finding out what happened. She'd just make us move again." I answered and Seb bit his lip as if he was debating saying something.

"I would offer to beat him up, but he's kinda in a coma right now." Seb claimed and I rolled my eyes, from how he was almost joking about the fact that Jack was in a coma I got the feeling that they weren't close at all.

"He's still your brother, I get it if you go and see him in hospital and stuff." I told him as we walked down the steps at the front of the school.

"You're right, he is but he's also a fucking asshole who's made a lot of enemies by being dumb." Seb pointed out and I still found it a bit strange that he didn't seem to care for Jack much.

"What happened between you two?" I questioned wanting to know.

"Long story short he dropped me in freshman year for the football team, he also doesn't give a shit about our family but mom still idolizes him for some reason. He likes to hide the fact that we're brothers which I'm perfectly fine with." Seb gave me a very brief explanation, I had a feeling there was more to it than that but I wasn't going to press any further just yet.

"Hey, I'm guessing everything is good now?" Mia wondered throwing her arms over our shoulders and wedging herself in between us.

"Yeah, all good." I replied as we continued walking down the side walk away from school.

It wasn't until I got to my gate after school that I saw Ian and Lip just up the street on the other side, they were both holding two brown envelopes in their hands. Now that I thought about it, I hadn't seen either of them this morning at school.

"Hey, where have you two been all day?" I greeted after crossing the street to meet them.

"Just getting DNA test kits." Lip responded as if it was an everyday occurrence.

"Should I ask why?"

"Probably not, but Lip wants to find out if there's a chance that we're not Frank's because Monica and Bob found out that Liam is Frank's." Ian mentioned and I raised my eyebrows at them.

"Want to come play hot nurse?" Lip offered the envelope to me.

"Don't be such a dick." I countered pushing the envelope back towards his chest.

"I really don't want to hear this." Ian interrupted and Lip just laughed.

"Trust me Ian, I don't want to either." I told him joining them as they walked back towards their house.

"Oh that reminds me, Kash shot Mickey yesterday for stealing a snickers bar." Ian revealed and my eyes widened.

"Mickey as in Mandy's brother? A snickers bar really?" I asked, but I knew there was more too it.

"You forgot the part that Kash is jealous because you're fucking Mickey instead of him." Lip added and Ian punched his arm for telling me.

"Yeah that too, but I didn't lose my job." Ian reasoned as if that made the situation all the better.

"Anything else you've been keeping from me?" I wondered as we walked up the steps of the porch.

"Yeah, my brother is an asshole." Ian stated and I laughed, Lip just rolled his eyes.

"Tell me something I don't know."

Author's Note;
A shorter chapter than usual but I just wanted to update tonight so hopefully you guys aren't too disappointed that it's short....

Do you think Beth was right to settle things with Seb?

Leave a comment below and don't forget to vote, can I just say how amazed I am to see all the notifications blowing up for this book lately. I honestly can't believe it because it didn't gain attention for a long time almost to the point where I was thinking of deleting the whole thing but luckily I didn't. Anyway thanks for all the support and see you all again soon with another update.


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