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It wasn't until Friday after lunch when I saw Jack walk into biology with his hood pulled up to hide his face. His usual loud and cocky demeanor was toned down so much that he just sat down without a word to anyone. I was thankful that he never showed up for English so I only had to bare biology, Mr.Miller came into the room and sat at his desk.

"Jack, hood down. I don't care what new fashion trend you're trying to start but this isn't the place to do it." Mr.Miller ordered and I knew I wasn't the only one watching Jack for a reaction.

I even gasped along with the rest of the class when Jack pulled his hood down, he had a swollen eye and a busted lip with dried blood. There was another cut above his eyebrow that looked nasty, there was silence as Jack just continued to stare down at the table in front of him. I swear if Lip or Ian had done this I was going to kill them, I had warned them countless times at this stage about not doing something stupid like this.

"Jack, go see the school nurse." Mr.Miller gestured to the door, Jack stood up and left the room just as quietly as he had entered it.

The class erupted into chatter about what could've possibly happened to Jack or who did it.

"Okay everybody calm down, today we're going to finish looking at the digestive system and you'll have a test on Monday. I think it would be in your best interests to pay attention closely so you won't have to study as much this weekend." Mr.Miller announced causing several groans throughout the room.

Mr.Miller wasn't particularly old, in fact far from it. If I had to guess I'd say early thirties, his hair cropped close to his head and a pair of dark glasses perched on the bridge of his nose. The class wasn't all that bad, but a little tedious since we had already completed the experiments associated with this chapter. Although Mr.Miller had told us to pay attention closely, I could see that most of the students were just staring at the clock willing the bell to ring so we'd be free into the weekend again. Even I had caught myself glancing at the clock several times, when the bell finally did ring most of the students practically ran out the door.

"Don't forget about the test on Monday!" Mr.Miller reminded raising his voice to be heard.

"Beth, can I talk to you for a minute?" Mr. Miller questioned as I was about to leave.

"Sure." I agreed simply while standing at the edge of his desk.

"You've missed a few classes this week and I hope it won't become a habit, you're a bright girl. I'd hate to see it all go to waste." Mr.Miller told me as he packed away his stuff.

"I was sick on Monday so I wasn't in and I still wasn't feeling too good on Tuesday so I went home early, it won't happen again." I confirmed with a small smile.

"Glad to hear it, you don't want to fall behind again and have to catch up on everything. Enjoy your weekend." Mr.Miller finished, I thanked him before leaving knowing I had to head home to get ready for my first shift at the bakery.

I spotted Lip talking with Karen as he smoked a cigarette, he seemed a bit irritated when she shook her head and walked away.

"Trouble in paradise?" I joked knowing it would probably get on Lip's nerves.

"She's blowing me off to go to some ball thing with her dad." Lip replied falling into step with me as we walked back in the direction of our neighborhood.

"Blowing you off in a different kinda way for a change." I pointed out earning a chuckle from Lip.

"How was biology?" Lip asked passing me his cigarette, I took a quick drag knowing that Grandma would kill me if she saw me smoking.

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