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I was studying physics in my room, I couldn't concentrate on any of it

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I was studying physics in my room, I couldn't concentrate on any of it. I kept thinking about what happened with Lip the previous night, why had I been so stupid? I don't even know why I let it happen.

I dropped my pen on my desk and sighed leaning back in my chair, I tied my tangled hair away from my face in a messy bun. I was about to start writing again when there was a soft knock at my door, it opened to reveal grandma standing there.

"You've been at that for hours, dear. Take a break actually you know what you can do for me?"

"What's that?" I asked closing my physics book over.

"I made the Gallagher's two apple pies since they looked after Grace for awhile. Could you bring them over?"

"Yeah sure, grandma. You going somewhere?" I questioned noticing she had her coat on and her purse in her hands.

"I'm just going to buy some new knitting needles and wool, I think Grace is over there right now. Her and Debbie are practically joined at the hip." Grandma told me, I sat down on the edge of my bed to pull my shoes on.

"Yeah I haven't seen a lot of her recently." I muttered while following grandma downstairs.

"The pies are in the kitchen, I'll see you later honey."

"Bye grandma." I called over my shoulder and headed into the kitchen to see the two pies all wrapped up and ready to go.

I didn't bother with a coat because I planned on making it a quick visit, I carefully crossed the street and climbed the steps of the Gallagher's porch. I knocked on the door shivering slightly at the cool air as I waited for someone to open the door. I was relieved when Ian opened the door and stepped aside letting me inside, I saw his eyes light up as he spotted the pies in my hands.

"Who is it Ian?" Fiona yelled from the living room.

"It's just Beth, Grace's sister." Ian reminded as we stepped into the living room.

Everyone was sat in the living room all watching the tv, I noticed a guy sitting beside Fiona. Lip sat in an arm chair closet to the door with his arm draped over a petite blonde's shoulder, this must be the infamous Karen Jackson.

"Hello everyone, grandma made two apple pies to thank you for looking after Grace for awhile." I stated and Fiona stood gesturing to the kitchen.

"Wow tell we said thank you, it was no problem. Why don't you stay? We just got takeout." Fiona offered and I shook my head feeling Lip's eyes on me.

"No it's okay, I have a physics test I need to study for." I excused lamely, but Ian wasn't having it.

"You can stay for awhile, you have all week to study for that test. You're worse than Lip when it comes to studying." Ian insisted with a grin.

"That's because Lip doesn't even have to study, don't ask me where he gets it from because it sure ain't Frank or Monica." Fiona added and furrowed my eyebrows in confusion.

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