t h i r t y

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A week had passed and grandma wasn't being as hard on me, she did make me babysit Liam for Fiona today but I didn't mind.

I left my house and crossed the street shivering from the light breeze, I walked up the steps of the Gallagher's house and entered without knocking this time. It wasn't as noisy as usual, I saw Lip slipping his jacket on over his shoulders and pulling his hood up.

"Hey, where are you heading off to?" I asked although I already had feeling where.

"That professor guy wants me to come see him at the University of Chicago." Lip replied and I raised my eyebrows at him, I was not expecting that.

"You thinking about going to college there?"

"Fuck no, might as well see if I can get any free stuff. I better go, if you're looking for Ian he's not here." Lip told me but I didn't go to leave like he expected.

"I'm not here for Ian, I'm babysitting Liam for Fiona. Did Ian tell you how he got those bruises yet?" I questioned and Lip shook his head.

"I don't know what's up with him lately, Fiona is in the kitchen. I'll see you later." Lip mentioned before walking past me and out the door.

Liam crawled across the floor, he was pushing a toy car. I picked both him and the toy car, he giggled in my arms and hugged me with his chubby, little arms.

"Hey Fiona, how long do you need me to watch this little guy for?" I gestured to Liam in my arms, he had started playing with the strings on my hoodie.

"Not too long just an hour or two, I've just need to run a few errands. Sorry if I ruined your plans or anything but I couldn't find anyone else in time." Fiona apologised as she scrambled to pick everything up and put them in her bag.

"It's fine, don't worry about it. I didn't have anything planned anyway." I brushed off, taking the bag with Liam's things from her.

"Everything okay? Either of my brothers giving you trouble just let me know." Fiona stated while locking eyes with me.

"They're not, I'll let you head off and I'll bring Liam back in about two hours." I answered moving back into the living room.

"That's perfect, thank you again." Fiona smiled at me before she left through the back door.

Grace, Carl and Debbie had gone to the park so it was just me and Liam. I crossed the street again to my house, Liam dribbling slightly on my shoulder.

"Let's get you something to eat." I mumbled as I placed his bag down in the living room, he clapped his hands in response making me laugh.

"Okay let's see her, how about yogurt and then maybe a banana later?" I suggested receiving a smile from Liam.

I pulled out a yogurt from the bag and went into the kitchen to get a spoon with Liam on my hip, he was getting great amusement from tugging on my hair. I took a spoon from the drawer and walked back into the living room, I sat down on the couch with Liam propped up on my lap. I peeled off the top of the yogurt and stopped him from trying to pull his bib off. I wrapped my arm around his back so he wouldn't fall off my lap and dipped the spoon into the peach yogurt, I lifted the spoon to his mouth and he ate it looking around the room in amazement.

He had finished the yogurt within a few minutes, I cleaned his face and put a new bib on him. I cut a banana up into small pieces and fed it to him, then he kept pointing at the floor so I put him down and took out some of his toys. Liam wasn't a very whiny toddler, but I suppose that was because he had so many people looking after him. I turned on the tv and sat on the floor with him as he played with his toy car again, his attention turned to some kid's show singing nursery rhymes and he started to wave his arms along to the music. He eventually crawled over to me and I lifted him onto my lap, we both sat watching the cartoon and he continued making cute sounds and waving his arms.

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