Chapter Nine: Donny

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{alright well first off- it's been sooooo long and school was kicking my ass so I like- dropped out lmfao. but I got a message asking about the next chapter so now I'm determined to finish this :)) I'm so sorry for the wait, I hope you enjoy it, I'm sure there are lots of plot errors, and the tone is inconsistent}

After three hours of sitting on a bus in near complete silence, we got to a motel.

"We're spending the night?" i asked, confused. I could have swore he said we weren't staying anywhere overnight. He shook his head. He'd calmed down, but now he he was just plain nervous, which made him upset so he was snappy.

"No" he said bluntly. There was one room for all of us and we all sat around, but there wasn't much space so I sat on the floor between Dave's legs. I tilted my head back and looked at him. he looked down at me and grinned a little.

"So, you have a brother?" he asked. I sighed and he played with my hair

"unfortunately. but on the plus side we're only half related" i sighed

"I'm sorry for snapping" he whispered "i'm just nervous" he admitted quietly so the guys wouldn't hear him. I chuckled

"It's alright.. But i have a surprise" i said remembering something. He raised and eyebrow. I turned to face him and pulled the check from my dad out of my pocket, handing it to him. He looked at it, grinning.

"Not your money to give, is it?" he smirked. I shook my head

"Well no... but i figured it would help the band" i shrugged. He pulled me up, so I was on his lap, and wrapped his arms around me tightly. He just felt so good.

"I haven't done this enough lately" he mumbled and held me close to him, my head buried in his neck. I sighed happily and wrapped my arms around his neck. I was just about asleep when I heard his voice softly in my ear

"I have to go, cherie" he purred and I clung onto him tighter. he put one hand under my legs and stood up, carrying me over to the bed "sleep" he said, kissed the top of my head, and started to walk out with the guys

"no" I whined and got up, lacing my fingers with his. He grinned and we walked down a couple blocks to the venue they were going to play at. it was much nicer than what they had been previously playing at. Dave refused to play at any of the circuit clubs so it was hard for them. but I don't generally go to them anymore, I'd spent a lot of time, but if Dave or david ever asked me I was more than happy to come. but sometimes Dave dragged me along just to blow him before the show, but i was usually busy or bored of the same shows over and over.

but this was different, this was a show and I wouldn't miss it for the world. David seemed down so i pulled away from the warmth of dave to stand by him.

"hey junior, how come you didn't bring sam?" I asked him when we got there. Sam was his girlfriend, she was nice enough... I guess. she liked to pretend I was a little kid sometimes. He rubbed the back of his neck

"I was sick of the way she treated my friends..." i was relieved "especially you" he said slightly softer. I blushed

"Oh, i didn't really mind" he shook his head

"I did. Your not a kid... she didn't need to treat you like that, Jack" i chuckled softly

"Well i am" it came to my attention that he may not know just how young i was. He must know- i was constantly doing school work.

"No-" he said sternly, yet softly. I don't think he knew how to be tough "don't let her get to you, jackie, you two are about the same age, right?" just then i felt dave's eyes on me. His caught mine and he shook his head.

"Your right" i sighed "i'm glad you got rid of her" he nodded

"Me too... she was just so good" i rolled my eyes

"There are people that are even better, love" i said and put a hand on his shoulder to comfort him "soon, i'm sure of it" he smiled immediately. He was adorable.

I made my way back to dave and we just walked. Comfortable silence was rare with us. He always needed the space to be filled with rambling or music. I noticed that wasn't the case with anyone but me. But this was peaceful.

We were that way for a while; i played with his hair and leaned in for the occasional neck, jaw, or cheek kiss to calm his nerves. They didn't play for a little while longer. Suddenly, after I thought I'd gotten him relaxed to near sleep, he tensed quickly. He was sitting on a couch, and I was behind him. i put my head on his shoulder

"Something wrong?" I asked softly. He stood up and faced me. Someone came into the room, but i didn't recognize them. Dave got up, turned around to me, and put his hand up.

"Stay there" he growled. I looked over to the man who walked in. He looked slightly older than dave; good build, long brown hair with a slight curl to it. His shiny white teeth went right past dave- who was standing in front of me, but to the left just enough to get a clear view of this guy -straight to me. He was- well to put it plainly, he was attractive.

"Dave!" the man said in a pleasant voice "when i heard your band was playing here, i had to get tickets, hope you don't mind" his grin was charming, but you could tell he was a man who didn't play by the rules, at least not at first.

"Why are you here, donny?" Dave asked, gritting his teeth. The man called Donny put his hands up defensively and flashed a smile

"Can't we put the past where it belongs?" Dave chuckled and shook his head

"You mean on the curb, where I'm gonna bash your head in?" I gasped and got up, pushing Dave aside so I was standing in the middle of them both.

"Nobody is hurting anyone!" I yelled and looked at both of them. They fell silent so I walked over to Donny, and held out my hand for him to shake, and he did just that. "Sorry about that, my name is Jackie" he smiled nervously

"I'm Donny. Donny Whitman" i smiled as best i could and told him to sit down in one of the chairs.

"Nice to meet you, donny. You're welcome to stay and watch the show. Anyone is welcome" Dave scoffed quietly, and I shot a warning look towards him. I assumed Donny was an old friend that did something minor to Dave, and he'd never let it go.

"Jesus, Dave, what'd you do? Shoot up a school and then take a prisoner?" he joked, referring to me, although i didn't think it was funny

"Shut the fuck up" Dave growled, and he grabbed my hand tightly. Then someone I didn't know came and said they needed the guys for something, so it was just me and donny.

"So, what's the bug up Dave's butt" I laughed softly, turning to him. He shrugged

"Once i stole his pot... but i mean that was years ago"

"I understand, he likes to keep grudges" he laughed

"You got that right, wow, well what's your story?" i blushed and shrugged

"I'm just a prisoner from a school shooting, I guess" he laughed, but I wasn't really being funny. His hand was subtly getting closer to mine

"No really, tell me" his eyes gazed into mine. I hated it. Whatever magic he thought he could work, wasn't.

"My story isn't your business, pot thief" I said, rolling my eyes and walking off to find dave. I finally caught up with him; someone was stringing his guitar. It looked like they were about to do a soundcheck. He waited patiently and I snuck up behind him, grabbing his hand. He smiled and pulled me close to him

"He didn't hurt you, did he? I was worried" I shook my head and took a breath in, smelling him. It was the most comforting thing I knew.

"Why would he hurt me?"

"It's nothing..." he said nonchalantly, but he pulled me close to him, like he was trying to keep me from falling "just- if your not with me, stay the hell away from him, okay?" he asked, but it wasn't a question. he meant that. I wondered what could be so bad about Donny... he only stole some weed, right?

𝐋𝐚𝐬𝐭 𝐑𝐢𝐭𝐞𝐬 (𝐀 𝐃𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐌𝐮𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐢𝐧𝐞 𝐅𝐚𝐧𝐟𝐢𝐜)Where stories live. Discover now