Chapter Fourteen: what. the. hell.

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{this could totally be triggering for people- honestly this whole thing could be but it gets kinda weird in this part}

It was dark when i woke up, and at first i couldn't figure out where the hell i was. Then it all started coming back slowly, but it didn't seem real. Why would me and james fight? I couldn't remember. My head hurt- a pounding of pain. But it wasn't just my head. My whole body had an ache to it. I touched around me and someone was in bed next to me. I sighed with relief. That whole thing must have been a nightmare- i was in bed with dave. I snuggled up to him and he wrapped his arms around me

"Go back to sleep" he said but i froze. That wasn't dave. Fear ripped through me. My brain was foggy as i tried to recall whose bed i was in. i lay there until i could see light coming in through the blinds. When i was sure he was asleep, i slipped out of his arms and stood up. That shouldn't hurt, right? Well it did. I heard a drip on the floor and touched it. I still couldn't see clearly but it was dark. I gasped. I looked back at the bed and it was the same right where i was laying. I tried not to cry as confusion washed over me. I was overwhelmed. I slid to the floor and up against the wall. I drew my knees up to my chest and covered my mouth with my hand, biting it. I couldn't tell if i had been hurt or not. Then it came to my mind- donny. I got up slowly and went into the next room- thank god it was a bathroom. I closed the door and turned on the light. I looked like absolute shit. My eyes were red and eyeliner was streaming down my face with my tears. Then i looked down. Blood covered my legs and i screamed. More was coming.

Donny burst into the room. I looked up at him, sobbing. I fell to the ground; it was all over my hands and i couldn't stop breathing. He just stood there. I didn't blame him. I couldn't help but notice he wasn't wearing much, but it wasn't my top priority.

"Why" i screamed at him and he lifted me up off the floor by my arms. I expected him to hold me, but he pushed me against the wall.

"Because your a no good whore" he said, and suddenly he wasn't so charming "tell anyone about this? I'll kill you" he said fiercely. I was scared out of my mind and sobbing. He let me go and i fell to the floor again. He took a step back and his entire demeanor changed.

"Now" he sighed "get yourself cleaned up, and meet me for breakfast" he was smiling again. I watched him put his clothes on and start to head out of the room "and don't even think about leaving, darling" he chuckled "i know everything about you" and he left. Dave was right. I should have listened to him. Dave. i thought about how scared he must be. Now our baby was gone.

I got cleaned up, and walked out into the dining room slowly. Donny smiled at me warmly. He motioned his hand for me to sit across the table from him. He was just waiting for me. I sat and looked at my plate. Just some eggs.

"Eat" he commanded in a soft voice. I looked down at the bracelet i had on my wrist. Dave had an identical one. He got them for us on valentines day. More tears streamed down my cheek. "Eat" he said again "dave isn't important now" he said eyeing my bracelet. I put the hand with it on under the table.

"Did you kill it?" i asked him and sniffed. He looked annoyed. He clenched his teeth

"I said eat!" he snapped at me, banging his hand on the table. I jumped and ate a little bit of the food. "Yes, i did" he said in a softer tone, pleased with me "i'm sorry about your baby, but it had to be done, honey" he said and i gripped my shirt. When i didn't answer, he kept on "you are so beautiful, i'm sorry for yelling" he said and leaned across the table; he put his hand softly on my jaw so i would look at him "gorgeous" he breathed and kissed me. I pulled away from him and he sighed. We ate in silence. When i was done i just stared at my water glass.

"You can get up" he said softly, staring at me "you're mine now, you may roam wherever you want, your no slave" he then grabbed my and and stroked his thumb on the back of mine.

"I want to leave" i croaked "please i want dave" he clicked his tongue and shook his head

"I have everything for you, dave doesn't deserve someone as-" he pulled my hand up to his cheek and took in a breath "as perfect as you" i shivered

"But i want him" i whined "i'm sure he didn't mean to cheat" his hand tightened on mine considerably, i tried pulling me away but he was too strong.

"No!" he stood up, my hand still in his "he doesn't love you" donny shouted, but then he got soft. And i said james was bipolar- yikes. "he treated you like shit, i'll love you better than him" maybe he was right...

"But i want him" i sobbed and he pulled me to the living room. He shoved me on the couch and stood above me. I looked up at him

"Darling, darling" he purred and wrapped some of my hair around his finger "be calm" he said and i got quiet "i've got to go out for a while. You'll behave, won't you?" he asked and touched my breast lightly then smiled while looking me in the eyes. I shook my head

"Go to hell" hissed at him, and he slapped me across the face. I gasped and teared up, touching where he'd hit me gingerly

"Let's try that again" he said in a stern voice, grabbing my wrist tightly "i've got to go out for a while, you will behave, won't you?" he growled and i bit my lip, nodding slightly. He let go and i sat, stunned

"I'll be back, my pet. Don't do anything foolish" he put both his hands on my shoulders firmly "i love you" he said and kissed the top of my head. He then stalked off and out the door, smiling. I watched him as he left.

As soon as he was gone i scrambled to a phone. My first instinct was to call dave, but then thought of what donny was telling me. He was right... so i thought of someone else. I dialed the number and waited. It felt like a year each ring. God. he had to pick up, i knew he had to... 

𝐋𝐚𝐬𝐭 𝐑𝐢𝐭𝐞𝐬 (𝐀 𝐃𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐌𝐮𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐢𝐧𝐞 𝐅𝐚𝐧𝐟𝐢𝐜)Where stories live. Discover now