chapter twenty-seven: no words

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(i think my dave obsession is coming back guys- shoutout to @slashscurls <3333333333)

{James' POV:)

God. she must hate me. Why would I ever do something like that? Its so stupid. There was just something about her I couldn't shake. It made me regret all the time I'd spent teasing her, instead of appreciating her. Somehow dave got to her first, and she wouldn't realize how bad for her he was. I could make her so much happier than him... we were staying at some fancy hotel that night in downtown portland. Unfortunately the fans knew exactly where we were. Somehow they always found out our room number- made sleeping through the night (if we decided to sleep and not party) hell. We're not for turning down talking to fans, generally... but honestly I'm not exactly itching to let in someone who found out exactly what hotel room I was in. The show wasn't tonight, it was tomorrow afternoon, so I had all the time to do whatever I wanted. The guys said they were 'going down to swim' but really that meant to pick up girls. I had no interest in that. I wanted to talk to her. Badly. Usually i was able to go about my day, but for some reason I just couldn't handle the thought of him with her. Loving her, holding her, when that could be me. But she was so stupid. I needed to find her.. I figured the easiest way to do that was to talk to the fans, surely they'd know where their beloved cumstaine was at all times, just like they knew where we were. Just then, as if my mind had been read, there was a knock at the door. I opened it, smiling, then quickly stopped as I saw Gar Samuelson standing in front of me. I didn't know him well, he went to my highschool, though, but we never went at the same time. He's about six years older than me, so he graduated before I even got to high school. Although, he was somewhat of a legend around the campus. Mostly because he was the guy you bought heroin from and beat on buckets in the bathrooms during classes. I heard he stabbed someone once, but im really not sure how much of it was just rumors made up by the new seniors trying to scare the posers. I think i may even have met him. I didn't particularly like him, though. He was an ass. And while everyone was kissing up to his, i saw through it.

"What the hell are you doing here?" i asked him hesitantly

"Dave and what's-her-name are gettin' all cute and i cant stand it, so i checked into a hotel... what are you doing here?" he asked. He seemed pretty sober. Still, i was shocked.

"I-" i stammered and blushed "this is my room..." he rolled his eyes

"Well yeah, dumbass, its your room. I need to crash, some fans told me what room you were in- i figured i'd save some money" he grinned. It was sort of- uncomfortable. But then it clicked

"You can have the damn room if you tell me where dave is" he then told me where they were staying and even let me use his car, and- i hope -made me sarcastically promise that i'd trade it in for a better one.. The car was a complete piece of shit, even for my standards. Im surprised it still ran at all. After getting gas and directions i tried my best making my way to a campground gar informed me that they were staying. It struck me odd that dave would camp. I finally made it around dusk.

I was getting anxious. I couldn't find them, and i had all the time while walking around to realize this was probably stupid. Despite my rational thoughts, i pressed on. Not many people were out of their tents- it was quite dark. But then i heard his voice as i was walking around and around all the sites.

"I need to tell you something" he told her. I got as close as i could to the tent while avoiding detection.

"Anything, my love" she said back to him. She sounded so tired. I would never let her get that tired.

I heard him shuffle around. Was he nervous? Did he do something bad?

"We didn't just come here for some time away from being parents..." parents? I was shocked. Beyond shocked. I was mortified. He wasn't man enough for that- he didn't deserve to be a parent, especially with her. The rage consumed me. I yelled "fuck you both!" and walked briskly back to the car. 

𝐋𝐚𝐬𝐭 𝐑𝐢𝐭𝐞𝐬 (𝐀 𝐃𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐌𝐮𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐢𝐧𝐞 𝐅𝐚𝐧𝐟𝐢𝐜)Where stories live. Discover now