chapter twenty-nine: the final chapter

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ok y'all are gonna HATE me for this one snosdfnjsdfnjfsdnjifsd 

(James' POV)

She was so adorable when she slept. I wish she would change her mind about me... i can't believe i cried in front of her. I can't believe she doesn't love me. But i would go to the ends of the earth for her- even sit on my ass in below freezing weather without sleeping just for her to feel safe. She'll see one day, i won't stop until i open her eyes to the fact i'm perfect for her. The sun was coming up now, and nobody had left the car. I don't know what she thought she saw, but she wouldn't tell me about it. I stroked her hair softly as she slept

"Get your hands off my wife" dave grumbled. I rolled my eyes.

"Well we wouldn't be out here if you'd comforted her last night" i snapped. He shrugged

"Don't pretend like you understand what's happening here, james. Stuff like this happens about twice a week... she gets convinced there's a man in the house, and the best way to deal with it is telling her it's not real and that she's safe. Don't try and be her hero, she doesn't need defending against me" i was sort of shocked. So it was all in her head? That made me feel weird. She didn't seem crazy sleeping so peacefully next to me. She stirred lightly and opened her eyes. She then became more alert and pushed herself off of me, confused. She saw dave and ran to him. I sighed. He held her so tight. I hated the guy, but i had to give him that credit.

"Feel better?" he asked her softly while stroking her hair. She looked up at him and shook her head, glanced to the car, then back at him

"It was real this time... i went to go see who yelled- and- someone unlocked the car for me to get in when i knocked on the window-" she was talking too fast, i could barely comprehend one sentence before she moved on to the next frantically "but i went to go get in- and james- he was behind me-" she was out of breath. Dave pushed some of her hair behind her ear and stroked her cheek

"Shhh, i believe you" he said "but do you really think it was him? That doesn't make any sense"

"I know, but who else could it be..." she said, doubting herself "maybe you're right... it was late and i was tired" dave smiled softly at her and kissed the top of her head

"Don't you worry, princess, as long as i'm here, nobody can hurt you ever again..." again? Again?! I thought she was making it up... "which is why we're getting married today down by the river. You're mother and jane are coming too" he said so nonchalantly. He looked right at me and smirked. What an ass. But i saw her face light up. She jumped up in his arms and he held her. What made him so special that i didn't matter? I guess it didn't matter. I got up, my legs incredibly sore. I walked back to the car and opened the door.

Back at the hotel, gar wouldn't leave the room, so i had to wait in the lobby. A man approached me and i reflexively smiled at him warmly

"Hi, i'm an old friend of dave's... you're his bandmate, right? He told me he was getting married today about a week ago.. But i must have written down the location wrong. Could you help me out?" i shrugged and told him where. It seemed odd, but if he knew dave was getting married today, it was too specific to be fake.

(jackie's pov)

I was so excited to get married to dave. He told me he's been planning this for months. He even picked me out a dress. God i loved him. I was overjoyed when my mom brought jane. Even though we were only gone a short time, i did miss her. But the break was much needed. Dave was even happier to see her. He adored that child more than anything. He took care of her while my mom helped me get ready

"Are you nervous?" she asked me as she did my hair in a pretty braid crown. I shook my head and smiled really big

"Nope. i've been waiting for this moment for a while. Im just happy its coming now" she kissed my cheek and told me she was all done.

"You're the prettiest girl ever" she said, tearing up. I rolled my eyes

"I think jane just might pass me on that one" she smiled at me. She left me alone for a while, to gather my thoughts. The actual wedding part didn't start for another hour. So i took a walk. I hoped james and the boys would come. I took the time to reflect on the years of my life that lead up to this moment in time. To be thankful for everyone in my life. Mostly dave, of course. I knew he would be with me forever. It was just one of those undeniable facts. I knew our daughter would grow to be just perfect. Although i was hoping dave would fix his temper before she was impressionable, the world doesn't need another sassy asshole. But i knew she'd be just like him. I couldn't wait to start this new life, although i really did miss our old life, before donny and jane. Before all the drama with metallica. Just living together and in love. But we both needed to grow up at some point. Now we have everything we could ever imagine. Dave has his career, i have dave and jane. We're stable and happy. I couldn't ask for anything more in my life.

"It's been a very long time, jackie" i froze. It couldn't be. Not today. I turned around slowly, and there was donny. He had a gun pointed right at me. I stared at him, no comprehensible words able to come out of my mouth. He laughed "i was never going to let you go. Did you think i would leave you my daughter in the hands of that asshole? Absolutely not. And see, because you can't seem to stay behaved, i'll have to take you out of the equation all together.. But that baby? She's mine. I have the right to her, especially if you tragically died. Dave has no parental right" i bit my lip hard.

"She- you-" i stammered, trying to think of the best course of action to ensure the safety of my child "no please. Donny. I'll go with you. I'll give you as many kids as you want. Leave jane and dave alone, please" i said, my voice choking and tears falling. He shook his head

"I won't be able to rest knowing the baby is out there. She's mine"

"I promise. I promise i won't leave you ever again" i pleaded and stepped closer to him. He put his finger on the trigger and i stopped moving. "I never stopped loving you" i whispered "take me back.. Please"

He seemed to hesitate for a moment "take me away from dave- save me from him" i tried to keep my voice as steady as possible.

"I'll save you" he whispered "i'll stop your pain.."

He pulled the trigger.

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