Chapter Eleven: Sex, Drugs, and Heavy Metal !!

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{guys im going insane}

"It's his isn't it?" Dave demanded. I laughed through my tears. He was so knocked it was hard to take him seriously. I pushed Donny away from me. I sighed and dragged Dave back into the venue. He stopped before we made it through the doors and pointed at Donny, almost falling over "touch her again, and I'm gonna kill you, Donny" he hissed angrily "i know what your doing! I won't fucking let you" i rolled my eys and pulled him inside. Just as I pushed him off to his friends, he passed out. A circle of them surrounded him. I groaned. They helped me get him back to the room, and they cancelled the show that night, and rescheduled it for the next day. I sat on the edge of the bed and looked at him passed out cold on the bed. Hopefully he wouldn't remember anything. I didn't need him blabbing about a baby to his friends, after all it was sort of illegal. But it was definitely his, no matter what his high ass thought. I laughed again remembering it. His eyes snapped open. He grabbed my hand

"Jackie?" he asked and closed his eyes again

"Uhm, yes?" i asked and chuckled

"What happened?" i took a breath in and used my other hand to stroke his cheek

"You went to space" i said and he laughed

"Did i play the show there, too?" i shook my head. It was late. I started to cry again, but managed to keep it quiet and turn away before he saw me

"No, your doing it tomorrow" i choked out and walked briskly to the bathroom. I exhaled. Thank god he didn't remember. I had the overwhelming urge to just leave. To tell him nothing and get out of his life... i didn't need to make all this harder on him.

He followed me, wrapped his arms tightly around my stomach and rested his head on my shoulder. I closed my eyes and leaned my head back against him

"I'm so sorry, jackie" he said. He sounded hurt. His voice was scared.

"For what" i asked softly. He pulled me even closer to him. I could never get close enough.

"Your only seventeen... i've got you into this whole mess. Im sorry" he said, i started to protest but he licked my neck and kept talking "you'd be fine if you were just back with you mom... i've ruined your life. I've given you drugs, sex, and heavy metal. I've hurt you, i've made you cry, i've introduced you to people who could hurt you, and you aren't doing as well in school. Your just a kid, jackie" he said. He was crying. "You don't deserve this" i turned around in his arms and put mine around his neck and looked him dead in the eyes

"Im gonna slap you if you don't shut up" i said sternly "dave- you are the most amazing thing in my life. I could not ask for better because it doesn't exist. You hear me? I don't give a shit how it would be if i was with my mother, i'm with you and i'm not leaving. Ever again. We're gonna get married, raise a damn family, and grow old" i said quickly- not even realizing the words coming out of my mouth. I stopped for a second, then continued "and i won't be doing drugs for a while, anyways. Neither will you, and that isn't a suggestion, mustaine. Your not doing them anymore or i'm gone. If you think i deserve better, your wrong. I have all i could ever want and more with you, dave. I love you" he was stunned, and straight faced.

"You- you want a future together?" shit. I shouldn't have said it. I should have known thats not what he wanted.

"I'm sorry" i said quietly. He put his hands on my hips and pulled my waist to his. I couldn't meet his eyes. He wiped the tears from my cheek and forced my to look at him by grabbing my jaw and lifting my head up.

"I want it" he whispered "i want it" he repeated. I smiled

"Well you're going to get it..." i and looked down at my stomach "no more drugs" i whispered. I looked back up and his eyes got wide.

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