Chapter Seventeen: He did what?!?!

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Donny stood in the yard of the school with me just like dave had a year before.

"Make me proud" he said. I was scared "and i trust you won't do anything stupid, and i'll pick you up here right after school" he smiled. I nodded and quickly walked into the school. I tried to avoid everyone's stares. But god dammit jerry was waiting for me.

"Hey, jackie" he said and smiled warmly. For some reason his presence set off tears. I felt like donny was watching me wherever i went. Like i couldn't talk safely. Plus i wouldn't tell jer anything. He put his hands up "jesus ok, nevermind!"

I couldn't pay attention to my teachers. I couldn't get my mind off dave. I knew he didn't want me anymore.. But i wanted to know if he had already moved on... how the band was doing... and reaper. I missed them both so bad it hurt.

"Jackie" the teacher hissed, standing over my desk and i flinched "pay attention, stop drawing dogs" he said disapprovingly. I nodded and tried my best to focus on the chalk board. When lunch rolled around- i had nobody to sit with. I was a senior now and i didn't know anyone. I also didn't feel like knowing anyone. I almost dropped my books once i got into the cafeteria. I wanted to scream. It was junior. His eyes met mine and i started to tear up. I was so happy to see him, but i was also upset an sad. He seemed out of reach. The biggest smile was on his face once he picked me out of the crowd. He was wearing the usual; motorhead tshirt and jeans. He walked briskly to me. But i stayed there. It seemed forbidden. My conflicted feelings were broken once he wrapped his arms around me. I couldn't help but enjoy every second of it. He was so warm and loving compared to donny.

"Jackie" he said "where the hell have you been i missed you so fucking much" i wanted to throw up suddenly. It was almost as if my body was trying to punish me, even though donny was nowhere near me. I was more or less safe here. But that feeling remained.

"I-" i started "I can't" i pushed him off of me, tears running down my cheeks. He frowned and wiped them from my face. He would never ever hurt me- i knew that. But it was hard to be convinced.

"You can't what? Dave's going crazy without you... you have to come back, really, jackie it's killing him" i raised an eyebrow. But i shushed him instead of asking any questions

"Don't talk about him" i said and looked over my shoulder "don't talk about him" i repeated "stay here" i said and hugged him again. I couldn't stop myself. I held myself as close to him as possible. God i missed him. He stroked my hair, probably confused as shit.

"Jackie, just come home" he said and i shook my head

"Shut up" i hissed quietly "please... stay with me. Don't leave me please, david. Please don't go" i pleaded, frantically. I hated all the people everywhere.

"Jesus, okay i won't" he said and put his hands up

"Just talk about something else" i said, sitting down at one of the tables in the corner away from everyone else. He reluctantly went on

"I got back together with sam..." he said, ashamed "she wouldn't stop calling me! Then she kept reminding me of all the good times we had with each other.. And i cracked" i chuckled softly. It was like he was breathing the life back into me- but the real kind. Not the show i put up for donny.

"You dumbass" i teased. He grinned and leaned in to kiss my cheek but i moved away. He frowned and held my hand. I felt so bad. I wanted to tell him everything.

"Tell me where you've been..." he pleaded with his cute puppy eyes "please. Dave sent me here... but i'll tell him you sent me off. i'll keep it to myself i swear- but you don't look okay, where have you been staying?" i bit my lip. Shit. i didn't know what to do. The bell rang.

"I'm sorry, i have to go" i said and felt myself losing my grip on the joy i held. It was so fragile. He nodded. I hugged him tightly.

"Let me walk you" he said and had his arm around me. That was difficult. I didn't want anyone touching me. It made me feel horrible- but i couldn't let him go. He was just my friend but as of now he was the only friend i had. We stopped outside of my social arts class and i leaned against the wall "you look like shit" he said "will you let him come tomorrow instead of me? He misses you" i stared at the letters on his shirt and sighed, trying not to cry.

"I don't want to talk to him" i said softly. Junior chuckled

"Is it because he beat up james?" my eyes snapped up to him. What?

"He beat up james?" i asked, seriously. David nodded

"Yeah, totally. Broke his nose.. That Donny guy told dave that you cheated on him because he cheated on you- but he didn't cheat on you" he explained "so he went and kicked james' ass because you've been gone. He's worried sick, jackie. He doesn't sleep hardly ever" i made a whimpering noise on accident and covered my mouth. He didn't cheat... i couldn't get out now. It was too late...

"I- i don't give a shit. I don't want to see him" it was a complete lie. I'd wanted nothing more to see him, for him to make everything okay... but i couldn't risk him getting hurt. Donny was a psycho- and dave meant everything to me.

"Why" david said, annoyed and sad "he's dying without you- he needs you. He's scared" i bit my lip again and looked down.

"Come back tomorrow" i said and walked into my class. I heard him huff as i closed the door behind me.

When school was over- donny was waiting in the jeep for me. I got in and smiled at him. He put his hand on my thigh

"How was the first day" he asked in a rather neutral tone. I shrugged and looked out the window. Junior was there; waiting.

"It was fine" i said "boring" he squeezed my thigh

"When we get home i'll show you something... exciting" he said with a smirk. I nodded. I didn't decide what i did in my day, for the most part he did. "Then you'll do your homework, and then i thought we'd go out to eat depending on how good you are when we get home" his hand creeped up my thigh more and more. I completely zoned out, thinking of dave. I'd forgotten what he felt like. The only feeling was cold. I tried to imagine it was dave's hand up my skirt instead of donny's. Sometimes, it helped. 

𝐋𝐚𝐬𝐭 𝐑𝐢𝐭𝐞𝐬 (𝐀 𝐃𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐌𝐮𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐢𝐧𝐞 𝐅𝐚𝐧𝐟𝐢𝐜)Where stories live. Discover now