Chapter Eight: If You Think I'm Young. . .

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Today was the day. I'd finished my sophomore year, and it was time for Megadeth's first promo tour. Most of the time I couldn't go with Metallica even if it was across cities. But now that I didn't have a parent restricting me, I had an adult who was enforcing I went. I didn't have to listen to him, but I didn't care enough to get into a fight with him. He just didn't want me to be at home alone for two weeks. But really, I think he just didn't want to be without me for two weeks. I'd be able to handle myself, but he was being pretty clingy lately so I let him boss me around. I liked it, and so did he. There was a pecking order, and he was at the top. Unfortunately I had to leave Reaper behind. I couldn't leave him with a band member for two obvious reasons. One, i wouldn't trust any of them, except maybe Junior, with my dog, and two being they were coming with us. I didn't really have any friends to stick him with either. I considered the Metallica boys... but thought of all the things that might happen.

"Jackie, find a place" Dave said "we leave in three hours" i groaned

"You find him a place, he's technically your dog" i whined. He looked at me with warning eyes. He was stressed out today, he was nervous. I put my hands up

"Okay okay, my dog" i muttered and clipped on Reaper's leash. I bent down to him "daddy said your not his" i said in my dog talk voice "he doesn't love you" i joked hoping that would get him out of his mood.

"Jackie" he warned again "im not in the mood for this, sweetheart, please" he said rubbing his temples. I frowned and stood up

"I'll be back" i mumbled and took Reaper out. I was really counting on him coming with me. I knew where I had to go, and I really didn't want to. When i got there i knocked, and waited. When nobody came I knocked again. She opened the door

"Hey..." i said and bit my lip. She looked shocked. She looked at reaper, confused. I sighed. "I'm sorry..." i said. I did miss her a bit. I was just much happier with Dave. she hugged me, something i wasn't expecting. I hugged her back

"I thought you were never coming back" he said, her voice breaking. I didn't know what to say. It was almost awkward. I'd gotten so used to my new life, i'd forgotten all about the old one. She felt like a dream i was remembering three months after having it.

"Well" i admitted sheepishly after she pulled away "i'm not staying... i just have a favor" she looked disheartened

"Oh" she said and nodded "well, uh, what is it" i handed her the leash. She looked confused once again

"I need you to watch him... just for two weeks i promise..."

"Why" she asked, a tinge of coldness in her tone

"I'm leaving on a promo tour for" i hesitated saying his name "Dave's band, Megadeth" i said "i would stay and take care of the dog, but he's scared about leaving me alone for two weeks" i said "he needs me there" she sighed

"What's his name" she asked and bent down to pet him. He liked her. My dad loved dogs. Thats why we never had any. She was so bitter that anything he loved, she hated. I assumed thats why sometimes she was bitter towards me. I supposed I needed to make a visit to him as well today. It'd been almost a year since i'd seen him. He was an okay dad. He was great when i was there, but just didn't put in the effort. But he sure did love me. That's why i never went over there. He always made up for the fact he wouldn't put in effort to see me with money, and nice things. He loved me but he tried to buy himself into a connection.

"Reaper" i said proudly "a christmas present from Dave" i said and smiled to myself. She nodded

"Well" she said "he's too cute not to take... will you at least come in and talk? It's been so long" i nodded and we all went in. i sat on the couch across from my mother.

𝐋𝐚𝐬𝐭 𝐑𝐢𝐭𝐞𝐬 (𝐀 𝐃𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐌𝐮𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐢𝐧𝐞 𝐅𝐚𝐧𝐟𝐢𝐜)Where stories live. Discover now