Chapter Th1rt3en: unbelievable.

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{this story is almost over i swear-}

I knocked on their door and waited anxiously. I knew last time we saw each other it didn't go well.. And i wasn't sure if he'd forgiven me. I hoped he did, because i had nowhere else to go. But it was lars, not james that ended up opening the door. He smiled pleasantly at me

"Hey, jackie, why are you here?" he asked and stepped outside

"Just looking to stay the night?" i said which was true, just not fully truthful. He looked over his shoulder

"Wait a second" he said and closed the door. I sighed and waited a moment and he came back, welcoming me in "i'm sorry about that," he said. I loved his accent. "I had to make sure james was gone" i frowned

"You know, i'm the one that should be mad" i sighed and flopped on the couch next to cliff. He kissed my cheek and i put my legs on his and layed on the arm of the couch.

"You left us!" lars laughed "he was mad, he's like- in love with you. Didn't want you running off with dave having a kid with him or something" i blushed hard and rolled my eyes

"Would he be mad if i did?" i asked, trying to sound nonchalant, and apparently it worked. He nodded and sat on the ground in front of the couch i was laying on. If it was anyone else i would have moved to make room for him, but i was mean. He didn't mind anyways.

"Well of course, dave is even older than james. He doesn't think you're really that safe" he said and i scoffed again

"Well- he's dumb. Besides, he's the one that called me a slut" cliff nodded, he was of course on my side of everything "and," i kept on "dave is the only one that didn't exclude me for my age- he was a better friend than you guys were" i said and laughed a little. So did lars. Nothing i could say would offend him. But i didn't want to make him mad, just make my point.

"Well-" he started to argue but james walked in the door. I looked to him, and he caught my eye. For a moment it was just pain, then excited, then he looked angry.

"What's the whore doing here again?" he asked and i scoffed and sat up. He set the beer that i guessed he'd just gotten from the store on the counter

"Just sleeping with all your friends, obviously" i retorted. He laughed shortly and kirk shuffled in behind him.

"That's not funny" he said. I rolled my eyes

"Calling me a whore isn't either"

"It wasn't meat to be a joke" he snapped "what'd he kick you out for this time, huh?" then he got quiet "Who's kid is it now" It'd been a long time since i'd seen them. I did miss james. But not when he was acting like this. It hurt. I wasn't sure what to say. Thankfully kirk came in the door and beamed at me. Before i could even get a hug out of him, james grabbed my hand and yanked me to his room.

"What a warm welcome that was" i muttered and he pushed me against the wall; pinning one arm on the wall, and the other he put on my hip. He kissed me. I don't know why i didn't immediately push him off, but eventually i did. It horrified me i enjoyed it.

"What the hell" i whispered "you are the most bipolar person i know" he smiled

"I couldn't help it..." he said "i'm sorry i called you a whore- he's just no good for you and im trying to prove it" he said then kissed me again passionately. Did he actually like me? I pushed his lips from mine.

"What do you mean, he's no good for me" i scoffed softly. James sighed;

"He's older than you by- well, a lot. He's got serious anger issues, and i bet he sleeps around.. I mean, how many times have you had to clean up after him while he goes off and has fun? How many times has he treated you like shit then just says 'sorry' and you take him back in?" i rolled my eyes. That was so unfair

"Your also older than me, and he's good to me... he takes care of me" i said defensively "he doesn't sleep around, your just saying that"

"Yeah well he's twenty four, i'm not. And your seventeen. He's not in love with you" he said then added "i saw him with someone else" i gasped and stared, wide eyed at him

"Who?" i asked my heart about to stop. He shrugged

"How am i supposed to know- i don't stalk him or anything. I just saw him making out with some girl in a record store" i started to cry. James put his arms around me and pulled me close.

"What am i supposed to do now" i said and looked up at him "i need to see him" i said and pushed him away from me

"Jackie, no!" he said "just stay! Just stay with me here, please" he pleaded "he's not worth it... he won't change"

"No!" i yelled "you act like you're so much better than him- your worse!" I snapped and left- slamming the door. Kirk looked at me with his puppy eyes "im sorry" i whispered to him, and left. Of course, like any stupid drama movie it was pouring down rain. But i couldn't go home- i couldn't believe he thought the kid was anyone but his. I couldn't believe he'd cheat... I just couldn't believe anything. Then something even more unbelievable happened. Donny came out of practically nowhere and grabbed my hand, smiling warmly at me.

"D-donny?" i asked, dumbfounded. He nodded and started walking- and i let him take me. It came to my mind that if dave was going to cheat, i might as well do it too if that's what donny was getting at. He took me to his house- which was actually very nice. I thought he lived in chicago...

"What were you doing out in the rain, there?" he asked me. I looked at him. He was really good looking.

"I was arguing with a friend" i sniffed and he got me a towel and a big shirt to change into. It was so sweet of

Him. after i came back out he had made coffee and was waiting for me in the kitchen. I drank almost all of it instantly and he smiled.

"Why? Is everything alright?" he asked, and i shrugged, then shook my head. I sighed

"No, actually. I guess dave has been cheating on me" donny put a hand on my shoulder in a comforting way

"It was going to happen sooner or later, jackie. But it's alright," he whispered "you have me now" i nodded. I managed a smile

"How'd you find me?" i asked him and he waved a hand at me, leaning against the counter

"I was just out, i enjoy walking in the rain. It helps me thing, but i heard some shouting and there you were all alone" he said. I nodded, acknowledging him. "Sweetheart," he said "you look tired, do you want to lie down?" i shrugged

"Sure" i said. I guess i was tired, but he suggested it and it was his house so i wasn't going to argue. He led

me to a bedroom- whether it was his or not i wasn't sure.

"Just sleep" he said. It was dark- and i wasn't exactly sure what time it really was. I was suddenly really tired, and fell asleep quickly. Forgetting the day i'd been having was a top priority for me.  

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