Chapter 4: Don't Fear the Reaper

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{Two Weeks Later}

Dave shook me awake. I groaned

"I don't have school for another week" I mumbled half asleep. He shook me more

"Get up dumbass it's christmas" i sighed. I stopped getting excited about that when I was seven. We'd had quite a bit of drinks last night, it being christmas eve and all. My head hurt. We headed out to the front room.

"So you dragged my ass out of bed, for what?" I grumbled and rubbed my eyes, sitting on the couch. I just wanted to sleep.

"Close your eyes" he said grinning

"Gladly" i said and laid curled up on the couch, closing my eyes. Maybe he just wanted company out here. Then he put something next to me. And it licked my face. I snapped my eyes open, and there was a little puppy with a red bow on his torso, wagging his tail in front of me. I gasped and sat up, suddenly filled with energy. I picked it up immediately and held it close to me, it licking my face vigorously. I giggled, and looked at Dave, holding the puppy up to him

"What's this?!" i asked smiling. He grinned with happiness

"Well, thats a puppy" he said sarcastically, petting him. I put him on my lap, stroking him gently

"Where'd you get it, stupid" i giggled, then got serious "how much did you spend on this dog, David" i asked and he grinned. He did get a job. A job as a baby sitter. He wasn't the worst at it, just a little clumsy. It was the only thing he could get that he would even consider. Sometimes he made me go with him to help. But that sure didn't mean we had a lot of money. But enough, considering we didn't have to pay bills.

"Some lady on Junior's block was giving them away for free" he shrugged "i saw him, and i thought you'd like him" he said and smiled warmly, sitting next to me. I leaned over and kissed him quickly

"He's so pretty" i said and snuggled the puppy again "i think he'll be called...." i thought, looking at it. He had a black patch on his front left paw "reaper" i decided and looked at Dave. he grinned

"Thats a good name" i put the puppy on his lap and got up. I'd gotten him something as well. He played with the puppy as i ran to go get his present. I didn't have time to wrap it, but i put it in a little box that i wrote little notes on. I took reaper back and put the box in Dave's lap.

"It's not nearly as good as a dog..." i said and blushed and he opened he looked at the box, reading all the little inside jokes and cute things i wrote, laughing. He eventually opened it. It was a white shirt, that i'd inked a logo on. It said "Megadeth". He looked at it, smiling to himself. Then he looked at me

"Where'd you find this" he said mocking me, and i giggled, putting Reaper down.

"I made it" i grinned proudly "do you like it?" he got up and wrapped his arms around me

"I love it" he whispered in my ear "now make three more, slave" he said and picked me up by my thighs. I screamed and put my arms around his neck. He spun me slightly. I forgave him that night he tried to have sex with me. I was mad for quite a while, but then he was just silly and tried to get me to laugh, so i forgave him. Then he apologized profoundly for what he'd done, although he didn't even remember he did it.

"Put me downnn" i whined and he smirked

"Not until you tell me you love me for getting you a puppy" i held my breath and rolled my eyes

"I love that you got me a puppy" i said and stuck my tongue out at him, giggling. He frowned and let me down gently. "Whats wrong" i asked and he shrugged

𝐋𝐚𝐬𝐭 𝐑𝐢𝐭𝐞𝐬 (𝐀 𝐃𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐌𝐮𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐢𝐧𝐞 𝐅𝐚𝐧𝐟𝐢𝐜)Where stories live. Discover now