Chapter Fifteen: Both perspectives.

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{yo this one's kinda cool cuz it's daves aNd jackies in two parts, i just couldn't decide which one i liked better so ima do both}


I got totally wasted the night before in some selfish attempt to piss off jackie when she got home the next day. But my drunken pass out only lasted until about five in the morning. I woke up sweating; wanting her. I felt bad. I couldn't help but think maybe she really was out there with one of the metallica boys.

"Stay here, mutt" i said to reaper and walked out of the apartment. It wasn't even light yet- but it sure as hell was cold. It was supposed to be summer, jesus. I wasn't really drunk anymore- but i was definitely feeling something. The walk seemed like forever, yet took no time at all. I banged on the door three times before lars came to the door.

"Jesus fucking christ, david" he groaned "what do you want"

"Give me jackie" i said a little louder than necessary. He rubbed his eyes; i obviously woke him up.

"She left last night" he shrugged "james started bitching at her, they yelled a little, something about you cheating, i think he kissed her? Then she stormed out" oh shit. Shit shit shit.

"Nice job keeping her safe, you danish sewer rat!" i yelled and he slammed the door. I normally would have laughed, but i needed to find her.

I was freezing my ass off, so i had to go back to the apartment to get a jacket and then i'd go around looking for her. I nearly pissed myself when i walked in. donny was on our couch, while he was petting reaper.

"What the fuck man" i yelled and he laughed. Damn, what a weirdo. I called reaper to me "you dumb dog, your supposed to attack the crazy people, not be friends with them" i muttered

"You know where i just was, dave?" he asked.

"Look, donny" i sneered "i'm busy looking for jackie, okay? Get the fuck out"

"Ah" he laughed "but that's what i'm here about... i was just with her. She threw herself on me! I couldn't believe it. Told me you cheated and wanted to get back at you"

"Bullshit," i said "i didn't cheat, if you don't get out of here in less than a minute i'm going to beat your ass- the devil knows i can" i was rather calm. He shrugged

"She said you did, but okay okay, no need to get violent" he defended, "i think i saw her with that blond-haired good looking boy from metallica" i clenched my fists. He told her i cheated to kiss her. My half drunk ass was better at connecting dots than sober me.

"That fucking cunt!" i yelled and left before i heard donny even say anything else, slamming the door. I was going to kick james' ass.


"Kirk?" i sobbed when the line connected

"Jackie, jackie, jackie" he said and chuckled "what were you going to tell your friend kirk?" i gasped. Shit.

"I-" i started with a shaky breath but he cut me off

"Shhh" he whispered "look baby, you just keep your pretty little hands off the phone, i have lots of things you can occupy your time with. I'll be back soon my pet" he said and the line clicked. I sighed. Did he have all the lines rigged to go him? He must have a car phone or something. So i wanted to try someone else. Jason.

"Jackie!" he hissed "i expected more from you" click

"Shit!" i screamed. And then cried. And cried some more. What the fuck was even happening to me? My baby... I sat on the ground and sobbed until he got back, the pain just ripping me apart. It was hard the first time, but i did that to myself. This time someone took it away from me, on purpose. Took my happiness away.

"Get up" he said and knelt down in front of me "be a good girl, come on" he whispered, pleading. I hoped his anger was just a little episode, that it was over. He took my hand and helped me up "let me give you a tour- so you won't be so bored when i'm at work, okay?" he said softly. I nodded a little. He led me around. First to the bedroom, then the bathrooms- there were two -then to the small library.

"I figured you may spend lots of time here- until you go back to school," he said. I looked at him, surprised. He'd let me go to school? "Well i'm not a monster" he laughed "i value education, and i've got no time to do it myself. You're not a prisoner- like i said. You're just mine" he smiled and touched my cheek. I shivered slightly. "But thankfully it doesn't start for a while... this way i have time to break in your new rules" i started to cry once again and sat down in an armchair, covering my face. "Shhh, jackie don't cry" he said and wrapped his arms around me "please don't cry- i will give you everything and more my pet" he whispered. I couldn't help but melt into him. I gripped his shirt and sobbed. He sounded so apologetic... it gave me hope.

"Donny?" i sniffed and he rubbed my back

"Yes, sugar?" i pulled away and he wiped my tears

"Do you think dave still loves me?" he laughed. A lot. His grip on me tightened, too hard. I whimpered slightly

"No" he said "you see- i was just with him. He called you a cunt" 

i hugged him again. i just needed comfort... and he would give it to me. 

𝐋𝐚𝐬𝐭 𝐑𝐢𝐭𝐞𝐬 (𝐀 𝐃𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐌𝐮𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐢𝐧𝐞 𝐅𝐚𝐧𝐟𝐢𝐜)Where stories live. Discover now