Introduction // Last Rites

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      {Hello, I understand the contents of this book may not be accurate, or even remotely correct, but It's just a fun thing I wrote when I was bored :) also there are some things that might trigger people. I can't say exactly what all of them are, because it all varies}

"Hey! Dave calm down it's okay" I said, looking Dave in the eyes, soothingly. "You're my best friend I won't let you hurt yourself or someone else over this. Just calmly tell me what happened when your ready" he was mad. Madder than when that guy pushed Lars around... and he broke that guy's leg. He wouldn't hurt me. I put a hand on his shoulder

"They just-" he stammered "they just fucking sent me back!" My eyes got wide

"What? Why'd they do that?" I asked shocked. He kept talking. "No second chance, no warning" he muttered "bullshit!" He yelled "I'm gonna beat their fuckin brains in" I was dumbfounded

"Your not beating anyone's brains in David" I call him that when I'm upset, to let him know I'm not fooling around. "Why'd they kick you out"

"Said I was too drunk all the time. Too violent. Too out of control" his eyes were on fire.

"Well, you don't need them" I whispered, "I can't believe they'd do that to you!" His fists were clenched, veins pulsing. I made him do some breathing and that seemed to calm him down a couple of notches, now he was just upset. We walked into my apartment, with a comforting arm around him, and my mom was home. She didn't know I hung out with him. He didn't seem to mind I was sixteen, though. Everyone else did. He saw me as his own. That's why I liked him so much. I blushed

"Hey, mom!" I said trying to sound normal "this is... this is Dave Mustaine," I said and pointed to him. He could pass off as a teenager... right? She didn't look convinced. Especially because he smelled like beer, was about two feet taller than me, and had his guitar in hand.

"Huh..." she said and eyed me telling me that we'd be having a talk later. I sighed and took Dave's arm and led him to my room. He sat down on the edge of my bed and looked at the floor. I laid on my stomach and put my head in my arms.

"Megadeth" he blurted after a long while of silence.

"Hmm?" I asked I'd almost fallen asleep. I looked over at him and raised an eyebrow

"I'm starting a new band," he exclaimed and got up, looking at me "Megadeth!" I looked at him and grinned. At least he wasn't brooding. I hated that. He was more fun when he was sober, and today he kind of was for once.

"That's a good name" I added "can I be the official groupie" I joked. He grinned at me

"Well for me you can" I giggled. We always joked around about that kind of stuff. I knew he could never like me that way, when he was plastered he always made heavy moves on girls. But in the year I'd been hanging out with him, he'd never really tried anything with me, sober or otherwise. He was a good buddy. Even if he was an alcoholic, doesn't make him any different.

"Great when do I start" I laughed and rolled my eyes playfully "but I could help" I added in a serious tone "your gonna need members... I could help you with auditions!" I exclaimed, excited. I could tell he was too

"I wouldn't do it without you" he smiled warmly, something I'd only ever seen him do with me. I smiled back "drinks to celebrate?" He grinned at me. I sighed. If my mom was home that's a no-go, she could always tell when I'd been drinking. But he couldn't go alone

"Mmmm sure, but I'm giving you a four drink limit. Three if it's jack" he rolled his eyes.

"Okay, mom" he chuckled and put an arm around me as we made our way out.

"Where are you going?" My mom asked behind us. We turned around, she didn't look too happy. And to add to that, Dave really just had to put his hand on my ass. I blushed and smacked him.

"Not sure yet... just out. I think Dave's gonna go play guitar for me. He's in a band" I giggled and he rolled his eyes at me. My mom sighed and looked Dave up and down again disapprovingly

"I don't think that's a good idea.. you have, schoolwork," she said being polite while letting Dave know I'm underage. I looked down. Dave draped his arm over my shoulder

"Don't worry, she's finished. She did it while we talked in her room" Dave smiled "and don't worry about that either, we're friends" I couldn't handle the embarrassment

"See you later" I mumbled and quickly walked out the door "you dick why'd you have to grab my ass like that" I yelled, although I couldn't help but laugh. He grinned

"What, so a playful ass grab isn't okay?" He chuckled and we set off. He played his guitar as we walked. Of course, it wasn't plugged in so it wasn't loud, but good enough for me. He was the best player I'd ever heard. We got to a club I hadn't been to before, and we made our way to the bar. Dave always helped me get in. The boys in Metallica never let me in, and just joked how I'd have to wait outside. Dave was like a brother. And what I said before about him never making any moves was a lie. Now that I think about it, he did once. A long time ago, when we first met he took me out of the house we were in, some party, pushed me up against a wall and kissed me with zero warning. He must have been pretty out of it. But we never talked about it again. He probably doesn't even remember. I sighed and he ordered a beer

"Only four" I laughed, reminding him. He threw his hands up "don't worry!" I got a soda and we raised our glasses

"To Megadeth!" Dave yelled, and I yelled it back. We took drunks. And that was the start of... everything.

{Hope y'all liked it - Amira :)}

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