Chapter Twenty-Two: The End??!?!?!!?!?!?!?! (not)

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"What do you mean it's not mine, jackie?" dave asked, hurt beyond all words could describe. I knew the feeling he felt. Because it was the feeling i felt when it happened.

"I-" i started but he hugged me as tight as he possibly could. I was just so overwhelmed with emotions. I didn't want to bring back this pain- to really feel it. Sometimes it would come into my mind and i could get it out. But now it was here again. I felt- well just awful. I truly can't begin to describe the feeling. He clutched on to me and sobbed. I'd never seen him cry like that in my life. I rubbed his back

"I'm sorry" i said and the bell rang, but i couldn't let go of him "it's all my fault" i whimpered, but he didn't say anything. He just- cried, and it was breaking me. I didn't know what to do- but i knew school could wait. I had already finished that test so i decided i could take the rest of the day to spend at home with dave. Dave didn't touch me the whole time we walked home. He stayed away from both me and junior- staring at the sidewalk silently. Junior had a hand on my shoulder as we walked

"Think he's okay?" junior asked very quietly. I shook my head

"No" i said, but i'd give him his space. If he didn't want help, then he wouldn't take it. I knew that.

Once we got home i sent junior, who was just hanging around in the kitchen eating whatever he could find, away to go somewhere else for the day. He protested, saying he wanted to make dave feel better but i wouldn't relent. It's not what he needed.

Dave sat on the edge of our mattress- his head in his hands. I quietly sat next to him. He was crying again, but this time it was quiet. I put my hand on his cheek and pulled his face so he was looking at me. His eyes were screaming 'why'. But i didn't know the answer. I wondered the same thing to myself.

"It wasn't my fault" i whispered, not breaking eye contact with him "it was drugs he gave me- dave, please. We can just pretend nothing happened..." i suggested and wiped his tears with my thumb. He scoffed

"So we're just supposed to sit back like he doesn't control us? Damn, jackie, i can't take this anymore. Do you even know when the last time we slept in bed together was? Or the last time we had an entire day together? No. because it hasn't happened in three months. Now the devil's seed is inside of you and i have to pretend it's mine" i was hurt by his words- but he was in no way attacking me. Eyes teared up and i looked away, letting go of his face. He held my hand.

"I'm trying to get it taken care of" i choked "and... it doesn't matter whose blood it is... a dad is something else, dave" he nodded and sighed deeply. He squeezed my hand.

"You're right... it's just hard- i mean. It was ours. It's not fair"

"I know" i whispered "and it's all his fault" i leaned my head against his shoulder "i love you" i said after a long while of silence "thank you for sticking with me..." i bit my lip a little and his eyes snapped over to me suddenly

"Do you think i'd ever leave you?" he asked, seriously. He almost sounded offended. I shrugged

"I've put you through a lot" i said "and you didn't really sign up for this, did you" i sniffed and he quickly kissed me then pulled away

"I signed up for you, jackie. This is all... unfortunate. I should have done a better job at keeping you away from him. Okay? I'm always gonna be with you, whether you like it or not" he chuckled "now come on, we've got to get your homework, right?" he asked, sounding in a better mood.

When we got my homework mr. prin stopped us.

"Is this-" he asked, referring to donny. I shook my head. At least most of the senior teachers didn't know dave, so he couldn't get kicked out by them.

"No, this is dave," i said "i had to skip a few classes, so i'm here to pick up homework" and suddenly there was another pain in my stomach. I winced and kept on, showing them i was fine "and, i was thinking maybe we could do that test this weekend?" i asked "that's really all i've got free for a while" i said. He sighed

"Sure, sure" he said. They didn't seem to notice. He shook dave's hand and introduced himself. Dave didn't seem interested in the conversation. He was always rude to adults in a very offhanded way. It annoyed me, but it was also attractive in a way. Dave's arm was tight around my waist. He hated to let me go when we were in public. He liked to show me off.

"So dave," he said "are you in mrs. johns calculus class? I feel like i've seen you here before" dave laughed like he was very amused.

"No, i'm what they call too cool for school" he said, slightly annoyed. I smacked his arm and giggled under my breath.

"So drop out?" he asked. Dave shrugged

"Do i look like a highschooler?" he asked back. Mr prin laughed shortly. He obviously didn't like dave, and dave sure didn't like him.

"Dave's very successful, actually" i bragged a little "he's got a famous band" i smiled at him and he rolled his eyes, messing up my hair with the hand that wasn't around me.

"She just likes to boast" he said.

"Ah" mr prin said awkwardly.

"Come on, baby" dave said "we gotta go to the store and get reaper some food" he said in my ear. I smiled and we said our goodbyes to mr. prin, and headed to all my other classes.

By the time we were done at the store it was almost three. So we walked to donny's house, that walk was always different. he always held my hand and we said the exact same thing each time. "i don't want you to go" he would say

"and i don't want to go" i would say back. we would then stop in front of a specific cherry tree and kiss for a while, then we'd continue walking. but before we could stop at the tree, i noticed flashing lights. there were cop cars outside of donny's house. I gasped and we stopped walking, once we were on the other side of the stree from donny's house. i got scared suddenly.

"Dave" i whispered "dave, holy fuck" i said. He held onto me and watched. Could this be it? Was i finally free?

𝐋𝐚𝐬𝐭 𝐑𝐢𝐭𝐞𝐬 (𝐀 𝐃𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐌𝐮𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐢𝐧𝐞 𝐅𝐚𝐧𝐟𝐢𝐜)Where stories live. Discover now