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Getting rid of unnecessary author's notes!

This is my first time trying to write an actual story instead of a oneshot, so it will not be perfect.

I'm attempting to have around 500-700 words per chapter. So this story may be quick for I have issues with lengthening chapters.

Mistakes? Point them out

Midoriya's POV

I wake up from my slumber, my eyes burning for I forgot to close my curtains last night. The bright morning sun was now shining directly into my bright green eyes. I peered over towards my window, feeling betrayed. How could I have forgotten to close my curtains?

"Ugh," I groaned out, throwing my arm over my eyes. I yawned and looked around.

My room had olive green walls and dark wood floors. My bed covers are a deep blue and bright yellow. So what if they don't really match, they are my favorite colors!

After hearing some scuttling downstairs, I decided to get up and out of bed. I can't wait to eat my Mom's cooking again! Sure I eat it everyday, but it's still the most delicious thing I've ever had! No matter what she made, it was always perfect.

I walked into the bathroom and glanced into the mirror. My wide emerald green eyes stared back. Mom always said they reminded her of gemstones. My freckles stood out against my pale skin. I noticed my forest green hair was as curly as it always was.

I have tried everything I can think of, yet I could never get and keep it in order. I swear it has a mind of its own!

After giving up on my efforts with my hair, I decided to find an outfit. I really didn't want to be going out and about in fluffy, green pajamas. Especially since these specific pajamas are a onesie with some big, floppy rabbit ears. So embarrassing!

I walk up to my dresser and closet. With little effort, I found the perfect outfit. It consisted of my usual attire. A green vest over a plain white dress shirt. My pants were a really dark green, you could almost say they were black, I was wearing my favorite bright red sneakers and some white gloves. I've had similar pairs of shoes since before I could walk.

I took one last look at myself in the mirror. I had to say I looked... cute? If only I could tame that unruly hair!

I walked out of my room and down the hall. My mother and I lived in a small hut with only 6 rooms and a hallway. It was small, but cozy.

I walked into the kitchen and saw my mom setting the table.

"Good morning, Sweetie. I made some bacon and eggs. I made them just the way you like it. And are you seriously wearing that again? It's the 4th time this week!" My mother said in a jocular manner. I blushed and looked on the table. Sure enough, she had made the bacon crispy and the eggs scrambled and fluffy.

"Thank you Mom! You're the best! And yes, I really like these clothes!" I exclaimed. My mom always tried her best to make me happy. After she learned how the villagers treated me, she became an even more loving mother.

The other villagers never really liked me. They acted like I was an outsider. Like I was some garbage they had spotted on the side of the road. I never knew why, but my mom seemed to have an idea.

"Don't worry, Izuku. As long as you're happy I don't mind doing all of this. But make sure you don't wear those clothes down! Constant washing could ruin them." My mom chastised. She really was the sweetest, yet scariest person I've ever met.

When I was younger and we didn't have much money, she'd sacrifice her meals and give them to me. Now that I'm older, I had found a few odd jobs. Even if no one really liked me, they had to have someone do the work. The other kids in this village were spoiled and never really had to work for anything.

With the money I made, I was able to help support both my mom and me. I had even saved up a bit because I knew I wasn't always going to be here. I planned on adventuring some day and I believe that day will come soon.

Meh, not too bad. Next chapter will be from Bakugou's POV. It won't be in a pattern or anything, I'm just trying to get the ball rolling.

Words-686-(without author's notes)
Words-779-(with author's notes)

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