Love Blossoms

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Midoriya's POV

I felt like I was floating through an endless abyss. I couldn't touch, nor see anything. The only thing I could do was hear.

I could hear every conversation I've ever had with Kacchan. I heard how we first met, how he would yell at us for being stupid and I could hear how protective he'd get of me.

In my eyes, he is perfect husband material.

After who knows how long, things started coming back to me. Instead of hearing past conversations, I could hear the sound of lapping water. Why was I hearing that? Was this all a dream and I just washed ashore some river?

I could hear some stomping and shuffling noises, but at the same time felt something rough beneath my fingers. I twisted them around, feeling even more rough material everywhere they landed.

I could feel a dull ache on my cheek, but when I put my hand up to check, I felt nothing. How odd.

I decided to just sleep for awhile. I don't feel like waking up only to find out I never made any friends. I don't want everything to have been some sick, twisted dream.

I came to again when I heard a scream. I didn't feel like moving and just tried falling back to sleep. I'm just so tired from all of this.

After finding out I can't go back to sleep, I started moving to get more comfortable. My bed was never this uncomfortable.

I finally decided to open my eyes and looked around. Where am I? Was I kidnapped?!

My eyes kept darting around. I saw many beds and wooden walls. The lighting was dim, but I could still make out Kacchan's bag on the bed beside me. I sighed in relief, he wouldn't let himself get caught by anyone.

I wanted to find out where I was, so I tried standing up. I made it to about sitting up before I collapsed with a loud groan. My stomach hurt like I was stabbed... How I know that feeling is a story for another time.

I heard loud, hurried footsteps and immediately laid down flat, trying to act like I was still sleeping.

"Shitty Deku! I know you're awake." I heard the familiar growl from Kacchan's voice. So it wasn't all just as some silly dream? Part of me was happy, but this also meant that my village...

My eyes opened and I looked towards him. I think I just fell in love again.

"Kacchan, what happened? I remember running and hurting my ankle, but I don't recall anything after that." I groaned at him hoping he'd know the answer.

He sighed, "Those stupid Knights got a hold of you. We got you back, but not before they could injure you." He said while motioning to my stomach. I looked at it and saw that it was all bandaged up.

"Oh so that's why it hurts. Is that why my face hurts too?" I questioned him while reaching my hand up to my face. He nodded before walking over to a chest. He pulled some weird colored jar out of it.

"Here, this should help some." He said while showing me the jar.

"What is it?" It did not look like it'd help me. It was a sickening green little brown blobs in it. I almost gagged when he opened it, it smells horrendous!

"It's supposed to numb bruises and stuff like that. I don't know what's in it, but I'd have to guess some plants and animal parts." Ok, now I really want to gag because he lifted it closer to my face.

"Quit making that face and let me put it on your bruise." I moved my head away, I don't want that near me. While looking to the right, I saw my friends and some new faces. I looked at them quizzically.

"Oh hey! I'm the Captain of this ship, Kaminari! I'm taking you guys to your requested Kingdom. It's nice to see you not passed out." A tall yellow haired guy said. One down, two to go.

"I'm this dorks girlfriend. My name's Jirou and this is my friend Tsu." A short girl with dark purple hair said. She was pointing to an even shorter girl with long green hair that is darker than mine. They nodded their heads at me, so I nodded back.

"Ok, now get the fuck out. You're crowding him." Kacchan said. I was about to protest, but everyone was already up some stairs. I looked at Kacchan through the dim light.

"Deku, I have something to ask." He was looking anywhere but at me. He was making me really nervous.

"W-What is it Kacchan?" I asked while trying to guess what it'd be. Was he going to ask me to leave? To swim with the sharks?

"I wanted to ask if I could kiss you?" He was gazing longingly at me.

I was taken aback by his words. Is this a joke? I really hope not because I really like him.

I must have been quiet for to long because he looked away and got up.

"I should've known it was stupid. Just pret-" I cut him off with a kiss and a tight hug. It wasn't passionate or anything, but it was still my first ever kiss. I was a blushing mess and I could see Kacchan wasn't any better.

He was staring at me wide eyed before he looked away with a Tch. Did he not like it?

He turned his head around and gave me another kiss before bolting out the door. Was he embarrassed?

I laid back down on the bed. My stomach, face and ankle hurt, but that was nothing compared to the pounding of my heart.

I really just kissed him. I really did!

I can't write this stuff. It will never go beyond a kiss.

Words-971-(without author's notes)
Words-997-(with author's notes)

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