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Midoriya's POV

My mother and I talked. We talked about our hut, the village and my future. My mom understood how I felt, but I don't think she wants to let me go.

"Izuku! Please reconsider! I'm sure you can find something here in the village! They may not like you, but you're a hard worker! Please!" Hearing my Mom's voice and cries broke my heart. I knew she was right, but I wouldn't be at all happy here. What would I do once she eventually passed?

"Mom, please understand how I feel. You're the only one who's nice to me around here. And I want to see the world! I promise I'd come back to visit you." I desperately pleaded. I knew she technically couldn't keep me here, but I didn't want to leave her on a sour note. After all, we had only each other left.

My mom never told me about my father, but I could only assume he was a jerk. Who would leave a woman after getting her pregnant? Only deadbeats would do that!

"Izuku, please! I know what you're thinking! That look on your face tells me you're thinking of your dad again. I never really told you anything about him, but I promise he was good! He left to protect us. He had a lot of enemies that would've used us against him." By this point my Mom had walked around the table and had my head in her hands.

I could see each and every tear that fell down her face. "Don't even dare to think he meant to harm us! You have to trust me!" She sternly stated. I didn't know what to do. I believed her, but why wouldn't he at least send a letter every once in a while?

"I-I'm sorry, Mom! I do trust you, but I was just thinking that he never does anything. He could've send a letter or even some flowers!" I said back. I didn't want to hurt her feelings, but I had to get it out there.

"I know honey, but please don't think of him as bad. I promise I'll eventually tell you more, but until then you have to be patient." She said, looking me in my eyes. I nodded my head and she seemed happy with that.

"Why don't we finish our food then. I have to get to the bakery soon." She said already in high spirits again.

"Uh, yeah! I have to go work at the Monoma's. They want me to weed their garden again. Then after that I need to do some mail deliveries. And then after that I could help out at the bakery!" I said. I was more than happy with the work I got. The Monoma's and delivering mail both usually paid decently.

"Oh I wish you wouldn't work so hard." My mom said. She never liked when I took a bigger bite than I could chew. Both figuratively and literally.

"I know, but I can buy extra supplies with the money. I could make sure I'm extra safe for when I start traveling!" I said with a bright smile on my face. My Mom's smile flickered for just an instant before getting just as wide and bright.

"If that's what my baby wants." She said with a hum.

It was once again silent as we finished our breakfast. After a few minutes, we both finished and got ready for our respective jobs. My mom gave me a kiss on the cheek and a quick goodbye before hurrying off.

I had a few extra minutes, so I decided to take in the scenery around me. Of course that scenery included the usual hate filled glares. Why do I get those? Was it something to do with my father?

I decided to ignore those glares for now and focus on the nice things about this place. There is so much life around here!

I passed by carts being pulled by all kinds of animals. Some were pulled by horses, donkeys or even goats. We had a goat once, but we had to sell it. It was either that or let it starve in our dirt yard.

There were a few dogs lounging around in the warm morning sun. I patted a few of their heads. I've always wanted a dog, but it's obvious as to why I don't have one. Maybe when I travel I'll get one.

I spotted a single cat sitting on a brick wall. The purr it gave when I scratched under its chin betrayed the glare on it's face. Cats have always confused me.

I admired the vines growing on the side of an old house. It's been abandoned since its old resident moved away. He was a very kind man who didn't mind me at all. In fact he would invite my mom and me to dinner often. I do miss him, but he just up and disappeared one day.

I continued on my way and eventually arrived at the Monoma household. I grunted as I received a harsh shove, making me fall back.

This is going better than expected.

Words-850-(without author's note)
Words-871-(with author's note)

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