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Midoriya's POV

That was five years ago. Five years without Kacchan, five years without true happiness, but that's okay. I'll always remember him.

In fact, I remember our last meeting clearly.


The four of us followed Kirishima as he led us back up the steps and away from the strange room. From there we went through and across several hallways. When we finally reached the familiarly huge doors of the throne room, I could already see a very red looking trail leading into it.

I quickened my steps, but froze when I entered the room. There was blood and bodies strewn everywhere across the once regal looking room. No matter where I looked, there was some type of gore, but the worst of all was Kacchan. He was laying motionless in the center of the room in a puddle of blood that I hoped wasn't his.

I quickly ran to him, not caring about my previously injured and currently throbbing ankle.

"K-Kacchan?" I asked looking at his face. He opened his eyes a little and reached his hand out to my face.

"Deku... we did it... we rid this fucking palace of evil..." He weakly stated. Tears were beginning to fill my eyes. This wasn't how I wanted to lose him. Hell, I didn't even want to lose him in the first place.

"W-we could get you s-some help. U-Uraraka or Sh-Shinso could use thei-" He cut me off.

"No," he said in a somehow stronger voice, " Deku... I lov-" His voice cut out and he went limp.


I remember how I had cried for him to come back, how I had refused to leave his lifeless and cold body, I remember it all. I'll never be able to forget that night, but that's ok. I don't want to forget it anyways...

My days are now spent on a lush mountain top with most of my friends. Even the dragons decided to stay.

I knew this is where Kacchan wanted us all to be, together. I know because he told me, so I made it happen. After everything we've been through as a group, mostly everyone agreed. They said they couldn't imagine life without each other and I couldn't agree more.

Everyone is up to things nowadays. Tokoyami had managed to woo Tsu and was convinced to live here, Kaminari and Jirou promised to come here when they finish their world voyage, Uraraka and Iida got married, Shinso and Todoroki took control of their kingdom's and the dragons laid eggs so now there're baby dragons, three to be exact.

Everyone was really happy. I was too, but it wasn't the same. It won't be until I get my wish. I wished for Kacchan to be here with me.

It's my one and only true wish to be able to hold him again, to be able to see his wonderfully angry eyes and to hear his supposedly offensive nicknames for everybody. It would be my only wish for forever and ever, but it will never come true.

From time to time, I can almost feel him. I feel like he's right there sitting and watching the stars beside me. It could just be a phantom memory from those nights we'd keep watch in the forest together, but I don't care. It's like he's right beside me and is telling to tell me everything is fine. It brings me comfort.

Comfort on the fact that I know I won't be forgetting Kacchan any time soon. I know I'll remember him for the rest of the time I walk this Earth. I won't ever forget his shining eyes, his spiky ash blonde hair or his goofy smile he only used around me.

Everything is fine by me, I don't want to not be able to remember those aspects of him. If I do, then I'll never forgive myself.

But do you know what I really don't want to forget? I NEVER want to forget about the adventure that lead me through his heart.

I think that wraps it up. I know their relationship didn't seem strong and there's probably a ton of unanswered questions, so ask them here!

Just want to say, thank you for reading!

Words-718-(with author's notes)
Words-forgot-(without authors notes)

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