Project BakuDeku

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Uraraka's POV

It took an entire day to convince Jirou, but Tsu managed to do it. We have about five and a half days left to complete our plan.

We talked and talked about everything we would need to know. Jirou surprisingly came up with our project name. We call it, Project BakuDeku!

I don't even know how she came up with that so fast. Does she secretly ship people?

"We need to scope things out first! We know how Bakugou is, but I'm gonna go chat with Deku. He'll tell me everything we need to know." I confidently stated while standing up. They nodded, so I walked to the sleeping area. Deku was sitting and looking at a gem necklace.

"Hello Deku!" He jolted at the sound of my voice.

"Oh hello Uraraka, you scared me!" He said while putting the necklace back on.

"Where did you get that necklace? It's really pretty." I decided to sit next to him on the bed. He grabbed it and held it the gem in his hands.

"It was my mom's." He said in a sad tone. This conversation is not going where I wanted it too, but I'll turn it around!

"Oh, I'm sorry. But you know, Bakugou has been acting funny for awhile. Did something happen?" He blushed at this.

"Well... We did kiss. B-but we aren't dating! We haven't made it official or anything, so we aren't!" He says this, but I know he already secretly does think of them as something. Cute, now I have the info we need.

"Thanks Deku, this is all I need to know." I smirked at these findings and began walking away and up the stairs.

"Wait, what are you doing?" I just ignored him. He couldn't follow me unless he wants to anger Bakugou by getting up before he's completely healed.

I walked back to my girls. "They kissed." They all nodded in approval.

"They got this far, so now we set a romantic dinner for them." Mina said with a dreamy voice. She was definitely on to something.

"We can do that, but we need to get Deku out of there first. He's probably so bored and we need time to set up." I said thinking about how boring it must be to sit there with little human interaction.

"Jirou and I can go and talk to Kaminari, kero. We can get him to help." Tsu said. With us all adding onto the idea, we can make this happen!

Bakugou's POV

The girl extras have been acting off for a few days now. We have about two days left until we reach the Kingdom and Deku is finally healed enough to walk around the deck.

I haven't been able to look him in the eyes without blushing since our kiss. We both know we need to talk about our feelings, but we both seem to avoid it at all costs. I'm not ready to mess anything up, so I'm waiting for the perfect moment.

"Deku, you need to be careful. Don't reopen your wound and and don't put too much weight on that ankle." I said while looking at his gem necklace. It's super pretty and compliments his eyes.

"I know Kacchan." He said while getting the help of Raccoon Eyes to stand. She carried him onto the deck and dropped him by Dumb Hair and Dumber Hair. Great, now it's going to be awkward.

Midoriya's POV

I was glad to be out of there. It got stuffy and lonely and I just wanted to see the water, not just hear it.

After getting a reminder from Kacchan, Mina so kindly helped me get to my destination. I didn't even know where that was until she let me be by Kirishima and Tetsutetsu. I saw Kacchan walk up, so this won't be too scary.

I looked around and saw that both the girls and Kaminari all seemed to be absent. Maybe they decided to clean up a bit?

Kirishima started up a conversation about the Kingdom we are heading to. He talked about the King, Queen, their daughter and missing son. Where was that poor boy?

~Timeskip to sundown~

I saw the missing people come from below deck. They looked really happy and pumped up about something. Should I be scared?

Mina silently walked back over and picked me up. She didn't guide me, no she actually picked me up. Bridal style to be exact.

I squeaked and tried asking her what she was doing, but she just kept walking with a smirk. Everyone else stood back and watched. Kacchan seemed to come out of his shock and followed right behind us. He also asked what she was doing, but was ignored as well.

She walked back below deck. I thought I was finished with this place for a while. I did not plan on coming back so soon. I was planning to sleep on the stairs or deck.

She walked into a different room than where I was and I let out a gasp. Where there were once most likely more beds, was now a table with food on it. The food consisted of fish and some fruits and veggies. They somehow must have stayed fresh.

Mina sat me on one of the chairs and left. Kacchan was still standing by the door, but eventually came to sit in front of me.

"Kacchan, do you think they did this so we could talk our feelings out?" I asked while avoiding his gaze.

"Obviously. Why else would they have done all of this?" He motioned at the table full of mouth watering food. His voice didn't contain its usual growl. It wasn't as rough and by Kacchan standards, it was considered soft.

I blushed, said thank you for the food and began eating the fish that was obviously cooked by one of our dragon friends. This is thoughtful, but dangerous. Who in their right mind would light a fire on a mostly wooden boat?

The silence was broken by a question that we have been avoiding for a long few days.

"Deku, what are we?" Kacchan's softer voice asked.

"We could be d-dating. But th-that's only if you want to though!" I stuttered out and began mumbling about random nonsense.

"Ok," Was his simple reply before he walked around the table and gave me a kiss, this one more passionate than the last two.

Ew, romance

Nah, just kidding, but developing the plot and their relationship is hard. I'm on chapter 23, the book is almost over and I'm just now getting them together, smh.

Words-1076-(without author's notes)
Words-1117-(with author's notes)

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